chapter 12

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Stitch and Patch went to the places they went to to help find Lilo's hula idea to make up for the misfortunes he caused the people due to his breakdowns. And where Patch would fill in the good chart for every good deed Stitch did. Stitch hummed an Elvis song to himself as he did his good deeds to make up for what he had unintentionally been doing lately.

Patch was liking what he saw. And so did the people who Stitch was catering to. Stitch even collected the hair that fell to the floor and collected it, spat right onto it to glue it together, and put it onto the bald barber's head. Patch winced in disgust, but still had to put that as a good deed. Stitch smiled once they finished.

"Excellent," Patch smiled to Stitch. "I'm so proud of you."

"We go show Lilo." Stitch smiled.

"Yeah, come on, let's go!" Patch smiled back and went to the Pelekai house with him.

And where they were excited to show Lilo the accomplishment they made.

"The great goddess Hi'iaka, that's me, and the brave mortal Lohi'au, whoa, that's also me..." Lilo tried to do her hula all by herself, but then fell with her ukulele and fell flat on the floor in failure. "Were best friends..."

"Lilo, Lilo, look!" Stitch rushed to show Lilo the good news. "I'm all good now! No more badness!"

Lilo tried to ignore him, then crumbled up the paper and threw it over her shoulder. "Stitch, just get outta here... Fuzzball..."

Stitch gasped at that, then glared to the girl as she tried to tune him out. "No, you out!" he then started to argue.

"Now, now, you two, let's just calm down." Patch said.

Lilo and Stitch got into an argument about who should leave, then Lilo decided to leave first and Stitch chased after her.

"Who took my hair--" Nani noticed something missing. "WHO TOOK MY HAIR DRYER?!" She soon heard an argument going on.

Stitch then trapped Lilo behind one door.

"This isn't working." Patch sighed.

"Open the door, trog!" Lilo banged on the door.

"Who's there?~" Stitch laughed.

"Stitch, open the door." Nani demanded.

"Okay." Stitch then let go of the door and Lilo rolled out from it.

"Seriously?" Patch asked Stitch, unimpressed.

"What is up with you two?" Nani tried to separate Lilo and Stitch as they acted like bickering siblings.

"I have no idea." Patch said.

The two then started do the 'I'm not touching you' thing which was very annoying with them.

"Would you two please stop fighting?!" Patch barked.

"Why are you fighting?!" Nani asked.

"Because he ruins everything!" Lilo snarled.

"Not my fault!" Stitch replied.

"Then whose fault is it?!" Lilo glared.

"I don't even know who's fault it is!" Patch exclaimed.

"That is IT!" Nani snarled. "Go to your room and make up like loving friends!"

"You're gross." Lilo scoffed.

"Stupid Head." Stitch retorted.

"Keep walking." Nani firmly told them.

The two of them soon went up to their room.

Patch sighed to Lilo and Stitch. "What is going on around here?" he then decided to just go back to the hotel for the night. But he then decided that maybe he should stick around to see how this goes.

Lilo and Stitch were in their room and had their backs to each other as they were angry from the argument they had. Patch soon had a thought of what might end the argument as he brought over the crumbled up goodness results over to Lilo.

Stitch couldn't find himself to keep angry with Lilo and decided to say something. "Stitch sorry." he then apologized.

"We said we were gonna be good," Lilo replied. "I needed you, Stitch."

Patch soon uncrumbled the good deed chart and showed it to Lilo.

"Stitch good again." Stitch pointed to the chart.

Lilo took the chart and took a look at it and looked thoughtful for a moment. "If you promise to be good, I'll give you one more chance, but I want you to promise." she then said to her alien pet.

"Oh, yeah." Stitch smiled and promised in his alien language.

Patch smiled at the sight.

"You get the costumes, and I'll get the record player." Lilo smiled as she then went downstairs.

Patch soon helped Stitch with the costumes.

"Stitch good," Stitch smiled as he picked up one mask. "Good, good, good..."

Patch smiled, but then looked worried as Stitch's eyes glowed green. "Oh, no, not again..." he then said out of worry.

Lilo came back up with her record player with a hopeful smile. "We are ready!" she then gasped to see her room was nearly all tore up. "Stitch!"

"Lilo..." Stitch said softly.

"Everything's ruined..." Lilo sounded disappointed. She began to look around for Patch until she saw him dizzy and on the wall.

"I... I sorry..." Stitch came to Lilo.

"I don't know why I ever believed you." Lilo glared to him.

"Something wrong with Stitch." Stitch frowned.

"I know what's wrong with you," Lilo sneered. "You're bad, and you'll always be bad," she then gasped once she saw Patch looked hurt. "Oh, my goodness!"

"I'm okay," Patch said out of dizziness before falling off the wall. "I'm still okay."

Stitch felt so bad about what he had done and ran off to leave the room, feeling he couldn't be around them any longer.

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