Chapter 17

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Riley's POV

The rest of the day was really unforgettable. All of us went on a walk on the beach when the sun just began to set, and we all played random games together by the fire.

"Riley. Truth or dare?" Adam asked me and I smirked. "Dare." A chorus of oh's rang throughout the group and he smiled. "I dare you to go run into the ocean." He said and I stood up taking off in a sprint towards the ocean. When I reached the edge, I pulled off my shirt and shorts, and ran in in my underwear. Cold. That was the only thought I could even comprehend at the moment. I heard Adam's very significant laugh from the shore and I kept pushing outwards until the water was at my chest. "D-did I do it?" I yelled back to them, my bottom lip shivering. "Yes! Come back and dry off!" Adam yelled and I began to swim back towards the shore again.

The game continued on, each of us getting more wild and stupid the later it got. I sat with a blanket wrapped around myself, leaning against Max near the fire. "Okay guys. This is getting boring." Red said and I nodded in agreement. "So what do you want to do then?" Adam asked and Barney was the first one to reply in his amazing yet hilarious foreign accent. "Ohs! We should playings the hide and seeks!" He said and we all eyeballed him like he was crazy. "In the dark?" Max asked and he nodded. "Yeahs! We can uses the flashlights." He said and by then I was down. "That actually sounds fun." I said and Adam agreed with me. "Yeah! It's like were little kids all over again!" He said making us laugh.

"Alright. So who's seeking first?" I asked them and they shrugged. "I can do it." Max said and we all nodded. "1...2...3...4" Max started and we all started sprinting in different directions. I watched Barney run into the ocean then back out because it was cold. "9...10...11...12" Max continued on and I stopped to climb up one of the trees. Red ran up behind me and boosted me up so that I was sitting on the branch. I stood up and reached down to help Red climb the tree as well. He pulled himself up with much more ease and grace then I did. We sat down on the branch and continued to watch people run around in a tizzy while Max kept counting.

Red and I both turned our flashlights off so we wouldn't get any more attention then we already had, considering we were so high up. "21...22....23...24" Max's voice was very distant, and soon enough, the movement stopped from down on the ground. "28...29...30! Ready or not here I come!" He yelled and ran in the complete opposite direction as us two.

"So. Flying back tomorrow huh?" Red said and I looked down at my fingers, messing with them to distract me from the thought. "Yeah. I've had fun here. I love it here actually. I'm really going to miss you guys." I said and he smiled, putting one arm around me in some sort of semi-hug. "All of us are going to miss you too. Editors especially. You did most of their work this week." Red said and laughed. "Yeah. I like editing. It's... distracting. It's like I'm in my own little world." I said and he smiled. "Yeah. That's how I feel about recording. It's like I'm in a completely different place when I play video games. Maybe that's why I got hooked on them so fast." He said and I nodded. "Can I try one thing? Before you leave?" He asked me and I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" (cue Justin Bieber) "I mean... can I kiss you?" He asked and looked me in the eyes. I smiled and leaned in, him meeting me half way. It wasn't the same as when Max kissed me, but it was still.... good. I would've enjoyed it more if Max hadn't been popping in my head the whole time. 'Don't forget, Red asked you on a date first. And you cant forget about Brook. She was Max's first love. He probably still does love her.' My subconscious argued with myself, making conflicting thoughts about both of them. He pulled back and smiled, kissing the top of my head once more, as I leaned into his side.

Max came running back towards us a while later, and I climbed a few branches above Red. Barney, and Adam were running behind them, leaving Red, Ross, and I as the last three. As I climbed I heard rustling from down below me. It wasn't enough to get the attention from the seekers, but it was enough for me. I looked down and ross was smirking, waving up at me from a bush. I bit my lip to prevent laughing which made me loose my grip and accidentally rustle some of the leaves. Adam shined his flashlight up near the tree that I was in, making me stay absolutely still. I don't think he saw me, so I grabbed onto the branch and lowered myself as far down to the ground as I could. It was still another three foot drop, but I took the chance, landing quietly on the ground next to Ross. "Don't give me away!" He said and I smirked. "Or what?" I asked and he sat up on his elbow. "Riley don't you da-" "ROSS IS IN THE BUSHES" I yelled and took off running in the opposite direction from them and back towards the campfire. "Come on Riley. We see you." Max said holding the flashlight in my face. "Fine, Fine. I guess I won't tell you that Red is in the tree then." I said and smirked as Red jumped down. "Hey! Snitches get stitches, Riley." He said and I laughed. "Oh. I'm so scared." I said and everyone gathered back up near the camp.

"Goodnight guys. I'm going to miss this." I said sitting up in my sleeping bag. The guys all looked down, and I smiled. "Hey. Don't think of this as a goodbye, rather than a see you later. If I could honestly I would move up here. You guys are like family now, so don't think that you are going to get me off of your back this soon." I said and ruffled Adam's hair, considering he was next to me. "Yeah. You are definitely like an annoying little sister to me." He said and I laughed. "Well, guess I'll see you sometime then." He said and gave me a side hug. "Yeahs. Sames here." Barney said and stood up to give me a hug. "Yeah. I'll miss you Riley. You've been an interesting roommate. I look forward to continuing it. And I'll especially miss your cooking because god know Max can't cook." Ross said and gave me a hug. "Well I'm driving you tomorrow but I want a hug too." Max said and I laughed and hugged him. "I won't forget you ever. You're just too perfect to do that. And I look forward to seeing you again." He whispered in my ear and I smiled. "Yeah. Me too." I whispered back. "Me next!" Red said and hugged me. "Even though I am going with Max tomorrow." He said and I laughed a tear rolling down my face. I quickly wiped it away and turned back to Adam. "You just keep being you. You're an awesome YouTuber, best friend, and 'brother'. Mason Is really going to have a great father as well." I said. "Tell Alesa bye for me as well." I said and smiled at the group of guys around me who have become closer to me then my own family. They are my family. And I would miss them. "Goodnight guys." I said and everyone went off into their own tents. I was sharing one with Max and Red, since they were driving me, and I slept right in the middle with them. I smiled at even the slightest thought of my plan working.

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