04: Twister, Twister

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I woke up feeling as if it were Christmas morning. I have never felt more jittery and excited at the same time. Of course, the first thing I did was hop out of bed and try to get changed as quickly as possible. I didn't want him to see me in this gigantic green t-shirt and black shorts if I could help it. I need to look at least half- decent in front of him... And everyone else, of course. So I made my way over to my closet. I picked out a more normal 'Speed is Key' shirt, dark blue jeans, and a black beanie to wear after my shower. I then walked out of my closet and left the bed room. As quietly as possible, I tiptoed through Jack's room, forcing myself not to stare. I went into the (HUGE!) bathroom and took care of everything; showered, face washed, teeth brushed, and a little bit of mascara to make my eyes look bigger. By this time, I could hear Mark calling me and Jack down for waffles:

"(Y/N)! JACK! GET DOWN HERE AND EAT! WE'RE WAITING FOR YOU SO WE CAN PLAY SOME GAAAAAMES!" In the midst of Mark screaming up two stories, I could hear everyone else talking about the games. I yelled back, even louder than Mark did,


"OKAY!" I could hear Mark snickering and saying something, and then... someone laughing. Felix, maybe?


"Uh, NOTHING! DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!" Mark is hiding something... What the heck is going on? Whatever. I am going to take advantage of this situation and go wake up Jackaboy. I walked back into the large room, and tiptoed as I approached the door. I slowly opened the door, which did squeak, and peered into the room.

"Jack? Um, it's (Y/N). Are you awake?" I whispered. I walked over to his bed and poked his shoulder.

"Jackaboy? Agent Septiceye. Do you copy?" He began to stir....

*Jack's POV*

I woke up to (Y/N) poking my shoulder and saying 'Do you copy, Agent Jackaboy? Do you copy?' I didn't, actually. I couldn't comprehend anything, staring into those sparkling (E/C) eyes of hers. Staring into her eyes, I realized... She was still trying to get me up. (Y/N) said the one thing that would make me get up...

"There are waffles downstairs!" With that, I bolted out of bed yelling,

"JACKABOY'S UP, I'M UP!" I looked over at (Y/N), and she was giggling... And staring at me?

*Your POV*

I knew waffles would get him up. Apparently, Mark's waffles are the best. What I was not expecting was Jack to literally jump out of bed. He seemed to be missing a shirt. That's what surprised me, and made me laugh. But my laughter trailed off as my mind focused on other things... Like those sea-glass eyes, more piercing in person than over a webcam. And... I'm staring. I know I am.

"Hey." His voice scared me. "Good morning."

"G-good morning, yourself! Come get your waffles." I had to get out of the room before I melted into a puddle right in front of Jack.

*Jack's POV*

"HEY, (Y/N)!" I yell from inside the living room, hopping toward the door and trying to put a sock on my right foot at the same time. I hear her stop at the top of the stairs and yell back,


I ran out the door in a black Berlin shirt and a pair of jeans, stopped at the top of the stairs and shouted,

"Race you downstairs, first one there gets dibs on the last waffle!" Mark always makes an uneven amount of waffles because he is cruel, plain and simple.

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