19- Ghost of the Past

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Another chapter in my life! I wrote this one as it happened, I simplified it because it was quite detailed and dramatic at the time it happened. As usual I have to keep some things private but I hope the parts that I have shared will mean something to you guys.

Matthew's P.O.V

{Matthew in mm}

4 months later

It has been 4 months since Daniel and I ended our relationship. I spent those four months focusing on my son and myself. I was working pretty hard because it was now the holiday season and things were pretty busy. After work I would chill with my friend Ravi and just enjoy life a little. I was just leaving work when Ravi called and asked to meet up so we could get something to eat and I accepted. I met him by the mall after leaving work this Friday evening.

We were just standing and trying to figure out where to go and eat when this very cute guy walked over and greeted Ravi.

"Oh Matthew this is Adam and Adam this is Matthew" Ravi said while introducing us. I stepped away to give them some privacy to speak. The Adam guy walked off to a barber shop that was behind us and Ravi was smiling so hard.

"Ok what's with the smile?" I asked him.

"Well he wants to chill with us for a while" he responded.

"But I thought it was just gonna be me and you" I said.

"Come on! He thinks your cute and he asked that we wait for him so he could chill with us." We waited on him to get his haircut then we left together in search of food. I was mostly quiet because I was shy around strangers, but they were talking. We got to the restaurant and Ravi entered first; before I could enter I felt a hold on my arm. I looked back in fear thinking it was some mad person trying to get money from me but, I saw that it was Adam.

"Hey Matthew can I talk to you a little outside?" he asked; I hesitantly nodded. We walked over to a nearby bench and sat.

"So wassup?" I asked. He looked at me and licked his lip

"Well I just wanna say that I think you are beautiful and I would like to take you on a date" he said.

"ummm I am not so sure about that because I am not into the whole dating thing right now." I said

"Just one date please." He was pouting and I could not help but smile.

"Fine one date!" I said. I got up to enter the restaurant when he grabbed my arm again.

"Gimmie your phone" he said, and I did. He used it to call his phone and then saved my number. We went inside to sit with Ravi who kept looking at both of us and smiling. We ordered our food and just spent the rest of the evening joking around. Ravi was telling us he had a new boyfriend and all.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"His name is Dan and I told him I was hanging with you Mathew" Ravi said.

"Well I hope it works for you and Dan" Adam said.

After a good night out we all parted ways and I went home. Tai was at my brother's for the weekend and Dad was out of the country. I was in bed when I got a text from Adam and he was flirting endlessly with me. I fell asleep before getting a chance to reply to his last text.

We made plans to go on a double date with Ravi and his boyfriend on Christmas Eve. I was sitting in the driver's seat of Adams car with my feet out the door, Adam was standing in front of me blocking me from getting out.

"You play too much! Moooove" I tried pushing him away but he was muscular and I could not even make him budge. He kept laughing at my effort to move him and then he grabbed both my hands at the wrist and pulled me in a hug. It felt good to be having attention like this again. Before we could get anymore frisky by the car, Ravi announced that Dan has been in the bar waiting for us. We went in, but when I sat down and looked around to say hi to Dan, my mouth hung open. Sitting before me was the one person I did not expect to see at all.

I got out of the bar on top speed and Adam followed me out trying to find out what was wrong. I was getting angry and I wanted to just go home where I could be away from it all.

"Matthew what happened?" Adam asked and I could tell he was worried "You just stormed out as if you saw a ghost"

"I did see a ghost! I saw the person that broke my heart in a very cold way; the ghost of my past, my ex-boyfriend Daniel" I told him, then it hit me! Ravi kept talking about Dan and I never came to the realization that it could have been Daniel. But if it is as Ravi said then that would mean he knew about me. I saw Ravi walk over and he looked torn.

"That's Daniel? I had no idea it was him at all! He is saying he never knew it was you when he heard me mention Matthew" he explained.

"Yeah, it is such a small world indeed" I sighed. Ravi's phone rang and I could tell it was Daniel and based on Ravi's responses, it seems as if Daniel is ready to go.

"Look Ravi go on with him, I am gonna go home anyways because it has been a dramatic night."

"No Matthew stay with me! Don't let him ruin our night, this is your chance to show him you are doing just fine and you have a nigga drooling over you" Adam said while hugging me. "Ravi go back in and chill with him. We will be in soon aight" Ravi nodded at Adam and went back in the bar. When Adam and I walked off to go back inside, he took my hand and I had to smile. I slid in the booth in the seat across from Daniel and Ravi. I could see the hate in Daniel's eye for Adam. It got even worse when Adam kissed my shoulder; Daniel got up and stormed out. We were all stunned to say the least, after which Ravi got up and went after him.

I felt as if I did something wrong, as if I was causing a problem between Ravi and Daniel. They have been talking for two months now and I don't want to be the reason for any drama or tension between them. All I could think about was the fact that I did not know that Dan was Daniel; had I known, then this double date would not have been in the making, especially not with me.

My phone went off and it was a text from Ravi saying they were leaving. Adam and I spent a little more time at the bar just having a good night. I decided to head home because it was late and I had planned to spend the day with my son. I told Adam good night and I called a taxi and went home.

Dad was sleeping with Tai on the couch and the TV was on, I made up my mind to leave them on the couch as it was really comfy. I went to my room and took my pillow and comforter to the TV room and joined them on the floor. The lights from the Christmas tree that we decorated was a beautiful source of lighting in the room. I kissed both my Dad and my son on the forehead then laid my head to rest.

"I love you Matthew, Merry Christmas" my dad croaked out.

"Merry Christmas to you and I love you and Tai too Daddy" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

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