chapter 14

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After Patch fell asleep, he started to have a vision. He shivered slightly and tossed and turned as he saw the vision in his sleep. And where he saw Stitch trying to leave the planet due to his behavior.

Lilo was begging for Stitch to come back, but Stitch told her that he could never come back. But before he could reach for the hyper-drive stick; his system started to shut down again as he started to yell out in pain.

"STITCH!" Patch panicked for his alien friend.

And where Stitch soon started to crash land.

"Stitch!" Patch tried to help.

The ship was shaking and going out of control. And where it crash landed, luckily Stitch survived the crash, but he looked like he was going to die soon.

"Oh, please be okay..." Patch covered his eyes with his paws, then looked through them to see that Stitch had survived the crash. "Oh, thank goodness." He then see Lilo put Stitch inside the fusion chamber and closed it once the blue alien was inside it and then turned it on as she saw that Stitches system was almost completely gone. "Oh, no..." his heart slightly broke at the sight.

And where even though the machine was working, Stitch's system didn't seem to be going up.

"No..." Patch's eyes began to tear up.

Stitch's family came to see him and they looked rather broken to see that he didn't have much time left. And where soon enough Stitch's eyes closed completely before he stop breathing. The levels seemed to drop down completely. Lilo held Stitch in her arms and she began to cry. Patch didn't seem to like this vision at all. He wished and hoped he would wake up soon as this felt like a nightmare come true. This seemed to go on for a while until Lilo started to talk to Stitch even if he was dead.

"Poor Lilo..." Patch said to himself. "First her parents... And now Stitch... I wish there was something I could do..."

"Stitch, you're my heart." Lilo said out of sadness.

Patch sniffled.

"You're my ohana..." Lilo broke down.

Everyone soon started to mourn over the loss of Stitch and where unknown to any of them; the screen started to show Stitch's systems starting to go up.

"Huh?" Patch saw that and looked very hopeful. The clouds in the sky opened up and there seemed to be a golden glow from the Heavens which shined down on Stitch as Lilo showed that she truly loved the alien like her own family. And where he could see that Lilo was glowing as Stitch was being brought back to life. "Oh!" he then smiled up into the Heavens, seeing that his prayer had to had been answered. "Thank you, Annabelle!"

Annabelle shook her head before pointing to Lilo.

"What?" Patch asked.

Annabelle had him look to the little Hawaiian girl.

Patch turned his head to Lilo. "You mean... Lilo brought Stitch back to life?" He then started to remember the story Lilo told him and Darla.

'Patch, do you remember the story of the hula that Lilo taught you?' a booming, baritone voice asked in the puppy's head.

"Uh, who are you?" Patch asked. "Mother, your voice has changed..."

'I'm not your mother, my boy...' the voice replied. 'I am the dog creator of all things canine.'

"Oh, my Gabriel!" Patch's eyes widened.

'Precisely...' the voice confirmed.

"This is awesome! And yes, I do remember." Patch nodded.

'What does this tell you?' Gabriel then asked the puppy.

"That Lilo was right and love is more powerful than death." Patch smiled.

'Exactly.' Gabriel smiled.

Patch smiled back.

'That and Lilo has unknowingly used her powers for good,' Gabriel told the boy. 'Lilo doesn't know it yet, but she is descended from Pele the volcano goddess herself.'

"Ohh, so that's why Lilo was glowing; she was using her powers to bring Stitch back to life." Patch smiled.

'That's right, my boy,' Gabriel replied. 'Her parents were also channeling her from beyond the beyond.'

"You mean they were helping her from Heaven?" Patch asked.

'Exactly,' Gabriel replied. 'Jose and Layla miss their family very much and seeing them happy matters very much to them.'

"I can tell," Patch said. He then sighed softly. "Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and save them from getting in that accident or bring them back into Lilo and Nani's lives."

Gabriel soon sent Patch a note with lyrics of a song Lilo's mother used to sing.

Patch took it. "What's this?"

'Every time Lilo or Nani would feel down, their mother used to sing that song to them, I am trusting you to keep it for an emergency.' Gabriel informed.

"I'll keep it close." Patch said before seeing his medallion/Pound Puppy tag glow as the song got close to it.

'It's very important, Patch, and don't worry about your friend Stitch, he's going to be just fine.' Gabriel promised.

"Thank you, Gabriel." Patch said.

'You are very welcome, I'll see you in, oh, say, 20 years?' Gabriel replied before chuckling and fading away.

Patch's eyes slowly and wearily opened as it was the next morning already. He was ready for the day he then felt the note that Gabriel had given him in his paw. He looked to see the note. "It wasn't just an ordinary dream or vision... I don't know how yet... But I have to help Lilo and Stitch!" he then proclaimed like a big and strong noble hero.

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