Chapter Fifteen

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A/N I feel like a lot more people are reading this story and my stucky One shots, and it legitimately makes me so happy! Seriously, thank you guys so much.

"So you think he's in Brooklyn? " Steve asked Natasha over the phone as he went for his morning run of few miles.

"It would make sense, " the Black Widow answered him.

"He was spotted on a security camera at a Gas Station a few miles into Brooklyn the first time he ran off. It's possible that he did the same. I also asked the bus driver at the stop that's closest to your apartment. Showed her a photo, said she recognized him. He stayed rode until Boston. "

Steve nodded his head as she spoke, then remembered that she couldn't see him over the phone. "But how would we find him in Brooklyn? "

"Is there anywhere that you can remember being specifically significant to the two of you?"

"We went to alot of places together. I don't recall one being more special than the other. " He blushed, thinking about how intimate that the words had sounded.

If Natasha had thought so herself, she didn't say.

"Hey, Nat? "

"Hm? "

Steve took a deep breath, wondering how much he should tell her, then said, "Buck kissed me. The night before he left, we went to a carnival and he. . . He just. . ." He was suddenly having trouble speaking, and it wasn't because he had been running for over an hour.

Natasha didn't answer at first. She was silent, then let out a sigh. "For as long as you've been in the 21st century, you're still ridiculously naive. "

"Wait, you knew? " His voice rose in disbelief.

"Obviously. I basically know everything. "

"But it doesn't bother you? Since you two were together for a while? "

Natasha let out a short laugh. "You've got to understand that there is nothing better in the world than watching two men kiss. "

Now Steve was blushing a deep shade of crimson.

"Look, I'll find out everything I can about where Barnes is at and tell you immediately if I get something. I have the feeling he's in Brooklyn. Right Now someone's at my door, so I gotta go. "

Steve let out a sigh. "Okay. Thank you, Natasha. I really do appreciate it. "

"Don't mention it. Like seriously, don't. It'll sound really lame that I'm helping Captain America find his boyfriend. "

The man laughed as he blushed even deeper. "I won't mention it, then. "

"Good. Gotta go. "

The line went dead.

Steve sighed as he made his way back to his apartment.

Would Bucky really be in Brooklyn?

All Steve could do is hope.

**Natasha's PoV**

Natasha didn't like it when people knocked on her door.

It made her fighting instincts snap into consciousness, it made her nerves do somersaults, and it caused her heart to thump like the foot of a jackrabbit.

So as you might suspect, when Natasha was just lazing around her temporary apartment in southern D. C.- she was thinking about moving to Arizona for a few months next - and a knock sounded on her door, she was immediately uneasy.

Steve would always just walk in, or maybe hide behind her sofa until she called out, "There's no fooling me, Rogers. Get out here. "

It was a bit of a game that the two played.

She would show up at his apartment and just let herself in with the help of her lock picking skills, and make herself a bowl of pasta or watch television while he did God knows what a 90 but kind of 30 year old man did around town.

Natasha knew it wasn't Steve at her door.

Stark never visited her.

The two were friend's, but had an odd relationship. House stops weren't something that ever occurred.

Clint was with his family on the farm, and he also just let himself in.

The woman tried to calm her nerves down as she paced silently in front of the door, contemplating whether she should open it or not.

Natasha took a deep breath, telling herself that even if it was a threat, she was more than capable of taking care of herself.

Slowly, she turned the brass knob and creaked open the door.

Letting out a sigh of relief, she forced a tiny smile as she saw a familiar face.

"I was about to leave, I thought you weren't ever going to answer!" Sharon Carter giggled as she stood in Natasha's door frame.

The Black Widow stretched her fake smile. "I was just a little busy. " She placed one hand on the door frame, clenching it with an iron grip.

Natasha knew something wasn't right.

It never felt right with Sharon, even before she found out that the woman was Peggy Carter's neice, Natasha didn't like her.
She could sense that she was hiding secrets.
Natasha didn't trust people who had secrets.

Even if she was one of the few that had dozens of them.

Sharon's smile faltered as she realized that Natasha wasn't making any effort to invite her into her apartment.

Natasha stepped back slowly, making for room for the other woman to enter her apartment. "How rude of me. " she said with fake sincerity, her voice like steel. "Won't you come in? "

Sharon grinned as she stepped inside.

Natasha took a deep breath as she closed the apartment door.

Right as it shut, Sharon Carter pushed the cold metal that Natasha instantly recognized as the end of a gun to her neck.

A/N Another author's Nate, because I'd like to know if you guys think I should so another flashback scene, similar to the one at the very beginning of the story? Comment and let me know! <3

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