28- Missing

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Matthew's P.O.V

I went to pick up Matai from school, but as I sat there in the car waiting, I noticed that Kyle was walking to his parents and there was no sign of Tai anywhere. I was getting a bit concerned so I left the car and went to check his classroom. When I got there his teacher was just cleaning the board

"Hello, good afternoon Mrs. Kerr, ummm I haven't seen Matai walking out with Kyle" I was really worried about my kid.

"Oh his grand-uncle came and got him early. Matai verified that it was indeed his grandfather's brother and they left together. Oh my gosh! Is something wrong Mr. Roman?" She asked after she realized that I was not responding. How the fuck did Tai know that Michael is Dad's brother? I told the teacher that they would be hearing more about this and I ran out the school.

I called my father to ask him what was up with Matai knowing about his brother.

"Hello" he answered,

"Dad! Your brother got my kid from school! I want to know why you'd let Tai know about your brother without asking me?" I didn't beat around the bush and I could barely mask the anger in my voice.

"Ummm Matty, I had Mitch over for dinner and I had Tai spending the weekend. They hit it off, besides, Tai is innocent in all of this mess. I just thought it would help if he saw the good job you have done with him." I listened to him and I just lost it completely!

"If anything happens to my kid, you better fucking pray because I will hurt you!"

"Matthew what the fuck are you going on about? Why would I hurt my grandson? Why are you talking to me like that?" He seemed confused and I just wanted to hang up but I could not do that.

"I went to pick up my kid and he is not at school because he left with your brother for God knows where!"

"Matthew I will call him and hear what he has to say about this son. I'm sorry I caused all of this, please don't hate me" I was too angry to even respond so I hung up and drove all the way to Mitch's job.

When I got there I had already called the police to notify them about everything. The receptionist asked who I wanted to see and I told her Mitch Roman. She called him and he came to the front. Then,  I saw red.

"Where the fuck is my kid?" I shouted, he was looking around embarrassed and I did not care at all.

"He is with his aunt, his mother's sister." He was being smug with kidnapping my kid.

"Ok cool, continue being smug when the cops get here motherfucker. I am gonna go get him and if you fuck with my child again, trust me, you will regret it bitch!"

I went to Matai's aunt and I was so fucking mad that I didn't even answer my phone when Dad was calling. When I got there I went straight up to the door and knocked.

"Hell... Matthew? Ummm What are you doing here?" Brianna asked. I didn't answer her, I just pushed passed her and saw Matai sitting there on the floor crying. When he saw me he got up and ran over to me as fast as his legs could take him.

"Daddy! Daddy I wanna go home" he cried. Hearing my kid crying to the point where he could not breathe properly broke me. I just started crying as I held him close.

"Bunny Rabbit I am sorry! Daddy is soooo sorry ok" I grabbed his bag and walked to the door with Brianna standing there looking at me. Before I walked out I just had to say something,

"Y'all are fucking cruel and cold! This is my kid and I love him more than myself and you try to take him from me all because I don't wanna be with a woman? Just know that the cops are aware of this kidnapping act, you and your accomplice can eat shit and die! Let me hear him say either of you hurt him in anyway! You better fucking hide you heartless, gargoyle looking bitch!"

With that said, I walked away to my car and to the police station. I told the officers everything minus the confirmation of being gay cuz that ain't his business. I left them to do the rest of the work as I took my son home. When we got in the apartment my dad was there and he walked over and grabbed Tai from me.

"Put him down and get the fuck out! Now! How could you do this to me after witnessing what happened at the wedding! Dad how could you?" I was crying again and so was he. He came over and hugged me tight,

"Son, I swear I did not do it for this to happen, I did it because Mitcg was there and I just introduced him and they hit it off. You gotta believe me son" he begged, I just cried in is arms as I tried to calm down. He gently swayed us and then lifted my head to look at him.

"Matthew, this is my grandson right here and I would never ever hurt him intentionally. You are my little baby boy and I messed up once, but promised to never do it again and I have kept that promise."

I understood where he was coming from and so that made me apologize for how I reacted earlier. We spent the rest of the evening together just chilling, Matai never left my side at all that night. He fell asleep in my arms and I took him to my bed to sleep with me just for the night.


It has been smooth sailing since that incident a few days ago. Daniel came by for the first time in over six months to visit Matai. The moment Dad told me he got the call I told him to handle Daniel cuz I don't wanna hear nor see him.

I got his bags packed for his weekend away; when I got to the door, I was trying my best to just ignore him but he was making it hard by asking me questions.

"Sup Matthew?"

"Daniel I am good, just getting the kid to you. What about you?" I asked just for the sake of being formal.

"I am cool, just here waiting on you. How is the new boyfriend?" He asked.

"No new boyfriend! Done with men for a while so no new man here! What about you? new girl or guy?"

"Well I have the same girl and we have decided to get married" he responded with a slight smile.

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