chapter 1

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Darla was going with Cherry, Atticus, and Patch as they were called into Drell's office.

Drell was sitting at his desk and looked over to the others. "You're probably wondering why you're all here, well, let me tell you," he then sat up once he saw them. "Your next voyage is in the Hawaiian Islands."

"Uh, sir, why am I here?" Darla raised her hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Darla," Drell nodded to her. "As surprising as it seems, you are a supernatural creature like the ones with you."

"I am?" Darla asked.

Drell reached under his desk and took out his crystal ball.

Darla stood up and slowly walked over to it.

"Touch it." Drell told her.

Darla looked up, then slowly held out her hand and touched the crystal ball which then glowed slightly and she held her hand back slightly from the shock. There was a high and girly voice that was singing, but it sounded foreign.

"Sounds Japanese..." Cherry commented.

"Exactly..." Drell replied. "Do either of you know about the Sailor Scouts?"

"Yes, yes, we do." Atticus, Darla, Cherry, and Patch nodded.

"What do you remember about your parents, Darla?" Drell asked. "Your real parents..."

"Not a whole lot..." Darla softly admitted. "We were very poor... It was hard to get medication sometimes... I could've died one year at Christmas, but my daddy worked triple shifts at work after I was born so I could get better... I also have a big sister, Deidre."

"Also known as Dusk from the Hex Girls." Patch spoke up, remembering what the others had told him.

"Your big sister was supposed to be the next Sailor Moon, but she was so depressed after your disappearance," Drell told Darla. "She changed... She was once a very happy and cheerful girl, but in that car accident with your parents, she was in a coma for a good while... When she woke up, it broke her very deep down inside her soul and she changed herself... She even dyed her hair."

"So, the Silver Crystal skipped her and went to me?" Darla asked.

"Yes, we're not sure how it worked, but yes," Drell replied with a small nod. "And according to my readings, it will then pass down to your firstborn daughter."

"My... My firstborn daughter?" Darla smiled.

"Mm-hmm..." Drell replied.

"Who's my daughter?" Darla held out her hands. "Who's her father? Where do I live? Do I ever get to live in Paris? I've always wanted to go to Paris!"

Drell then picked up his crystal ball and held it from her so she wouldn't see anything. "I'm sorry, Darla, but I can't give away too much information about your future."

"My Uncle Emmett always said you should never know too much about your own destiny." Cherry added.

"And he's wise." Drell said.

"By the way, why wasn't Mo called in with us?" Patch asked.

"Oohhh~..." Drell mocked slightly. "Do you want Momo with you on your little adventure 'cuz Atticus has the biggest crush on her?"

"I do not!" Atticus's eyes widened, but his face turned as bright red as a freshly grown tomato.

"Atticus, you so like her..." Cherry rolled her eyes. "I don't know why you try to keep it a secret..."

"Luckily, I did, she's with her uncle; waiting for you guys." Drell said before he felt himself almost losing air as Atticus hugged him tightly.

Cherry cupped her mouth and quietly snickered.

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