01: Golf With Friends

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"I'm gonna do an intro. *WA-PSH* TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND WELCOME TO GOLF WITH FRIENDS WITH (Y/N) MARK AND WADE!" Jack yelled all of that in one breath, and no one was surprised. He was the loudest out of all of us by a long shot, but none of us minded. I was already smiling; I loved playing games with my YouTube friends... Not to mention I kind of have a huge crush on Jack.

"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier..."

His Irish accent literally makes my heart flutter in one thousand different ways. If it's mesmerizing over Skype, I'm sure it sounds even better in person.

"Hi everybody... What Jack said." That was Wade.

I mean, Jack's eyes are so blue. It's like staring into a mirror and looking at the ocean at the same time. How are anyone's eyes that blue?


"... (Y/N)? (Y/N)!" I was snapped back to reality by the sound of Mark calling my name. Apparently, Mark and Wade had already done their intros. Now they were all waiting for me, while I was just lost in thought.

"Oh, sorry! Hey everybody, it's (Y/T/C), and I'm playing Golf With Friends with Jack, Mark, and Wade!" I made swift apologies for not paying attention; the guys were waiting for me to get the game started.

Everything was quiet while Wade re-picked out the courses until Jack asked,

"(Y/N), what were you thinking about anyway? You were zoned out for a while there." I immediately felt my cheeks warm up, hearing the question, but also hearing his voice again. I somehow managed to stutter out,

"Uh, n-nothing. I just... Nothing." If Jack knew I had a crush on him, I don't know how he would react... And for me, that's the scariest part of having such a big crush on one of my friends.

"If you say so..." Jack began, but luckily, Wade had started the game up and we jumped right in. Soon, shouts of ' Wade, why? Why?' and 'Mark, how did you make that shot?' filled the room. So far, I was doing great. I was two strokes behind Jack when...

"DUDE! (Y/N)! That was so messed up!" Jack was yelling into his mic, but I knew he was smiling, and Wade and Mark were laughing. However, I was confused.

"What did I do?" I asked. Wade answered,

"I may or may not have turned on collision. So you may, or may not, have kept Jack from getting a hole- in- one."

"Wade. What a FANTASTIC time to tell me that. If I had known that, Jack, I would be winning right now!" I took a stab at Jack, hoping he'd retaliate.

"Uh, you must be out of your mind, because there is no way that would happen. You aren't going to bring that 'winning' nonsense onto MY golfing arena!" Jack had to defend his title as golfing champion, so things were getting pretty competitive this round.

"Oh, we'll just see about that." I was ready to beat Jack now, but something I heard... Rather, something I didn't hear, was bothering me.

"Uh, Mark... Are you still alive over there in L.A.? You haven't said anything in a while." I was beginning to think that Mark had just fallen asleep on his mic, which is why I was just hearing breathing from his end, and I started to giggle.

Mark replied with "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I just have to ask all of you something later. Well, Wade knows, so just you, (Y/N), and Jack." With that, we finished the rest of GWF, exchanged webcam feed, and just talked after that. Usually we just cracked jokes and made each other laugh, but there was something on my mind. I wasn't the only one either...

"So Mark, you said you had something to ask (Y/N) and me?..." Jack said in that lovely accent.

"Oh , yea. How would you guys like to come visit me in L.A.? For a whole week. "

"Wait, are you serious?" I asked. "You better not be joking, Mark, or I will murder you."

"No, I'm serious!" Mark said. He sounded excited, too. "Today's Wednesday, so you could come up on Saturday. You guys can come stay at my parent's vacation home... They passed it onto me. It'll be just a get-together for a bunch of our YouTube friends... the three of you, Bob, Felix, Marzia, and Molly."

I began to get really excited. I would finally be able to meet all of my close friends, and I would finally be able to see Jack in person!

"I don't know if my heart can handle this.." I was mumbling aloud, forgetting I had a microphone in front of me.

"What, (Y/N)?" Mark asked. Again, I stuttered out a quick excuse. I was too busy to be talking, I was thinking about the approaching weekend. I was going to meet everyone I love to talk with and Skype... And one person I've had a crush on for just about ever.

After Jack, Wade, and I expressed our greatest thanks, appreciation, and excitement toward Mark, we all disconnected our call. Mark first, then Wade, then Jack, and finally me.

*Time Skip*

Boop, boop, boop, boop! My Skype call sound changed, and it's so annoying. I was just about to go to bed, so whomever is calling has to be super important. I looked at my phone, squinting at the brightness. Through my half closed eyes, I could see:


My eyes pop right open. I think I can make an exception for Jack. His face pops up on the big screen first, and then mine in a little box in the upper right hand corner.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" I never get tired of hearing his voice.

"Hey, Jack, what's going on?"

"Nothin' much, just wanted to see if you are as excited as I am for this week at Mark's!"

"I'm probably a little more excited to see everybody than I should be! It'll be so nice to finally meet you in person!" My cheeks immediately betrayed me by warming up and making me smile nervously. I thought I was seeing things, but... was Jack blushing?

"I know, meeting you in person, and being in America again, and seeing everybody again.. It's going to be a crazy week." Jack rubbed the back of his neck and blushed a little bit when he talked about meeting me, and that made me really happy, but I'm trying not to get ahead of myself. We talked for a few more minutes about videos, YouTube, and the upcoming week, and then we signed off Skype.

"Goodnight, (Y/N), see you on Saturday!" Jack.

"Goodnight, Jack! Saturday it is."


I have a lot of work to do. What to pack, what to bring... I can't wait for Saturday!

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