chapter 16

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The girls continued to go with Darla to follow after Lilo. Jumba and Pleakley showed up. Yuki, Teresa, and Elena screamed slightly since the two were out of their Earth disguises.

"Guys, it's okay, I know these guys." Lilo told them.

"You mean your Aunt Pleakley and Uncle Jumba have been aliens all this time?" Yuki asked.

Darla started to explain why Jumba and Pleakley were in disguise as Lilo's pretend uncle and aunt. Yuki, Teresa, and Elena now understood and were rather shocked to discover this and they were worried, but Darla assured them that they were not here to attack and neither was Stitch. After that was cleared up, they now had to find Stitch and bring him to the fusion chamber.

"Why? What will happen if we don't bring him to this fusion chamber thing?" Elena asked.

"Stitch could..." Atticus said before gulping. "...Die..."

"Die?" the hula girls asked.

"Is very long story, will explain later." Jumba replied.

"Okay, so where can we find the fusion chamber and most importantly, where would we find Stitch?" Mo asked.

Patch started to think until he remembered his vision and started to run off to Jumba's and Pleakley's ship.

"Patch, where are you going?!" Hilda called.

"Follow me!" Patch led the way.

"You heard him! Follow that Dalmatian!" Atticus told them.

"Did that dog just talk?" Teresa asked.

"Yeah, surprising, we'll explain how he's able to talk later." Darla said.

The hula girls had a lot to learn after becoming Lilo's friend.

They were now going to Jumba and Pleakley's ship to catch up with Stitch before he would leave the planet like in Patch's vision last night.

"Please don't start it, please don't start it." Patch begged as he ran.

The ship seemed to start and it was rising.

"Nooo!" Patch yelped as he stood in his tracks in worry.

"Patch, quick, teleport into the ship!" Atticus told him.

"What about you guys?!" Patch frowned.

"We'll catch up." Nani said.

Patch nodded to them, then shut his eyes as he teleported into the ship as Stitch flew away.

"How are we going to catch up to a ship?" Elena asked.

Nani took everyone to her car then. Atticus drove his own car to carry everyone else since Nani's car wasn't big enough for all of them.

"I think I should drive." Pleakley said.

"Two eyes, my car, I'm driving!" Nani replied.

"How are we going to communicate with him?" Yuki asked.

"Don't worry, I have a spare communicator from Pleakley." Hilda took out a communicator as Lilo had the other one.

"Cool." The girls smiled.

"Oh, poor Stitch..." Drell frowned deeply.

Stitch was now looking for what planet to go to now.

'Hello!' a male voice called on a screen, showing a picture of other planets. 'Thanks for using the Uninhabited Planet Index, your guide to the galaxy's most isolated and lonely locations. If your selection is Planet Z-13, engage hyper-drive.'

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