Chapter Fourteen

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Even if he could shoot the dead center of a target, throw a punch like no other, and eat three pans of lasagna a day, Bucky was still awful at directions.

So as he sat on the bus, he couldn't determine where he was headed.

North, maybe to Chicago?

Maybe going more southern, to Tennessee?

He couldn't determine it for the life of him.

So he sat on the bus, peering out the window, looking for clues that would tell him where he was headed.

However, at the same time, a different part of Bucky wasn't sure if he wanted to know where he would end up.

He would Just know when he was at the right place.

So, a couple miles down the road, when he saw the familiar green of a sign that would tell the nearby cities but was still too far away to read, he found himself clenching his eyes shut until he was certain that the bus had left the sign behind.

Making up his mind that he didn't want to know where he was going, Bucky continued that system.

The landscape did change as he went on his way, the trees grew in height and quantity.

It felt vaguely familiar to Bucky, but he wasn't sure why.

He tapped his metal fingers impatiently on the widowsil, wondering when he would get to this place.

The view outside gradually become more clouded with billboards and tall, shiny buildings.

Nothing like I remember from back then, Bucky thought, envisioning what he remembered from the towns of his past. No billboards, and the buildings that were tall sure weren't shiny, but made out of practical stones rather than expensive metals.

The view from his window of the outside became more and more populated as the bus down along, interstates began to turn into ramps crossing over bridges until the roads all seemed to cross over each other.

Bucky's eyes widened as a sign came into view with brightly painted letters.

His jaw dropped slightly as his eyed flicked over the words, now knowing why everything felt like a flashback.

'Welcome to Brooklyn! '

****Steve's POV ****

The walls didn't change, no matter how long he stared at them.

Same beige color, same wooden frames that held photographs, both from this century and not, same white trim around the bulletproof glass windows.

Steve almost expected them to change, to shift slightly or the color of the walls to perhaps darken.

But the walls remained the same.

Even after staring at them for two hours.

He had called all the SHIELD services, hoping that one of them would have news on Bucky.


He had asked Natasha numerous times if anything new popped up.

She just shook her head.

It was like his friend has literally vanished.

The first time Bucky had left, after realizing that he must have been at some point an actual person, and that Steve had been significant in that person's life, there had at least been traces of him here and there.

Never lasting long, but every so often a security camera at a Gas Station or a bus stop would caught a glimpse of what looked like the Winter Soldier's profile.

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