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Simon's P.O.V.

"Come on Simon, why don't you come here and help?" Josh said grabbing my hands and pulling me up.

"Sorry, Liam text me." I said smiling as he pulled me up.

We were almost touching noses. He was so close to my face. I felt butterflies start to form in my stomach as he looked me in the eyes. He was truly beautiful.

"Josh! Can you come here and help me?!" Freya yelled as Josh looked that way and the back at me.

He looked me in the eyes as I looked down at his lips and back up at him. He was fully concentrating on me. He was beautiful. I could feel the warmth from his brown eyes. I felt safe. He is like no one else.

"Yeah, sure coming." He said as he then walked away from me.

He looked back at me as I could feel my heart throb. He then turned the other way as Tobi called me over.

"Yeah, sure I'm coming." I said as I walked over to Tobi who picked up one of the vest.

"What's up?" I asked as he showed me the vest.

"You should try it on." He said as I just looked at him and then the vest and snatched it from his hand.

I went into the changing room and took of my clothing. Slowly I put on the white button up and buttoned up each one. I then put on the vest and then the black coat. Putting on my pants and the dress shoes.

I literally look like an idiot. I hate this. I absolutely hate this. I love Josh and I love Freya. I just don't love them together. I know Josh could be so much happier with me.

I walked out as Josh walked back into the room.

"Wow, you look, just wow." He said as Tobi turned my way.

"Yeah, I like that vest." Tobi said as Freya walked in with her friend.

"Emily, can you stand next to Simon." She said as her friend came over and wrapped her arm around mine.

"What do you think?" Freya asked Josh as he looked away from me and then at Freya.

"I think that maybe we shouldn't have a best for the guys. Maybe we should have a lilac button up?" Josh said going up to me.

"Then we can have a tie too." He said as I nodded.

"Yeah, I feel like an idiot in this." I said making Josh laugh.

I then went back into the changing room and changed into the new outfit.

I walked out as Josh just smiled.

"Now see that looks good." He said as he walked me over next to Emily again.

"I love it

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"I love it." Freya said running up to Josh as he turned around and grabbed her.

He then kissed her and I imagined what it would be like. To kiss Josh.

"Okay, how many dresses and suits will you need." The man asked as Freya and Josh walked out of the room and to the counter.

I went back into the changing room and got out of my suit.

"Hey Simon, I know this may be a little hard. But you need to stay strong. Also, who is Liam?" He asked making me laugh.

"I'm fine Tobi, Liam was a waiter. He gave me his number and I decided to text him this morning. Don't worry about the Josh thing, I am going to get over him." I said as I walked out and he just smiled.

"Just remember that I am here for you." He said as we walked out and walked out of the room.

Tobi and I decided to go to the car and wait for Josh. He slowly came out and went into the car.

"That wasn't that bad. Right?" Josh asked making Tobi and I laugh.

"It was fine. I just want to go home." I said as he started to drive home.


I ran upstairs and sat on my bed and started to text Liam.

Simon: hey!

Liam: hey I didn't think you were going to answer

Simon: and why is that?

Liam: I don't know I text you about an hour ago

Simon: oh yeah I was trying on suits for my friend's wedding

Liam: did you take pictures?

Simon: no, sorry

Liam: :,( that's okay, what are you doing?

Simon: just sitting on my bed, what about you?

Liam: I was just about to go on a hike with Emma

Simon: your girlfriend?

Liam: now Simon, why would I be texting you if I had a girlfriend?

Simon: Idk

Liam: XD no she is my cat we go hiking together. You should join us

Simon: well first off you are going to have to send me a picture of you and Emma hiking


Simon: okay fine, I'm only going hiking with you because that is completely adorable

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Simon: okay fine, I'm only going hiking with you because that is completely adorable

Liam: yeah :D, give me your address and I'll pick you up in about thirty

Simon: *an address* see you soon!

I then got up and looked around my room for anything that would be good for hiking. I'm so excited!

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