13- Night Out

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Matthew's P.O.V

{Matthew in mm}

"Look we can't do this anymore" He said. She didn't respond and then we realized that she hung up the phone. That little call did not mean all was forgiven because the fact still remained he lied to me.

I was feeling a bit on the sick side so I went to bed and about an hour after I felt Daniel holding me.

"Babe please forgive me, it won't happen again I promise" he whispered in my ear. I was too sick to argue so I just went to sleep. I woke up the next morning to find Daniel gone but there was a text on my phone saying he had work. I went to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth then moved to the kitchen for something to eat. I was eating cereal when I heard the door open and little steps running inside.

"Daaaaddddy! I missed you so much!" Matai screamed while running to me and hugging my leg. I stooped to his level then kissed his cheek and forehead.

"I missed you too baby boy, did you have fun with Grandpa?" I asked him and he nodded.

"I had fun Dad, but I wish you were there too daddy. I cried to see you so Grandpa said he would take me home" I didn't know what to say because I missed him so much. I picked him up and he wrapped his little legs as far as the could get around my waist and his arms around my neck.

"Hey son I have to head off to work and remember you can work from home today because we need the reports finished as soon as possible. Oh and I called in to his school and told them he won't be in. I figured he needed his dad because he was really missing you." My dad looked hurt and I knew what was going through his mind. I walked over to him and hugged him just to reassure him that we were cool.

"Thanks daddy and I love you" I told him, he just patted my cheek then walked to the door. He looked back and waved to Matai.

"See you later my little prince and I love you way more my big prince" he said and left. I made Tai a fruit salad and we chilled on the couch watching cartoons until I had to get some work done. I was almost complete with the first section of the files when my phone buzzed.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hey Matty, It's Jerome, Wanna hang out later?"

"Yeah we could do that"

"Ok cool I will text you later gonna head back to work." After hanging up I decided to text Daniel to let him know I would be hanging out with an old friend later. I made lunch for Tai and I then I took him to the park to hang out a bit to get outside. There were other kids playing and I watched him as he joined them, he seemed to be having a blast. He was even trying to show the other boy he was playing with how to do the monkey bar. I was smiling because he reminded me so much of me and my brother when we were playing as kids.

"Dad I'm hungry" Matai said while I was driving us home.

"Ok buddy I am gonna get us something to eat" I told him. When we got home I made him his favorite dinner which was chicken alfredo. I went back to work while I left him with his toys and cartoons. Some time after my dad came in and that was it for TV and toys as Matai was all over dad. They did their routine, which was him picking out Dad's shirt to put on after his shower and both of them just watching TV together. I gotta admit that my Dad spoils him because he gives him anything he wants.

I left them to their thing while I went to shower and get ready for my little evening out. I asked my dad if it was cool watching Tai while I head out for a while and he was more than cool. I was ready to head out so I kissed both my guys and then left. I met Jerome at this bar he said would be lit, but also a good chill spot. We found a table after we got our drinks at the bar and we spent the night just catching up on old times.

"You definitely have to come with us to the condo for the weekend. It could be a little reunion and you can certainly bring your son if you want" he said.

"Who will be going?" I asked

"Me, my date, Dane will be there as well with his flamboyant self and his sugar daddy, you, your date and your son" he said excited as if I already agreed. The thing is this, I would go with Daniel, but I am not gonna bring my son around all of this because he doesn't even know that he could be having another dad soon.

"Well I will talk to him about it and see what he thinks then I will hit you up but it sounds fun."

"Matthew it will be fun and it falls close to your birthday so it would be the perfect getaway to just enjoy a long weekend with your friends, your man and your son! Nigga quit acting like you don't wanna be there!" I laughed at him and how excited he was, but I decided to live a little. Now, I need convince Daniel to come with me. We spent the rest of the night dancing and just enjoying the time as friends. It has been a very long time since I have been out to a bar and I liked this night out with my boy.

We came here by taxi and we both got taxis to go home because I was a little tipsy and so was he. When I got home, I realized that dad and Matai fell asleep on the couch. I was too buzzed to even bother waking them so I went straight to bed after stripping down to my boxers.

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