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Okay, So there will be an update going up today, but I just wanted to inform you guys that you hit the goal.

We now have 1,000 reads!

You guys! You can't imagine how awesome that is! You guys have shown support constantly and I can't thank you enough for that! Some of your comments have actually brought tears to my eyes and for that I'm extremely grateful! Now a goal like this can't go unawarded. I'm going to give you guys a few days to comment any sort of challenge you want me to do. No matter how crazy it is (Please keep it a little bit reasonable. I'm broke man... XD) and I will do it and film the whole thing. So go comment! Now! Comment what you want to see!

But aside from that I would like to thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart. I have written a few other stories on here that haven't gotten nearly as much support as this book did! I started this story off by sitting on my couch watching a few challenge videos on Adam's channel and the idea to write just sorta popped in my head. So for me to just be lazy one day and decide to write and get this much support is amazing and I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for that.

I never would've even imagined I would hit something this big, and I know you guys are probably thinking something like 'Well people hit 1K views on their stories on the first day' but this is extraordinary for me. I actually started writing short stories, paragraphs, or just maybe a simple sentence on my arm, but I only have a few people to thank for that. As many of you guys know the people I use in my story are based off of real people. Sometimes I use their actual name, sometimes I change it. So I would like to dedicate everything I have earned and written so far to three amazing friends. They're known in the book as Gisselle, Ethan, and Ashlynn. Now those may or may not be their real names, I don't want to give anything out and I wouldn't assume that certain ones are either because you never know, but without these guys, I would be no where in writing.

'Gisselle' was originally the one who taught me how to express myself into writings. She taught me that with a pen in my hand, I could write whatever I wanted, however I wanted it. It was my decision. So I would like to thank her so much for that. She also has a book up and running. It is actually on my Wattpad account because she couldn't log onto her own, so please go give that one a read and give her some support and love. She has written the entire thing by herself and it is actually very well written. She uses many details and makes sure you are never bored when you read her story. (Warning: Her story does contain a lot of blood, gore, and violence. Read at your own risk) But her story is actually called Humanity Lost. It can be found on my Wattpad account once again and I hope you enjoy it and show her some love and support!

As for 'Ethan' he taught me to never give up on a writing. I was a little bit discouraged in the beginning when I had around 27 viewers, and I would frequently not update because I had no motivation to write, but he was usually the one who told me to stfu and stop complaining. To just write. Not care about how well the book is doing, but to write it for myself and for the few viewers that were reading. So I would like to thank him so much for that. He has also written a short story on his Wattpad account. So make sure to go show him some love and read it and vote for it. He actually just recently started writing and I want all of you to make sure he keeps writing because he is a really good writer. I couldn't thank him enough for everything he has done for me and I really hope you guys do go show him some love. His Wattpad name is Cody_Orlando

Then finally for 'Ashlynn', she has been the one to constantly support me every step of the way through. She has been there to read and do a review type thing on every single chapter of every single book I have written since I started. I remember I was staying at her house one night and we were reading a fanfiction together. Just being dorks about it. That was actually the first time I had said to her that I wanted to start something like that and she dragged me to her computer and got me started with my very first fanfiction. Granted, it was really crappy, but she was the one who got me started. She has been the one who has kept me going by Skyping me every night and helping me with problems I was having with the story. And please, please, PLEASE, go check out her as well. She is an amazing writer and I absolutely adore her stories. They were honestly my inspiration through most of this. So please guys, go show her the same support you have shown me, because without her, I wouldn't be anywhere with writing. Her Wattpad name is HerYTParadise

I couldn't thank these three people enough with everything they have done for me. I also can't thank you guys enough for everything you guys have done for me. I hope you guys continue to like this story and show support letting me know you like it. I have some things coming in the future that I think you guys are going to enjoy a lot. But make sure you also leave a challenge for me to do!! I'm excited!! Let's see what I'm going to have to do for you guys!!

But anyways guys, I love you guys to the moon and back. I wouldn't be anywhere without you and I mean that from the very bottom of my heart. Thank you guys so much. This is a dream come true and absolutely incredible! Till next time my lovelies. ~Dez

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