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Josh's P.O.V.

I got on the plane and waited for take off.

What am I going to say? What am I going to do? I can't just walk up to him. I have to do something special, because he's special. He means the universe to me and I have to show him that. But how? How do I show him how much he means to me?

The plane started to go and I felt my stomach fill with butterflies and my spine start to have a tingling feeling. I am so close but so far. So close to the love of my life.


We had finally landed and I was beyond excited. But somehow I was also scared. What if he doesn't except me? What if he is mad that I left? What if he doesn't love me? What if this all just falls and our friendship is ruined?

I got to the baggage claim, picking up my luggage and then going out to get a taxi to drive me home.

As I got into the taxi, everything became so surreal, this is all actually happening, I am going to admit my love towards Simon. He is my everything and I have to be brave.

We soon rolled towards the house as I looked up the driveway. It was raining, which was weird, and I could barely see anything because it was night. I got out of the taxi handing him the money as I walked up the drive way. It felt like the longest walk of my life. I soon got to the door and knocked as I waited for someone to appear.

"Hello? Oh my god." Tobi said as he opened he door hugging me even though I was soaking wet.

"Come inside." Vik said laughing as Tobi let go so I could walk in.

"Where's Simon?" I said as they all just smiled and laugh.

"He has a surprise for you, go to your room." JJ said weirdly which kind of freaked me out but I followed his instructions.

As I walked into my room I looked around for anything suspicious as I saw a daisy with a note that had a poem:

My Daisy, by your love

My daisy
Can make me smile

My daisy
Can make me laugh

My daisy
Can make me queasy

My daisy
Can make me fall in love

My daisy
Is my sunshine

My daisy
Is my life

My daisy
Is my Joshua

My daisy
Is in my room

I ran up to Simon's room as fast as I could to his window open and nothing else. I ran up to the window and saw a note stuck on the frame:

Looking Glass, by your love

As you were gone
I looked through this glass

Imagining what you were doing
As I looked through this glass

I dreamt of what it would be like with you
As I looked through this glass

I looked through the window to see the boy, the boy who made me smile when I didn't know it was possible. The boy I spent most of my day with and somehow never got annoyed by. The boy who I wanted to cuddle. The boy who I love more than anyone.

I ran downstairs passing everyone as they called for me. Only one person on my mind and that was Simon. I got out to the garden and saw him sitting on the grass in the rain. He was truly beautiful. I sat down and put my hand on top of his.

He just looked at me with his shining blue eyes. The eyes that use to make me feel uneasy, but now just made me smile. They were beautiful. I looked down to see him smile as his beautiful simple shows up on his cheek. I looked at his little button nose that I always just wanted to poke. I looked back up into his eyes as I saw they were full of tears.

I just grabbed and held him in the silence. We soon separated as he grabbed my hand and brought me up off of the ground. We both just looked each other in the eyes as we held onto each other's hand.

"Why did you come back?" He said breaking the silence.

His voice was cracking as if he was crying, which had made me break inside.

"Because I realized that I made the biggest mistake of my whole entire life. I lied to myself, telling myself that I was in love with Freya, while truly the one person I loved most was the person I was trying to ignore, so that I could try and love Freya. That's you Simon, you are the person I love most, you are the person that makes my head go dizzy. You make me feel uneasy, but in a good way. Coming back home was the scariest by most exciting moment of my life. Because I got to come back to you. I was scared, because I felt as if you were going to reject me and that is what scared me the most, losing you." I said looking down at the ground unable to look him in the eyes, afraid of rejection.

He grabbed my chin and made me look up at him. He looked me in the eyes and just rubbed his thumb on my chin.

"Don't look down, look up at me. Don't be afraid, because I'm not going to reject you. I know what had happened was stupid and we both made mistakes, but now we are here, together. This is all I could've ever want." He said as he then started to come closer to my lips and so did I.

Our lips touching and it all felt perfect. It had felt like we were the only two in this whole entire universe and I couldn't be happier.

He wrapped his arms around my neck as I wrapped my arms around his waist. We pulled away as the rain kept hitting us, but we just put our foreheads together and somehow even though we were in the freezing cold rain, I felt warm and safe when in his embrace.

"I love you Simon." Was all I could say at that moment in time.

"I love you too Josh, I love you too."

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