The Devil

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Hi im Dan! Im 22 and live with my bestfriend Phil, hes 26. Hes pretty normal its a shame i can't be. Now you're proably wondering why im not normal well... Im the Devil! Well sort of, Im second in command for the Devil. I didn't choose this life but thats how it happened. Most people get a choice, me? Oh no i got a proposal If i didnt choose this life my family would be killed and i would never find the love of my life, but if i did everything would be normal (or as normal as i could get being the Devils assistant) except i would have to hide the complementary black wings, which to be honest wasn't to bad.

The thing is i have now been living with Phil for 4 years and never told him my 'secret.' I want to! I really do, but ... im afraid he will disown my like my parnets did the second they found out i was 'The Devil.' I cant go through that again! I cant lose Phil the way i have lost everybody else dear to me, I cant lose him i just cant!

I think... I think i like Phil more than i should. It sounds mad i know but... I feel empty when im not around him and my body aches for his hugs, i need him around. I sound extremally clingy but its true... Im sorry for being the way i am.

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