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Q&A: Hey, What's up, Hello (I wasn't sure where to post this, so I'm very sorry if you thought that it was gonna be a story but heyyyy this is gonna be fun)

Tagged by: DragonFlyJauregui  to answer these questions with rules:

1. Must post ALL rules
2. Have to answer ALL 13 questions & make up 13 questions for 13 people
3. You HAVE TO tag 13 people
4. You can't say "I don't do tags"
5. You have a week to answer the questions
6. Must be creative with the title

Questions from DragonFlyJauregui :

1. Who from 5H do you think you are most like (personality wise) and why?
• okay I'm not sure if I am gonna be right with this answer merely because I believe that I am a mix of all the girls' personalities. But for the sake of this, I think I would be more close to Camila's personality at the moment.
2. 2 things in your bucket list:
• So I have quite a few bucket list but in my own personal one it will be:
> To travel the world before the age of 30 (I know that's kinda out there but yeah)
> To be married by the age of 24 (I'm fucked up, I'm turning 20)
3. Favourite place(s) to travel or want to travel to:
• Spain, I seriously wanna go there but also Paris, Italy, Thailand, Hawaii, America, London - I have dreams people and some partner hunting to do.
4. Are you still in High School or in College?
I just graduated from High School aka The Hell Hole where I came from, last year and at the moment I'm just working to go to college next year to start my Interior Design course.
5. 5 things about you - that you like about yourself and/or no one knows about:
okay those 5 things are:
> I have really, really brown eyes which is not typical for a Filipino like me
> I used to hate my hair but I don't know, I like it now
> I love my butt - LOL don't judge me, I like to make myself feel a little better about how I look
> My thighs aren't that thick but I reckon it's in pretty good shape now unlike before, I hated my thighs I really thought they were too big before
> I sometimes like my personality and the way I treat people that has an impact in my life but that can get a little out of control so I sometimes hate it too
6. Which continent do you stay in?
The Australian and Oceania continent - where the girls rarely have their concerts.
7. What is you favourite thing about where you're from/live?
I don't know, probably just like how there's like a lot of culture here so there's a lot of choices when it comes to food.
8. Tea or coffee?
Coffee but tea can be an exception if I'm either sick or it's iced.
9. Who is your favourite person (can be famous or not)?
This is not a question to me anymore to be honest, ever since I discovered Fifth Harmony and Lauren Jauregui stood out, BAM! There it is, my favourite human being on this planet.
10. Apple Music or Spotify?
Spotify, I didn't know people used Apple Music, I thought it was just a stupid thing that Apple does to get people to pay.
11. What songs are you currently listening to?
At the moment it ranges from Beyoncé to Drake to One Direction to Rihanna to Fifth Harmony, there's really no in between to my song choices right now.
12. Fashion icon:
Umm, I mostly just wear black or what I see from the girls' outfit choices, I tend to copy all 5 of them.
13. Most favourite/memorable moment:
• I hate questions like this, this is when my brain just goes blank on me. I guess when we do this thing with my friends where we ride this ride during this festival thing here in Melbourne every February and I just cry on it every year because I hate heights and they always drag me in it. Like this year I was so scared that I started yelling that I'm gay (I'm bi but not that much people know about it) and crying at the same time while holding on so tight on my friend's hand. My friends were laughing at me.


1. Favourite fan fiction you have read:
2. What was your first impression of Fifth Harmony?
3. One word to describe school:
4. What are your top 5 favourite songs?
5. Cats or Dogs?
6. What do you think about 7/27?
7. Do you have any fear? If so what is it?
8. 3 words to describe each member of Fifth Harmony:
9. What feature do you think stands out the most about yourself?
10. Favourite Disney movie of all time:
11. If you write stories, which one would you recommend to people to read if not, which fan fiction would you recommend for people to read?
12. Have you ever been attached to a TV show or a book (wattpad stories count as well)?
13. Ultimate goal that you would like to achieve:

13 people that needs to answer my questions:

1. ddlovatolover
2. deeyohs
3. CamilaCabello_97
4. CamrenForEternity
5. CheskaMelgarejo
6. eatmeregui
7. HawaiianJauregui
8. itsforcamren
9. Jauregaycabello
10. Laurens_Nutella
11. mycamrenfeels1
12. RiyaLJCC9697

Enjoy nuggets, hope you guys learnt something about me - LOL

- j xo

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