14- Road Trip

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Daniel's P.O.V

I knew that Matthew was holding back now that he knows I had a girlfriend, but I can't let my colleagues know this shit. I am not ready to be out and I knew this girl from before I moved here. I broke it off with her, but I know that we still had to talk about it. I was hoping that I would get to spend Saturday night with Matthew since his dad would not be there.

I have fallen head over heals for his son as well; he was so adorable and it made me wanna be like his second dad. This kid had me wrapped around his finger and he knew that shit. I stopped by the toy store on my way to get him a model plane because Matthew said he was into planes. I also got flowers for Matthew and I knew it didn't do justice to the hurt I caused him.

I know he has been through some stuff but he is yet to tell me everything. I am opening up to him already; I told him about my brother and what happened. I pulled up at his complex and took the stairs. I stood at his door a while trying to calm my nerves before knocking.

"Just a second!" He sounded far away. When he opened the door a few seconds later, he was shirtless and looking so sexy. I gotta admit, that got a nigga on brick!

"Hey, Where is Tai?" I asked him as he invited me in.

"He is taking a nap now. What are you doing here? Don't you have work?" he asked confused. I just smiled, shaking my head as I walked over to him and kissed him full on the lips. I deepened the kiss and slipped him some tongue. His hands went tracing down my hard dick. Before I could do anything else, he pulled away. I saw the shy smile on his face which made me cheese even more knowing he was smiling now.

"Hey baby I got you these" I said. I stretched the flowers in my hand towards him. "I know it is nothing compared to what I gotta do to make it right, but I just thought I'd do a lil something to show you I was really sorry and I promise to not do it again."

"Daniel these are beautiful! You didn't have to do this. I just want you to be real with me and not keep secrets if we are gonna do this together." He was hugging me, then he kissed my cheek and went to put the flowers in water in a vase.

"Hey I was thinking that maybe when Matai wakes up we could take a lil road trip to the lighthouse and just chill out as a unit," I suggested to which he nodded with a smile.

"Come here!" I beckoned, so he came over to me.

"You know you my baby right?" I asked while I cupped his sexy ass in my hands.

"Yeah" he said softly in my neck. Before I could go any further though, Matthew moved away after hearing Tai calling for him. He went to check on him as I stood in the living room.

"Hey baby boy come here!" I called out to Matai. When he heard me, he came running out and jumped in my arms.

"Daniel you're here! Is it true we are gonna go to a lighthouse?" he asked in excitement so I nodded. "Cool I am gonna tell Kyle!" He was so excited and it made me feel good knowing I made his day today.

"Hey kid come back here! I got you a present!" I said after he ran off. He walked over and took the box from me and looked at it then he ripped through the paper. When he saw that it was a plane he ran over and hugged me.

"Hey what are you supposed to say?" Matt scolded.

"Thank you Daniel for getting me the best gift ever!" I gave him a kiss to the forehead and he was off to show his dad his new toy.

"Daddy! Now you don't have to worry about saving to buy one for me" he said. I was kinda taken aback by that and I wonder what he meant. I saw that Matthew was looking at me after Tai said that and he just kissed his son.

Matai was in the living room playing with his new toy and Matthew was now in the kitchen making us sandwiches. I followed him and I went to hug him from behind. He tended, then looked to see if his son was close by.

"What did he mean when he said you didn't have to save to buy him one?" I asked and his demeanor changed instantly.

"Nothing, just that I told him I would buy him one when I had the money to" he said.

"Matthew wassup? We just agreed to no secrets babe so spill" I said forcefully and that kinda ticked him off.

"Yeah you agreed after being caught in your little dual, best of both worlds life!" He snapped. I felt like the biggest piece of shit on Earth. We both stood there a minute without saying anything. I was about to get the fuck up out there when he held my hand and pulled me close.

"Hold me" he said and I did. "I am sorry for snapping at you but I just feel betrayed. He said it because before my dad came back in my life, we were very poor. I was living in the studio below this apartment and things were bad to the point where I had no food. I worked at the store and it was enough to pay rent and to get us food for half the month. My dad and I were at war I guess; he was mad at me for being gay and it was so bad to the point where he tried to get Matai taken away from me. Heck, he turned my brother against me and now that we are good, I still have to worry about what my dad's brother will pull out of his bag of trick. My dad got us this place and my brother and I are better now. He really stepped up and sometimes I think of it as too good to be true." He was crying on my shoulder and I just held him as he opened up to me.

"Is that why you were so mad about the girl? Because you thought I was just another betrayal?" I asked and he nodded. "Babe you gotta believe that I am sorry for hurting you! O.k?" I continued and he nodded.


We had our lunch before we left for our mini road trip. We had to stop on the way to get juice and snacks, especially for my lil baby boy. When we got to the light house, both Matthew and Matai were awed by it. We could see the ships that were sailing on the horizon. The waves crashing in the rocks got Tai's attention. He was having a blast running around. We spent the rest of the evening there. Matthew climbed the lighthouse while I stayed with Matai. I had a blanket that I spread on the lawn for us to sit on. I played planes with Matai while Mathew took pictures before joining us. Matai was having a blast! I know he would be knocked out when we got back to the apartment.

Before we left, I climbed the lighthouse and the view was fuckin sick yo. Tai held on to me for dear life and he did not look out at the view or below at all. He just wrapped his little legs around me as far as they could go, and buried his face in my neck. I used that chance to steal a kiss from my babe cause a nigga was dying to do that all day, but we had to be careful.
"Look at those guys diving from that cliff!" When I said that, lil man opened his eyes and he was smilin' and begging to go over and see. We watched them diving until the sun started to dip behind the horizon.

The drive home was filled with questions that Matai had for Matthew and I.  I loved how happy they both seemed and I was gonna make sure to try and keep them like that. We finally got into town so I stopped and got us take out. Tai was already asleep as I knew he would be. Lil man had all that space to run around and that he did.

"You had fun with me today?" I asked Matthew. He was grinning and nodding his head as he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"I had an amazing time Daniel. Thanks for making my baby boy so happy today, it means the world to me."

"No prob sexy man, that's my job now ain't it?" I asked. He blushed and just nodded while smiling.

We put Tai to bed then Matthew and I just cuddled after making out for most of the night in bed together.

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