Chapter 48

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Riley's POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping through the open window next to our bed. I squinted my eyes as the sun's brightness first hit, but quickly got used to it. I pushed my hair through my messy and tangled hair as I sat up stretching. A small smiled appeared on my face as I remembered what happened last night.


"Come on Max!" I said as I grabbed his hand swimming back towards the shore. "Let's go explore!" I said to him and he laughed at my enthusiasm. "What do you want to explore?" He asked and I shrugged once I was able to stand on the sand again, reaching the ground. "I don't know. Let's just explore the city. See what all happens during the night!" I said as I jogged over to the small pile of clothes on the shore that we were wearing over our swimming suits and threw them back over my head. Max was close behind me, throwing on his shirt as well as we both raced each other towards the car.

We drove around the city for almost three hours before we started getting tired. Just looking around. Enjoying the city lights, the views, the people. But most of all, just enjoying the alone time the two of us had. Of course there were a few kisses in between stop lights, but nothing much.

Finally we made it back to the hotel around 1 AM, tuckered out. Max carried me bridal style up to the room and laid me gently on the bed as I fell into a blissful sleep, cradled in Max's secure arms.

*End of Flashback*

Max shuffled beside me, breaking me from my trance and I smiled down at him, pressing my lips against his. He was a bit shocked at first but quickly began to kiss me back, placing his hand on my cheek. I leaned into his warm hand as I pulled away from his lips. He smiled at me. "What was that for?" He asked me and I shrugged. "I dunno. I just wanted you to get up." I said as I shot out of bed like a little kid and skipped over to the shower. I heard his laugh as he stretched out, and I closed the door, climbing into the shower.

Once I was done getting ready for the morning, I happily skipped back out into the main part of the room. Max was laying on the bed, his feet up, just watching some television show. I grabbed the keys that we used from last night and grabbed his hand, pulling him from the bed. "Come on. Let's go get breakfast. I'm hungry!" I whined to him and he laughed at me. "Okay, but what the hell has got you so energetic this morning?" He asked me and I shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I just had a lot of fun last night." I said to him and he smiled. "Good. Then I'll expect you to be extremely giddy soon enough." He said to me and I blushed. What was he planning?

I made my way down in front of Barney's room and started banging on the door, both fists. "Baaaaaaarney!" I said to the door and I heard a loud thump from the other side of the door, before it swung open and an extremely tired Barney appeared in front of the door. "What can I help you with?!" He asked me and I giggled. "Get dressed. I'm buying you breakfast." I said and his face lit up. "Will do." He said and as he was turning to close the door, I grabbed onto his arm. "Wake up Tim too, will ya?" I asked him and he nodded. "Yes now go. I'll meet you down in the lobby." He laughed at me and I gave him one more grin before I turned and skipped back down the hallway to where Max was patiently waiting in front of Ross's door.

Next, I went up to Ross's door and did the same exact thing. He answered the door a lot quicker than Barney did, signaling me that he was already awake. "Yes Riley?" He asked and I pulled his hand out into the hallway since he was already dresses. "I'm buying you breakfast. Help me get everyone else up?" I asked him and he nodded before yawning. What were they up to last night?

Soon enough, Max and I were waiting in the lobby for the rest of them. Adam, Alesa, Mason, and Ross all came tromping down the stairs a while after Max and I had already gotten down here. "So, Ross wasn't just trying to be a butthole then? You're serious about breakfast?" Alesa asked me and I laughed but nodded. "Yes of course." I said and the four of them plopped down on some of the other couches gathered around a center coffee table as we waited for Barney and Tim to get ready.

Soon enough, we were all on our way to a restaurant to get breakfast, and let me tell you. Today is going to be a good day.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading, and if you liked it, be sure to vote and comment your favorite part of the chapter. Also if you have any other questions, complaints, ideas, concerns, or additional comments, don't be afraid to comment them down below as well. Also, I know, short chapter. I'm currently buried up to my neck in work right now and I apologize deeply. I will try as hard as I can to get these updates out more frequently. But in the mean time, please go check out my friends YouTube channel, subscribe, and comment that I sent you guys there. His channel name is Red's MyName (Yes there is a space in between.) But till next time my lovelies. ~Dez

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