3- Another Battle

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Matthew's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm which I set to wake me up a few minutes earlier than I need to be up. That way, both Matai and I can be on time for work and school. I got up, did my morning routine and then went to get breakfast ready before waking up Matai. I was making eggs and toast with bacon which he loves.

I got done with breakfast then I went back to the room to get my baby boy up and ready for school. I know he would be grumpy at first, but after his shower he will be excited because it is Thursday and he has no school on Friday because of an important function for teachers. I was worried about it because that meant trying to find someone for him to stay with on Friday.

I was helping him with his shower and after drying him off he finally decided to ask me the question.

"Dad, can I go to work with you on Friday. I promise to be good and behave."

He was giving me the puppy eyes that I found hard to resist. I had to toughen up because I don't wanna make promises I can't keep.

"Baby boy we will see about that when I get home from work later and you get home from school" I told him which was true. I was was planning to ask my supervisor at work if he could stay in the staff lounge and play with his toys and books for the day.

We got dressed and ate our breakfast before we were out the door to get the bus. I got off the bus at his school then I took my prince to his class and spoke to the teacher briefly. She told me he was doing extremely well in school which made me proud. I gave him a little kiss on the forehead as a goodbye then I went to work which was just walking distance away. I was close to work when I got a text; I opened the message and saw that it was from my uncle.

"Hey Matthew, I heard what happened and just to let you know that while your dad may be too chicken shit to try and get custody of Matai, I am not and this is not over! Mitch Roman"

I knew this was just the beginning of my troubles. I was at work but I just could not focus at all. I was sitting in the lounge during my lunch time and as usual I only had a juice because I did not want to eat too much and run out of stuff for Matai to eat. I was looking at the text for the second time since I got it on my way to work. I went to the bathroom to the last stall, I sat on the toilet and cried my eyes out. I felt stuck with nowhere to turn and nobody to turn to for help. I was about to get out when I saw Jamal at the door.

Jamal was this really cute dark skinned dude that keeps trying to get with me. He was about two inches taller than me and he had brown eyes. His body was toned and all, but I was too apprehensive to ever entertain his advances, besides that, he had a girlfriend who had two kids for him.

"Yo Matthew why are you in here crying? What happened?" he was stepping over to me at the sink then he turned me around and pulled me in an embrace. I have to admit, this nigga smelled good and I needed that hug. I melted in his arms as I laid my head in the crook of his neck.

"Just some family drama going on right now Jamal" I said softly with my head still buried in his neck.

"What kind? We still got half hour left on lunch so let us go get a sandwich by the deli and talk. Lunch is on me by the way and don't even think about turning it down hubby."

He dragged me over to the bathroom exit, but let go of my hands as we exited; I felt like crap thinking he would still wanna hold my hand, then I remembered that he has his girl and kids and we are at work. He ordered our sandwiches and we started eating. He made me tell him everything that was happening.

"Baby, I gotta say your dad and your uncle are two fucked up assholes."

I told him about dad and my uncle trying to take away Matai, but I left out the part about my financial battles. We were talking for the rest of lunch where he gave me advice, encouragement and even shared some of his problems with his girl and family. She wanted to get married, but he was not down for that right now because he thinks he is too young. We were heading back to our stations. I was working the shelves and he was in the back with the lifting crew. I spent the rest of the afternoon looking out for my supervisor. When I finally  saw her, she gave me the okay to bring him as long as he won't be any problem.

I was walking to get Matai from Ms. Ella who watches the neighborhood kids after pre-installed school. She would keep him for me until I get off from work in the evenings. Ms. Ella loves Matai and he loves her too; she had him all ready for when I got there so we could make our way to the bus stop on time.

"Hey baby boy, how was school today?" I asked him when we got on the bus.

"It was fun dad! I am happy we don't have school on Friday though and I get to see you daddy!"

He was smiling as I gave him his fave kisses all over his forehead and nose. We got to our stop and when I got inside the apartment my phone was ringing. I panicked because I thought it was my uncle Mitch. I took it up and answered.


"Ummm Matthew, I told you that I would have backed off and my brother told me he sent you a message. I just wanna let you know I am trying to get him to stop."

My father sounded as if he was sad as he said this. 

"It is ok I guess, I mean I never get a break anyway, but it is just another battle to fight to be with my kid. My little baby boy that I created and love with my whole heart."

I was getting emotional; I did not want him to hear me crying for him to think of me as weak.

"Michael, if your brother wants to try he has got to come good. I have to go now because Matai wants us to play so good night." I heard him take a deep breath.

"Good night and once again I will try to get him to let you be, as I promised to do as well" he said and then hung up.

I made dinner for Matai, he ate and went to play with his toys. I was doing some cleaning around the apartment before getting our clothes for tomorrow out of the way. I was about to chill with my little prince who I had in my arms because he was getting grumpy, but there was a knock at the door. I was a bit taken aback because I never get visitors. I went over and when I opened the door I saw my Uncle and Mrs. Dixon.

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice laced with anger and annoyance as I stared at him.

"Mr. Roman I am afraid that we will have to talk more about your finances and how you are caring for the boy. I have a second person now telling me that the child has gone without food and is not getting fed properly. I am also being informed that you have nobody taking care of him while you work and he is out of school.
Now, may we come in to discuss this?" she asked.

"I am sorry but while I will allow you inside Mrs. Dixon, I will not let Mitch in my apartment." I said while glaring at him.

"That is ok, Mr. Roman we can set up a date to meet so we can discuss this. I will also be sending out a worker to inspect your apartment to see if it is suitable for a child."

I knew then and there I was screwed because I was gonna lose my kid no matter how hard I tried to make it work.

She told me to meet her on Saturday by the coffee shop on the corner and then she walked away. Before my uncle could leave I grabbed his hand.

"Mitch you know I love my child! You know I care for him even though it is hard. Why are you doing this to me? I have never done anything to bring harm to him and I would never do that. You and dad always said family stick together, but yet you are taking out my heart because of the fact that I like guys." I said with tears in my eyes. He looked at me with a hard gaze,

"Matthew it is not right to be with a guy! How can you bring that life to your son? Your father did not raise you like that at all. I am sorry but I have to go through with this because it is not right!" He walked away. He walked away like it was nothing. I closed my door; my mind was only set on holding my son who later fell asleep in my arms.

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