Chapter 52

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Red's POV

I sat quietly on my side of the bed for the rest of the movie. I hadn't heard or felt Riley move for the last thirty minutes. I wondered if she had fallen asleep, but if she didn't it would be extremely uncomfortable. But you know what they say.

Curiosity killed the cat.

I moved my head to the side, and rested it on the headboard. Just as I had thought, she was sleeping peacefully. I watched her faintly smile, and I wondered if it was because of me. 'Of course it's not about you. Are you stupid?!' I thought to myself and made a mental note to slap myself. I shouldn't be feeling this way about my best friend's girlfriend, but here we are. Her sleeping peacefully, and me not able to tear my eyes away from her.

I dropped my gaze down to her hands. I wish I could hold them. Then her waist. I wish I could dance with her. Her shoulders. I wish I could massage them as we sat in bed together, just enjoying each other's company. Her fingers. I wish I could place a diamond on her small finger with our names engraved on it. I looked at her face, and all of her features and I knew. I knew that I loved her. I would take a bullet for her. I would swim across the ocean for her. I would do anything just to call her mine. It was an addiction. She was like a drug to me. I was addicted. Obsessed.

But yet here she lay with another man on her mind. another man in her heart. And I didn't even cross her mind. I always thought of her before I fell asleep. The words she said, the way she looked. The things we laughed about, the silent moments we shared. And when I would fall asleep, I would dream of her. Because its about her. It's only about her, and it will always be about her. She was my one true love. She was the girl of my dreams. She was the only one I wanted.

And no friend, no enemy, no boyfriend, would stop me from trying. I would kill or be killed for her. Because...

It's her.

I glanced back down at her still and sleeping figure. She looked uncomfortable. Her neck was bent and leaning on her own shoulder and she was hugging herself for what I was assuming was just warmth. I sighed and stood up from the bed. I noticed a room key laying on the nightstand on her side. I was assuming it was to their room.

I grabbed a small blanked off of the end of my bed and wrapped it around her. She clutched the blanked the minute it hit her skin, but she didn't wake up. Then I grabbed her key from the stand before I scooped her up in both of my arms and carried her over to the door. She stirred, but didn't wake up once again. I opened the door with my hip and swung it open with my foot before I stepped out and made my way to the elevator.

I pressed the up button and waited patiently as I watched the numbers get higher and higher. Once the door reached our floor, the slowly opened up and I saw a little old lady standing in the corner of the elevator. She clutched a bright white purse to her small and frail body, but still smiled at me as I stepped into the elevator.

"What floor dear?" She asked me and I told her the floor number. Her shaky hands reached out and pressed the button for me. "Thank you." I said to her and she smiled at me in return.

The ride up was quiet and awkward. The lady stared at me for most of the ride before she finally spoke up. "You remind me of my husband." She said. Nothing following it up, she just sat there and smiled at me. "Should I take that as a good thing?" I asked with a small friendly smile on my face. "Oh yes. He was the dearest person I had ever met. Sweet. Caring. Gentle. Loving. And he was ever very handsome." She told me and I watched as her eyes lit up by just speaking of him. "The way you look at her. It's the same way my husband looked at me. I can tell you love her very dearly." She said and my smiled dropped. "Is it really that obvious?" I asked her and she nodded. "Clear as day." She said and I groaned. "Why? What's wrong with that?" She asked and I sighed. "Well. The thing is, she isn't exactly single." I said and she nodded her head, one time, very slowly. "Well. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. Just remember. Never loose sight of what you want. But most importantly, what you need." She said and with the doors opened. "Thank you." I said to her once more before I stepped out of the elevator and towards their room.

Once I had opened their door, I stepped inside very careful not to hurt her. She stirred when I laid her down gently on the bed and I froze, afraid I woke her up. But she did no such thing. Instead, she turned over and I covered her up with a better blanket then she was currently using. I stepped back and admired her sleeping self before I leaned down to her.

"I love you. And I will love you forever." I whispered to her before I stepped back, set the card on the table and walked off.

Riley's POV

"I love you. And I will love you forever." He said to me. I froze. Did he really mean that? As soon as I heard the door close quietly, I sat up and pushed a hand through my hair. There was no way. No. Way. I stood up and went into the bathroom. I slid up onto the counter and stared at myself in the large mirror hanging on the wall. I stared at my reflection. What did I want?

I knew my decision should've already been made. It should be Max. No thoughts. No hesitation. I loved him. He loved me. But when Red said those few words, my stomach erupted with butterflies. It pained me to even be thinking about this, especially because of Max. It wasn't fair to him. I shouldn't have even gone to Red's room! I should've gone with Max and none of this would've even happened. But the more I thought about it, the more stressed I got. I sighed, took one last look at my reflection, then headed to bed.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter! If you liked it, be sure to vote and comment your favorite part of the chapter! Also if you have any other questions, comments, complaints, concerns, or ideas, comment those down as well. Shorter chapter, I know. But I wanted to get this one out there because I really need to work on a math presentation. So. Till next time my lovelies. ~Dez

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