chapter 15

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Meanwhile at Lilo's house, she woke up extra early to get ready for the festival later tonight. And where she of course would get there with Darla. Lilo was doing heavy training for herself to get ready for tonight's show.

Myrtle and the other girls were gathered around and were in their costumes. Elena wore her hula uniform with pearl bracelets around her wrists and ankles, had a shell necklace around her neck, and had a shell crown on her head. Yuki wore a blue fish based costume. Teresa wore a pineapple based costume. Myrtle wore a blue grass skirt with pearls, a paper taped to her back, and appeared to have an American flag on her head. Darla came in wearing her Sailor Scout dress and brooch.

"Do you think Lilo will show up?" Teresa asked.

"After that rehearsal?" Myrtle scoffed. "She wouldn't dare."

The three girls seemed to glare at Myrtle's bullying, but they were silent as Lilo came in her costume with her mask in her hand and the red-haired girl folded her arms firmly to the girl. Lilo was nervous at first, but she put her mask on over her head and she walked proudly over with Darla. Darla soon gave Lilo a flower similar to what Lilo's mother wore. Lilo smiled to that and put it in her hair.

"Perfect," Darla smiled to her friend. "Oh, you look just like your mother now. I'm sure she's very proud of you."

"I hope so." Lilo said.

Darla hugged her friend and she adjusted her brooch.

"I just wanted to say I am very proud of all your hard work," Moses smiled to his students. "If it were up to me, you would all win first place." he then walked up to the stage.

"He's just saying that so the losers don't feel bad." Myrtle said, though mostly to Lilo of course.

Myrtle's posse soon had enough when they heard that.

"Myrtle, I think we need to talk." Elena said firmly.

"Yeeeeaahhh!" Yuki and Teresa agreed.

This surprised Myrtle, Lilo, and Darla.

"What did you just say?!" Myrtle glared to her posse.

"What's going on with them?" Lilo whispered.

"I dunno, but I think I like it." Darla whispered back.

"We're done being mean to Lilo." Elena said.

"What are you talking about?" Myrtle glared at her friends.

"It's not fair, Myrtle," Yuki agreed. "What did she ever do to us?"

"Yeah, she's been nothing, but nice, weird at times, but nice and all we do is be mean to her!" Teresa added.

"But she's weird!" Myrtle said like that was a good excuse to make fun of Lilo all the time. "You guys don't wanna be weird like her, do you?"

"It's better to be nice and weird than to be mean." Elena said.

Lilo smiled a little to that.

"What is going on with you guys?!" Myrtle sneered.

The girls glared to Myrtle, finally having enough of her and they came to Lilo's sides, being her friends from now on.

"Hi, Nani." David smiled as he took his seat with the crowd.

"Hey, David." Nani smiled as she took her seat next to him.

David wanted to say something, but he was a little too nervous. Drell and Hilda then took their seats too. Mo and Cherry followed after, Atticus promised he would be there, but he had to take care of something first.

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