7- Making moves

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Matthew's P.O.V

I was a bit excited knowing that a guy as sexy as Daniel wanted to go on a date with me. I finished my day at my job and when I got home I saw that Dad was sleeping with Matai on his chest fast asleep. I got my phone and took pictures of them so I could use it later.

I was in the kitchen making dinner when I heard the buzz. I went to check if it was the guys coming with the furniture. I was a bit put off because I did not have the space to keep them and I was not sure about the apartment upstairs. I decided to wake my dad up to get his input since he was the one that initiated this big change.

"He!y Daddy! Wake up!" I gently shook him trying not to wake up Tai. He started to stir and after gathering his bearing, I told him that the furniture guys were here. He got up carefully and went to the door where the guys were waiting.

"Hey these will be going in the apartment upstairs so let me get the key and stuff. I had the carpeting guys come in and the already changed the carpets." He told them "Matthew, I hope you like the carpeting son because I suck at these kinda stuff" he turned to me and said while chuckling.

"I will Dad and I bet Matai will love it too" I responded. He went with the guys upstairs to set up stuff when Tai woke up. My baby sleepily came over to me for me to pick him up.
"Baby boy you are getting heavy!" I told him as he rested his head on my shoulder still sleepy. I went to take a look upstairs as I have never been up there before. It was way bigger than my apartment. It had three bedrooms, a big kitchen, two bathrooms along with a TV room and a patio. The carpet was so soft and I loved the lighting in the rooms. The guys were putting the stuff in and after about an hour they were done. I stood there with my son still in my hand sleeping and my Dad was on his phone talking business.

"Hey son guess what?"

"What?" I asked with a confused look.

"I want you to work with me in the business soooo I was thinking that we could start on Monday. You will be my right hand man soooo, I guess you are are gonna have to work with your brother and I." He said the last part softly and my body stiffened when I heard the part about working with Mark.

"Dad come on give me a different job because I can't rush into this with Mark and you know it" I pleaded my case and he did not seem phased.

"Matthew he is your brother and you guys were so close before all the crap! Look at us! Me and you! Look how we are doing so well right now. Heck! I wanna friggin move in with you to be with my grandson and you everyday" he professed.

"Well you can move in now because I have an extra bedroom" I said smiling but he shook his head no and my smile vanished.

"What? Matthew I have my own house, a helper, a gardener and they work for me so I gotta pay em." He was trying to argue his point but I still gave him the pleading puppy look and he caved.

"Fine! I will stay here three nights then stay at my house for the next four," he bargained.

"How about here five nights and yours two? Your grandson would love it!" I said with a smug look, let's see you beat that one Dad.

"Here four nights and mine three! Final offer!" he said and then we shook on it. He was smiling and shaking his head.

"You are a good negotiator I see" he said, "we will be ok and your brother wants it to be ok. I think you should just talk a little over the phone before dinner on Tuesday. He wants to call but he is scared and I have been telling him to wait, but I am gonna call him." I stood there watching as he dialed my brother's number. I gave Matai, who was still sleeping, to my dad and took the phone from him in exchange.

"Hello" Mark said on the first ring and I froze.

"Hello?" he said again "I can hear you breathing Matthew" he said and I was surprised he knew it was me.

"How did you know it was me? I didn't say anything."

"Well Dad would have said something and I know he is always by you anyways so I guess it had to be my little brother" he explained. I felt really odd talking to him, hearing his voice again after so much years apart.

"Oh ok" I said shyly.

"So how are you Matthew?" he asked me. I was wondering what to say to a guy that was to be your brother, but instead he turns on you when he finds out you are gay and punches you in the face as well.

"I am ok. I am here with Dad and my son" I told him.

"Oh my God! Matty he must be all grown up now! I can't wait to see you and to see my nephew on Tuesday!" He sounded excited about this impending dinner. It was as if he forgot all that he did to me.

"Oh ok." I responded without any emotion.

"Matt I am sorry I hurt you and I want a second chance to be your Marky again. I wanna be the best uncle to my nephew. I love you Matt and I really am sorry, I guess when I get there we will have to talk more about it." He sounded sincere and it made me tear up a bit to know that my dad is doing all of this to try and right his wrong.

"We will talk Mark so until then be good and take care ok?" I said

"Yeah I will and you too" he responded before we hung up. I was standing in the middle of my new apartment thinking, this has got to be a joke. I was brought out of my head when dad asked the question I was meaning to ask.

"How the hell are we gonna get things in place now? We need help for sure. I guess I am gonna have to call and get some guys to come help move and set up stuff."

I was about to agree when my phone rang. I realized that it was a number I didn't know. I answered cautiously, if it were even possible.

"Hey Mr. Roman wassup? It's me Daniel, the cop that pulled you over."

"Umm I don't think I remember you. Are you a tall, dark, handsome, sexy and sweet man?" I asked playing with him as he chuckled at my antics.

"Well I guess if you are talking about a nigga that spared you from a ticket and asked you on a date as a condition then hell yeah!"

"Oh yeah, now I remember. How are you Daniel?" I asked as he laughed.

"I am good, been thinking about you a lot and I just had to hear your voice. What are you doing?" he asked me.

"I am trying to get my stuff that the furniture store just delivered, moved into the correct place in my new apartment but I need some help as it is just me, my dad and my baby boy." I told him.

"Ok cool I will be over in a few as I just go off work and all. Grabbing the keys now so I will see you in about fifteen minutes ok?" I was smiling so hard because he was being really sweet right now.

"Daniel you don't have to do that, Dad was suggesting calling up two guys to come help. You must be tired from work and..." I was cut off by him,

"Matthew it's cool! I wanna help you. Remember a nigga tryin' to prove himself here. I ain't just a cop, I can be a that strong, sexy, helpful nigga too."

That made me laugh. This boy is so full of it, but I was glad he cut me off because I really wanted to see him again.

"Damn! I must be that good if I am meeting the Dad already! Huh?" he asked.

"Boy you better relax because it ain't even that kind of party. Remember you gotta impress me and my son, officer" I teased him, but he was still laughing at me. I looked over at my father who was now playing with an awake Matai and looking over me ever so often with a questioning look. I just smiled as I continued talking to Daniel.

"I will be here when you arrive, drive carefully!"

"Aight Matthew, see you in a few beautiful" he responded with his cocky ass self before hanging up.

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