25- Cranky Baby

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I know I am gonna look like a big baby but at the time this happened, my kid was small. I couldn't help but feel worried and afraid. "Daniel" was a tower of strength and I am glad he was there the entire time my bunny rabbit was sick.

Matthew's P.O.V

It has been two nights that Matai has been crying non-stop when he is to sleep. He can't breathe properly and I am freaking out. I was getting ready to go to the doctor with him and he was still being a cranky baby. He didn't wanna leave my arms at all and Dad was at work and could not leave. I decided to call Daniel to see if he was free; it has been a month since we have had sex on my cousin's wedding night and things were going ok so far. The phone kept ringing and I was about to hang up when he finally answered.

"Hello" he sounded groggy as if he was just waking up.

"Daniel did I wake you up?" I asked. At the mention of Daniel's name, Matai started to get cranky again.

"Why is he crying? Is everything good babe?" I still smile when he calls me babe.

"He has been crying since we got home from your place and he isn't breathing properly when he lays down to sleep. I am dressed and trying to head to the doctor but he is being so cranky and joined to me at the hips, I can't put him down."

"I'm on my way baby, just relax ok. He is gonna be good and you are gonna be good cause we got him no matter what." I have to say that this man is crazy about this kid and spoils him like crazy.

"Ok cool, see you in a few." We hung up and I laid on the couch with my bunny rabbit on my chest with his thumb stuck in his mouth. He has cried himself into exhaustion and as he slept I could hear the difficulty he was having breathing so I knew he would be up soon.

When Dani got here he came inside and stooped at the couch where our heads were. He gently stroked Tai's hair and kissed his temple. He looked at me and leaned over giving me a very deep kiss that surprised me.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I gotta have a reason to kiss my man now?" he replied. His hand never left Tai's hair, he looked at me and smiled sheepishly.

"No you don't and thanks babe for being here when we need you" I told him. That earned another kiss and I was loving that shit from this sexy ass black man. He gently raised Matai off my chest and held him close, Matai's head was on his shoulder. We went to his car and he buckled Tai in his car seat, then we left for the doctor.

When we got there, we sat in the waiting room until it was time for us to go in. I explained to the doc what was happening and he got him up on the examining bed thingy to check him out. He said that the problem was because of his adenoids; that he would be ok when they were removed.

I was a bit nervous about my kid doing a surgery to remove his adenoids. I called my Dad and told him what was up and he suggested getting two birds killed with one stone. He wanted me to get Tai circumcised at the same time. I asked the doc and he said that would be easier for him to recover from them at the same time than to put him back through it again.

I made the appointment for it to be done the next day. The car ride home was a bit silent. I knew Daniel was trying to be all man about Matai doing a surgery, even though it was a minor one. I took his free hand in mine and laced our fingers together.

"Dani it'll be ok and you can express how you feel about it. Remember he's our kid!"

"I know it's minor and stuff, but I just don't like thinking about him going through shit like that. He's just a baby Matty! Dang!"

We got back to my place; Matai was awake and being babied by Daniel. He made a call to his boss to let him know what was up. I tried to tell him it would be ok, that he could go to work but he was not having any of that.

"I got the next three days off so now we need to decide if we're gonna be here at your place or my place?" I sat in the sofa and the moment I did, this nigga had his big head in my lap. Matai was sleepy and laid on Daniel's chest. I swear little boys love their dad's chest! I wonder if they think of it as a big thing that they can do anything with. I watched as both of them cuddled, taking up my phone to take a picture.

We spent the rest of the day just lounging around with a cranky baby. It always amazes me that when he is not well and Daniel is around or if he wants ice cream, he totally banishes me and he is all about Daniel.

Daniel was spending the night here so that we could get to the doctor with Tai on time. We went to bed and of course bunny rabbit worked his way in the middle. I was still worried about Matai even though I knew he would be ok, I guess when you become a dad you are wired that way to worry when things go wrong.

I woke to the sound of crying, when I felt beside me, Tai and Daniel were not there. I sat up and saw that he had Matai in is arms walking around, trying to soothe him.

"Baby boy you'll be ok. I got you ok, you will feel better soon" hearing him talk to my kid with so much love just made me feel good inside. I got up out of bed and joined them at the foot of the bed. I gave Matai a kiss on the forehead while my free hand massaged Daniels bulging bicep.

The next morning we made it to the doctor's office, while I was sitting there I waited on my little bunny rabbit. The doctor said I could come and watch but I couldn't; Daniel was in there with him while I was sitting with my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. I was worried beyond belief. After what seemed like hours, Daniel finally came out and said he was done and now in a room. I went with him to the room Tai was in. The moment I entered I started tearing up at the sight of my little baby boy sleeping.

"Baby he's ok! Don't cry please, your gonna make me start crying now babe" Daniel whispered while he hugged me. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down; I looked at him and I could see a little spot of blood on the sheet where his penis was. There was also blood on the cotton looking thing in his mouth too. The doctor came in and called Daniel with papers and stuff, I stepped forward because I thought he had made a mistake.

"I got the bill so relax, just go and sit with him so that he sees you first when he wakes up."

"But Daniel I can pay for it, you don't have to do this" I tried to reason but he gave me a look. I knew he was determined to do this.

"What I say to do bae? Chill cause I got this!" I gave in and went back to the room. When Daniel came back he was standing beside me; I stood and just hugged him. I held on to his muscular body and he just wrapped one arm around my neck. This boy can never get rid of the thug ways he has, I thought to myself.

My Dad came in a few minutes later. Daniel and I left to get some food. We went in the deli which only had one person there. I walked up to the counter and when I looked at the person standing there I froze. I started to shake like a leaf and Daniel noticed something was wrong. He pulled me to a nearby seat and pulled a second one close to me to sit.

"What's wrong bae? Matty! Baby you are scaring me right now" he whispered. My eyes never left the guy at the counter at all. Daniel followed my gaze and saw that I was looking at the man at the counter.

"You know him? Matty talk to me please baby" I could only muster a soft reply to him.

"That's him, it was him."

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