03: Not-So-Sleepless Nights

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*Wade's POV*

"Hey Mark, where are you going?" I had a feeling he was going back to the airport, but I needed to make sure. This is the week that we finally get (Y/N) and Jack together. They would be a good couple. They've had crushes on each other since practically forever, so it's not like we have to do much to get them to confess.

"Oh, I'm heading to the airport to get Jack. Are you gonna tell everyone?"

"Yea, I'll let them know the game plan." The plan, overall, was to make (S/N) a thing... They talk on the phone and collab with each other all the time anyway. They have never met in person, so now would be the perfect time to get them together.

"Okay, Wade," Mark said. "Make sure they know what's up." Mark left to go get Jack from the airport, so it's time to tell everyone.

"Hey, everybody, can you get down here for a second? I need to tell you something." Eventually they trickled in- Marzia and Molly happened to be in the room anyway, so they just waited for Felix and Bob. When they finally got here, I told them why I called them there.

"Hey guys. Thank you for not waking (Y/N) up on the way down here. So, you guys may or may not know that Jack has a crush on (Y/N)..."

Felix piped up, "Oh, do we ever know. I don't think Jack can get through one conversation with her without turning as red as Mark's hair." Everybody laughed at the truth in that statement.

"So, yeah. This week, Mark has made it his goal to get them together-"

"Oh, gosh, FINALLY!" Molly and Marzia yelled and began talking excitedly.

"You guys, shush! You're gonna wake (Y/N) up." Bob exclaimed.

"Sorry," the girls giggled.

"Anyway, Mark somehow got (Y/N) to admit that she had a crush on Jack..."

"Wait, what?" Felix asked. "How on earth did he get her to do that? She doesn't even like to talk about him..."

Molly chimed in with, "Yeah, because she knows if she starts talking about Jack, she'll get all up in her feelings. And super cool (Y/N) can't become super fan-girl (Y/N) when Jack is around."

"Also, Mark had a sign made for their arrival at the airport. You know, so they could find him? I would bet you money that his sign had something with (S/N) written on it." Marzia said.

"That's true. (Y/N) would freak out if she knew Jack saw that sign while she was around... Lucky his flight was delayed." I said.

"5 bucks says Mark just made her tell him. I don't even remember a sign!" Bob, as the group gambler, is always ready to make a deal.

"5 dollars it is," Marzia said. She literally crossed the room to shake hands on it with Bob. These two... Actually, none of these crazy people let me get a word in edgewise.

"Anyway, you will notice that the room system has been conveniently made. I'm with Molly, of course, Felix with Marzia, Mark has his own room.. Duh... and Bob?" I looked at him.

"I actually have my own little room."

I smiled. "Cool. So (Y/N) happened to get to the room first, but we are leaving Jack with no choice but to pair up with her. They aren't actually sharing a bedroom, but the suite is split into two separate rooms, side by side." When I said that, everyone exchanged smiles. Our plan was going to work flawlessly. Soon, we were all having different conversations about what we could do to make (Y/N) and Jack go on a date or something, when Marzia piped up.

"You guys, be quiet! Hold on." Immediately, we all shut up. If (Y/N) just woke up, she can't know what we were talking about. With the room so quiet, all we heard was a quiet 'beebeebeep' and then the back door opening. Mark! Just in case we didn't know Mark was with Jack, he yelled out,

"I'M HOOO-OOOOOME!" and then heard loud laughter coming from Jack. We all laughed, and scrambled up from our seats on the floor to go say hi to them.

*Jack's POV*

It's been so nice finally seeing my friends again! Just to hang out, make some videos, and have fun! I've been talking with everyone for like 15 minutes, but I wanted to put my stuff down... And I was kind of tired. Apparently, everyone else had gotten here on Friday, so they had adjusted to the time difference already. But I guess that's fair- they all live in America and Felix and Marzia were down here for two weeks in the first place.

I hadn't even noticed Mark leaving the room, but he apparently had, because he was coming down the steps saying,

"Hey, Jack, if you want to put your stuff down and like, change, or something, you can go up to the third floor and down the right hallway... That room should be empty."

"Okay sounds grea-" I was interrupted by Wade.

" Mark, that room isn't empty."

"Yea," Marzia said, "Isn't (Y/N) still sleeping in there?" My heart stopped beating for a little bit.

"Oh yeah, she is!" Mark said, giving Wade a pointed look. Then Mark turned back to me.

"You wouldn't mind... Sharing a room with (Y/N), would you?" Well, my heart may still not be working properly, but the rest of me was, because my cheeks were on fire.

"Uh- Um... Um. I m-mean-IguessIcould, Idon'treallymind....." Everyone was smiling at me, almost mocking me.


Felix, always blunt, said, "Dude, we all know you like her. Drop the act already." Everyone laughed when he said that, but I couldn't. My heart rate was still returning to normal, and I could barely speak. Luckily, Mark took pity on me.

"Do you want to go put your stuff down?" I immediately said,

"Yea! Yea. I'll go do that." But of course, Mark wasn't going to just... Let me go.

"Make sure you don't wake (Y/N) up when you go in there, m'kay?" Mark was wiggling his eyebrows at me. I just rolled my eyes and continued up the stairs to the fading sound of laughter.

When I did eventually reach the third floor, I found the room door was already cracked open. I pushed the door open all the way and just marveled at the size of it for a few minutes. I mean, I had to actually look around to find a door to where the beds were. There were beds, right? I walked inside the bed room (literally, the room devoted to beds) and found that there were, indeed, two beds- I'm assuming the whole room mirrored itself and was separated by a wall that divided the room in half . So it was more like two full rooms, just separated by a door. And who was sleeping in the room near the window? (Y/N). Jeez, Marzia wasn't kidding. She was knocked out. Curled into a little ball, letting out the cutest shallow breath once in a while... I didn't know it was possible to make breathing cute. (Y/N)'s (Hair Length & Color) hair fanned out to one side of the pillow. Her skin was illuminated by the glow from the floor to ceiling window behind her, making her look like an angel. I only saw her for a little bit- I had gone back into my room and shut the door. When I remembered that I came up here to unpack, I had to tear my eyes away from the door to (Y/N)'s room. I had been standing in front of a closed door for the last 5 minutes, just thinking... But by now, I was actually tired. So I just showered, changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants, left my Septic Sam shirt in a pile on the ground, and climbed into bed.

*Your POV*

Perfection. Sheer, absolute perfection. The green hair, the perfect figure. The blue eyes I can't see but that I remember so well. But I couldn't think all night.... Just for a long time. On the plus side, I didn't even have to watch my nightly Jacksepticeye video to see him; I have the real deal with me for a whole week. It is a good night, indeed.

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