6- One Condition

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Matthew's P.O.V

Dad was making breakfast for us and I went to join him in the kitchen. I had my shower and I was ready for work.

"Where are you going?"

"I have work today so I am about to get Matai up and ready. I take him to work with me on weekends"

"Matthew your kidding right?" Dad seemed tense and I kinda know why but I don't want to be asking him for favors.

"What? Dad come on! I don't know what you have to do for the day. Remember you have an enterprise to run and you gotta be busy" I reminded him, but that only made him stare at me with his mouth open.

He finally turned and started to share eggs on a plate for Tai then some for me. I left to get my son ready for the day but only after we all had breakfast together for the first time. Before we could exit the house, my dad just walks over and takes Matai bag from my hand and scoops him up in his arms.

"Hey Tai tell your daddy goodbye because your chilling with me today and I am gonna take you to the party later."

"Bye daddy, I am staying with Grandpa" Tai said while waving to me as if to say 'go already nigga.'

"Oh and son you can resign today because I got you a better job and stuff."

"Dad you can't just come and make decisions like that for me. What is wrong with you man? I don't wanna be your charity case and quit being so nice because you feel bad for what you have done to us." I was trying to control my anger, but it escaped and the second I stopped talking I knew I had to fix what I just said.

"Dad I am sorry! I am just scared you are gonna up and take it all away and be mad at me again."

"It is ok, I just want my son back and maybe I am trying too hard. I am gonna head home and give you some time to breathe and be with your kid."

"Dad no! I love you being here and Matai would be sad if you leave. Right kid?" I asked my son who nodded. "Look I gotta go and I will resign and we can talk later ok. See you guys later." I left them both and made my way out.

When I got to work, I asked for a later lunch time so I could swing by the party and see how my baby boy was enjoying it. I completed all my duties and then on my lunch I drove dad's car to Ms. Ella's. I went around back I saw Tai playing with the kids and my dad was just standing watching him with a smile. I slowly made my way over and stood behind him without being noticed.

"Cute kid huh?" I asked. He jumped a little then turned,

"What are you doing here Matthew? I thought you had a full day at work"

"I asked for a later lunch hour so I could come see him at his first party. I gotta head back soon though." I explained. We both stood watching him play with the other kids. When he saw me he ran over and jumped in my outstretched arms.

"Daddy! I missed you daddy!" he said as I hugged him.

"Yeah? Well guess what, I missed you more so I came to see you play." He was super excited and after running off to the group of kids, I faced my dad.

"I have never seen him this happy, so thank you." I told my dad who just smiled.

"I am happy to know that you have done so well with him. You are amazing Matthew and you're a great dad."

I was standing with my father for about ten minutes before I had to go back to work. I quickly said goodbye to Matai and then left. I was mentally kicking myself for leaving now that I got stuck in traffic which means, I will be late getting back to work. I had dad's car and as soon as I was out of traffic I added a little gas but that was a mistake because I got pulled over by the cops.

I had my windows down and I could not help but look at this fine specimen walking to my car. He has got to be the cutest and sexiest thing I have ever seen.

"Good afternoon sir, I am Officer Daniel Sirjue. Do you know what speed you were doing?" he asked. I was freaking out because if I got a ticket that would mean asking my father to help.

"Officer I am really sorry. I was just trying to get back to work on time because I took off from work just to see my son attend the first party he has ever been invited to." I tried to justify, but he did not look moved at all.

"May I see you license and registration please?" I took out my documents and I gave it to him. Mr. Roman you were doing one hundred in an eighty zone. I have no choice but to write this ticket" he said.

"Officer please, I just got back on my feet and I can't afford a ticket right now. I have my son to look out for and I promise to never go above the speed limit ever again." I was next to tears because I could never catch a break.

"Hey don't cry, how the heck you're saying you can't afford a ticket and be driving this 1.4 million dollar Aston Martin One-77 car? I won't write the ticket on one condition though."

"It belongs to my dad and he is letting me drive it and what would that condition be?" I asked

"You have to have dinner with me tonight when I get off my shift." He smiled and that made me blush.

"I don't think I can agree to that condition because I am not in a position to date. I have a four year old and I haven't dated in almost five years. Why do you even wanna have dinner with me?"

"Matthew I gotta say this but you are the most handsome nigga I have seen in my life and forget all that cop bravado, I just wanted to impress you" he laughed. I had to chuckle because he scared me more than impressing me.

"I made you laugh so that has got to count for something. Come on! Please go out with me and you can bring your son with you," he smiled. I finally caved and I accepted the condition.

"One date and my son comes along with us for dinner. Here is my address and phone number." I wrote it on a piece of paper he gave me then drove off to work. I was about six minutes late for work so I went to speak with my supervisor to explain to her that I was gonna resign and my last day would be today.

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