Chapter Nine

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A/N Ugh I'm so bored, I might as well update again.

Hours after falling into his slumber, Bucky's eyes flew open. He turned on the bedside lamp, squinting through the sudden surge of light, and looked at the clock.
It was seventeen minutes after two in the morning.

Bucky rolled out of the comfy bed, reluctant to leave it's warmth.

Maybe I shouldn't go. . . he wondered silently to himself.

He shook his head, I kissed Steve. There's no way he wants me around now.

The man sighed sadly to himself as he pulled on his clothes that lay in a pile beside his bed.

Being as quiet as he could, he walked over to the closet and retrieved an old baseball cap.

Pulling his hair out of what remained of the pony tail that Natasha had put in, he placed the hat on his head, his hair messy from his slumber.

Bucky picked the backpack full of what he would have to live off of for now off the floor, he shrugged it over his shoulder. Then he picked up the pillowcase stuffed with the blanket and held it in his fist.

Cursing as he tried to quietly open the bedroom door- he failed- the door squeaking quietly behind him, Bucky slowly exited the bedroom.

He walked silently into the kitchen where he picked up the notebook that Steve used for grocery lists, found a pencil, and began to write.


I'm sorry for all the unnecessary trouble of caused you. Should've known better than to try to live with you, it's just stressful for us both. Thank you for all that you've done for me, and I hope you have a great life with Sharon. She's a lucky woman.

Til the end of the line,


Though short, the note came out more heartfelt than Bucky had meant. He sighed as he placed it on the counter.

Bucky began to walk towards the front door then stopped.

He cursed under his breath.

He needed money.

The man quickly tried to think of a solution that didn't involve stealing from Steve. However, he came up with nothing.

Bucky sighed once more as he quietly made his way towards Steve's bedroom.

He creaked open the door to hear a voice.

Bucky froze.

It wasn't Steve's voice.

He then noticed the faint blue light that shone from the left corner of the room.

The television, he thought to himself, feeling stupid.

He opened the door up all the way, slowly, quietly.

His eyes found the television on, as well as the bedside lamp, and a sleeping Steve sprawled out on the bed.

The bed was still perfectly made besides a few wrinkles here and there, so Bucky concluded that Steve was up late, then fell asleep like that.

And he knew Steve didn't like to watch television much.

Steve lay in top of the comforter, all his clothes from the previous night still on except for his shirt.

Bucky tried not to shamelessly stare at Captain America's toned chest.

He blushed, clearly distracted, as he quickly as possible walked over to the nightstand, where he knew Steve had a little money stash.

"If you ever need, or even want anything Buck, just help yourself." Steve had said, smiling at him.

Bucky never did take any, of course.

He would never take anything that was Steve's.

But now, he felt that leaving would be doing Steve a favor, so he helped himself to thirty dollars that sat underneath a photo album packed full of pictures of Sharon Carter.

He turned his head as he took the money and looked at Steve.

Bucky hesitantly leaned over his friend's sleeping body, and allowed his lips to lightly kiss the other man's forehead.

"Til the end of the line, pal. " He barely whispered.

Taking one last glance at his friend, Bucky exited the bedroom and then Steve Rogers' apartment.

A/N Yes, I know it's short, but I'll keep em coming. The pic is just so adorable I had to use it. And sidenote: WHO ELSE CRIES THINKING ABOUT BUCLY BEING WARM AND SNUGGLY IN A BED BECAUSE I SURE DO okay that's all

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