Chapter Six

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***Author's note **** I'm so happy that people are actually reaing this story, it makes me feel all mushy on the inside, because I honestly thought it was crAp :P. So thanks again, folks :) Now to the story. . .

Bucky felt his heart leap up into his throat.
No no no no no. he thought to himself. He wished that his eyes would snap open and he would find that it was all a bad dream.

This can't be happening, he thought. He couldn't loose Steve like this. He couldn't stand in a church and watch his best friend get married to Sharon Carter while he wished that it was him repeating vows to Steve instead of her.

Tears threatened to bleed out of his eyes as he fought to keep them down. He managed a small smile at his friend and squeaked, "That's great, pal. "

Steve burst into a smile and patted Bucky on the shoulder. "I knew you'd think so! She's just so great, and I honestly can't think of a better way to-"

Bucky wasn't listening anymore. Tell him, he willed himself.
No, he'll hate you. He'll never look you in the eyes again, knowing what you think of him. He'll be disgusted.

The brunette looked back up at Steve and peered into the other man's eyes.

"I love her, Bucky. " Steve said, sighing happily.

Bucky forced a grin and a nod. "I know ya do. "

Steve smiled again. "Ya wanna help me pick out an engagement ring? " He asked.

Absolutely not, Bucky immediately thought.
He might be able to lie to Steve's face about how he felt, but helping him prepare for a wedding that wasn't for the two of them would drive Bucky over the edge.

Bucky faked a laugh. "I don't know nothing about rings, pal. Ask Stark or something. "

Steve nodded. "I guess you're right, I'll call him and we can go ring shopping. You sure you don't want to come along? "

"Ring shopping is not one of my many specialties, Stevie. I'll find something else to do. "

Steve smiled, understanding. "Hey, maybe you could hang out with Natasha. Want me to call her? "

Bucky thought for a second, then nodded. He liked Natasha. Steve had convinced the two of them to go on a few dates when they first met, but if anyone saw right through Bucky's facade about his feelings for Steve, it was Natasha. It was probably ridiculously obvious back then.

Bucky knew that his gaze would linger on Steve more than a normal friend's would, that whenever him and Steve would go for a workout, he would be out of breath not from the workout, but the way Steve looked while doing workout.

"Great, I'll call her. " Steve said as he began dialing Natasha's number on his phone.

About an hour and a half later, Steve was about to head out the door with Tony, and Natasha had just gotten there. She popped a disk into the DVD player, made herself a bowl of popcorn and sprawled out on the sofa.

"OK Buck, Tony and I are going Now. " Steve said as he put his shoes on.

Bucky smiled a little. "Okay, I'll be here babysitting Natasha. "

Natasha threw a piece of popcorn at him for that. "Shut up, Barnes. " she said through a mouth full of buttery goodness.

Two minutes later, Tony and Steve were out the door, and Bucky was sitting in an armchair and Natasha was on the sofa, watching some Disney movie.

Bucky watched the screen, but didn't pay much attention to the film. He was lost in sad thoughts about Steve.

"Bucky, I didn't stop dating you so you could follow Rogers around like a love sick puppy. " Natasha said suddenly.

Bucky's mouth went slack. "What do you mean? "

The redhead rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean. You're hopelessly in love with Steve, and now he's getting married to Sharon, which is super weird, with her being his ex girlfriend's niece, but whatever. "

Bucky shook his head, at a loss for words.

She turned and faced Bucky. "You need to tell him. "

The man shook his head again, and whispered. "I don't think I can. He's so in love with her, and I-I just. . . "

Now Natasha shook her head. "He thinks he's in love with Sharon, Bucky. He has feelings for you, but doesn't think you feel the same way, so he convinced himself that he loves her. "

Bucky looked down and sighed, emotional all over again. "How would I even tell him? " he asked quietly, his voice cracking.

Natasha placed his hand over Bucky's. "Just try spending time with him. Like a date, except don't let him think it's a date. Do all the things you two used to do together and remind him of what you had. It'll help, I promise. " She smiled softly at him. "I don't want to see you hurting, James. "

Bucky placed his metal hand over hers, and leaned over and gave Natasha a soft kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Natalia. " Then he chuckled. "If I still liked girls, I would most definitely like you. "

The woman smiled and shrugged. "What we had. . . It was good while it was there. But what you and Steve could have," she winked at him. "What you two could have could be much better. "

Bucky blushed as he took a handful of popcorn out of Natasha's bowl. "Well are we going to watch this movie or not? " He asked, his mouth full.

Natasha smiled at him as she got herself comfy again on the couch.

And for the first time in a few weeks, Bucky let his mind drift away from Steve and enjoyed the movie.

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