chapter fourteen

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It isn't made public, but the club has an annual gala as the end of the season approaches. Ever since arriving at the club, I had always taken Emily. This year, I had nobody. David said that he knew a girl I could go with, but I said no. I knew it then that I would be paying attention to Sara and Sara only, so I didn't want to seem like a jerk.

I sighed heavily before stepping out of my car and walking into the venue.

I think it was obvious that I wasn't in the best of moods that night. The end of season gala was supposed to be celebratory - but with the league secured by Arsenal, I couldn't find anything worth celebrating. And small bonus, no date.

Most lads had brought dates. So, there I was, Sergio Agüero, the stupidest man alive, standing there with no date. It was worse than it sounds, honestly.

As expected, Sara and Mark were there. Mark had become quite popular among the boys (they still liked Sara more, of course). I'm not gonna lie, Mark was a pretty alright lad.

It was going well at first. I spent most of my time with David or Joe, chatting the night away. But then the slow dances came. And you can say I succumbed to the pressure. And I walked over to their side of the room.

"Excuse me?" I said. Sara and her boyfriend smiled at me.

"Hey, Sergio," she said, "I don't think I've introduced you to my boyfriend yet."

"I don't think so, either," her boyfriend chimed in.

She chuckled, "Mark, this is Sergio - but, you already know that. Sergio, this is Mark."

"Hello," I said awkwardly.

Mark shook my hand, "Very huge fan of yours."

"You are a football fan?" I asked.

"A big one, yes," he said. "Please try stay fit, no?"

The three of us started laughing, "I try my hardest, sir."

"I would imagine so," Mark nodded, adjusting his glasses.

"Um, Mark," I asked nervously, "will you mind if I... if I ask Sara to dance with me?"

"How could I deny Sergio Agüero of anything?" he laughed, "I've no objections, Sergio. The decision is all hers."

Sara bit her lip and tucked her hair behind her ear, making me gulp nervously. I used to see her do that all the time.

"Are you sure?" Sara turned to her boyfriend, "I mean - "

"Completely sure, Sara," he kissed her cheek and whispered something I couldn't make out.

Sara then looked back at me, "Just one song, Sergio."

I grinned widely. "I'm honoured." I held out my hand, but she was reluctant to take it. When she did, I led her to the centre of the room.

I placed my hand on her hip, and she placed hers on my shoulder. Our other hands touched, and we both started to move.

"You look beautiful tonight," I said casually.

"You're not so bad yourself," she gulped.

We swayed a little without saying a word. Then I couldn't help it anymore.

"I'm sorry."

She looked up at me. "Sergio, not now."

"Then when?" I asked.

"Never," she said. "I honestly don't give a damn about how you feel about me anymore. Keep the sorry's to yourself."

"Can't I apologise at least?" I begged. "I feel like crap and I need to talk to you."


"I'm sorry," I pleaded. "I don't know what I was thinking then, but I regret every single one of my actions, Sara. I miss you."

"No, you don't," she shook her head.

"I do," I insisted.

She let go of my hand, "You know what? You can stop right there."

"Sara - "

"I'm sorry, Sergio, but as much as you might want it, things will never be the way they used to be."

"I know - "

"I - I need to get back to Mark, Serg," she wiped a tear. "Have - have a good night."

She walked away. I was empty.


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