9- Rant

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Michael's P.O.V

I was driving to the hospital and I was hoping my son was ok. I felt as if my heart was being ripped from my chest when that officer guy called and told me that Matthew got shot and was being taken to the hospital. I knew I fucked up by hurting my son so bad and I will never forgive myself for all the pain I caused him; but knowing that he was harmed and that he might die made me crack and I cried myself to the hospital.

I got to the desk to ask the nurse at the station for my son. She was looking at me as if I was stupid or something.

"Sir are you related to Mr. Roman?" She asked so I nodded.

"He is my son, he just got shot and was taken here" I replied.

"Well in that case the police has to be here as well so please have a seat right there until they get here," She ordered which was becoming highly irritating.

"Look lady! My boy is in there and there is already a cop in there! Officer Daniel Sirjue, he has my four year old grandson who is probably scared as hell knowing his dad is hurt and I am not there!" I shouted. She looked at me skeptically as if I was crazy this time.

"He is on the seventh floor in ICU sir" she said dismissively. I quickly walked over to the elevator and got on. After exiting the elevator, I saw Daniel with a crying Matai in his arms sitting in the waiting room. I was instantly filled with rage.

"How the hell did you allow this to happen? huh? I asked you to protect them and now my son is shot! Give me my grandson and stay away from us. Go back to chasing bad guys and leave us alone!" I was venting and I think he knew it.

"Mr. Roman I am sorry I could not protect him. The doctors said he is a trooper and he will be ok" he said, then held his head down.

"Leave now! Daniel leave my son alone because this is your fault and I will see to it you never work again ever!"

Daniel's P.O.V

I was getting tired of this man already but I just had to keep chill. I decided to leave and go home until this man cools off. I had work in a few hours anyways so I needed to rest; even though that will be impossible knowing that because of me, an innocent person is battling for his life.

When I got home I was so restless that I just had to take a drive to try to clear my mind. I was driving without a sense of direction until I realized that I ended up at Matthew's apartment. I sat in my car just looking at the place. I had to let out the anger, frustration, hurt and guilt I was feeling; I started crying like a bitch.

I was in office the next morning and got the idea to order flowers; I would have them delivered to Matthew's room too as a surprise. I will see him when I had the chance later in the day.

"Sirjue! My office NOW!" I was shocked as shit when I heard the chief shouting my name like that. That meant he was gonna hand me my ass on a platter and I would have to just watch it.

"Yes Chief? You wanted to.."

"Shut the fuck up and have a seat!" I was cut off by a steaming chief and I was starting to shit myself even tho he is gonna cut my ass off and hand it to me! "Why the hell did you not report to me that one of the most notorious gangs is shooting up my town? Oh and you wanna hear the funny part?" he asked me while he was doing this psychotic laugh as he paced around his office.

"Don't even friggin answer because I am gonna tell you still! One of my officers was there while it happened! Guess who that officer was Sirjue!" He stopped and looked at me expectantly and I was just thinking, this nigga need to chill out with his big ass head.

"Waiting on that guess!" he continued in a sing song voice. Now this homie have me creeped the fuck out.

"Me! I was there, but chief you gotta understand that I called for backup! I am human first and a police second! Now, how about you go out with your wife and shots start fuckin' up the restaurant with your wife and your daughter! You be the brave lil chief you are and face a car of guys! Huh? How about it?" I was so mad and I just lost it and I took
out all I was holding back on him.

"How you gonna come up on me like I didn't do the correct thing? The guy I wanna be with is in the hospital because he got shot! I took him and his son out on a date and he got shot! His son had to experience all that and you're gonna come at me like that yo?" I continued my rant. When I was finally done, he was seated and he seemed to be deep in thought.

"Hand over your gun because you are being suspended for two weeks without pay! Now, Sirjue if I find out that you have some ties with this shooting the Skullz did, then your ass is gonna be mine!" I knew I fucked up by going off, but I was frustrated and angry. I turned my gun in and after getting all the papers out the way I left the station and headed straight to the hospital.

I stood outside the room stalling, after I finally entered, the one person I did not want to see was there and he was looking at me as if he wanted to kill my ass. I was fed up with this! As much as I would like to date Matthew, I thought it would be best to just let him be; keep doing my thing bachelor style.

"Mr. Roman, sir, I know you hate me because you made that known when I came over to help Matthew with organizing. I want you to know that I had no intention to get him hurt. I just wanted to get to know him because he was such a calm spirit when I pulled him over for speeding. I am deeply sorry about this. If you want, I will stand the cost of his medical expenses. Congrats man! you win." I feel hurt by how I am being seen as the bad guy. I mean, I talk pretty hood at times, but a nigga can always switch shit up because I am smart. I dress street but only because this is who I am and how I feel comfy; besides the boys love it.

I was surprised to hear Matthew. I thought he was sleeping since he moved out of ICU. He  tried to talk, I was mad worried he would hurt himself more! I ain't even looked at him before I took on his dad when I entered the room.

"Dad what is happening? Daniel what are you talking about?" he asked me softly. I did not want to upset him so I had to think of something.

"Oh don't worry about it Matthew, just get some rest and I will keep in touch from time to time."

"No! Daniel tell me! Dad what's wrong?" he begged. His dad was silent so I used that chance to walk over and kiss Matthew's forehead before leaving.

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