11: Five Night's at Fischbach's

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*Your POV, Wednesday Morning*

Today has been a stormy day, and thunder has been shaking the house all morning. By rainy day tradition, we have all played games and recorded, and I couldn't have thought of a more fun start to my day. I thought that after the game spree, Mark would be satisfied. Boy, was I ever wrong...


"Geez!" I giggled. "Did you and Jack switch decibels? You have way too much energy. You scared me." When I said that, a devious smile spread across Felix's face. He whispered something to Mark.

"Hey, no secrets!" I protested.

"Nope, no secrets..." Mark agreed. "We're going to play Five Night's at Freddy's!" I immediately shiver, and Felix smirks at me.

"Afraid of jump-scares, are we, (Y/N)?" He asks.

"It's not the jump-scare itself..." I begin.

"It's what's jumping out!" Molly finishes my sentence.

"Also, the noises scare me more than the actual jump-scare." Marzia added.

"Exactly." I nodded in agreement.

"Well, too bad. To the recording room!" Bob yells. We all scramble to get up. As we are all walking, Mark and Wade are whispering. Every so often, Wade will look at me or Jack, then turn back to Mark and smirk.

"Hey!" I say, catching up to the two giggling fools. "What is that all about? Mark, what did you do?" They just explode into giggles.

"N-n-nothing! Nothing... Oh geez, she is going to be so mad..." Mark says, and Wade laughs heartily. I don't like this at all. If I know Mark, I'm going to be embarrassed at some point today.

*Time Skip, Recording Room*

We finally get our recording stuff set up, and here's the order- Mark, Wade, Felix, Me, Jack, Molly, Bob, and Marzia. Marzia had never played the game, so this should be interesting.


Mark takes his turn and, being the king of this game, passes night one with ease. We are only doing night one each; otherwise, the video would run on for too long. Wade and Felix each get through with ease as well, and then... It's my turn. I get to 2 a.m., and there's no problem. Foxy and Bonnie especially like to pay me visits, but I manage. Somehow.

"(Y/N), you have to peek out at Foxy or she'll-" Jack started to warn me, but it's too late. Foxy jumps out at me, screaming. And she isn't the only one doing either of those things.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I scream extremely high pitched, lurching back in my chair and almost falling over. As the game over screen flashes, I put my head on the desk and my arms snake around my head. Foxy is my least favorite, too... As if I have any favorites with this game. Everyone goes quiet as my body starts to shake- with laughter, but they don't know that. I laugh silently, and I feel a hand on my back.

"(Y/N)? Are you- are you crying?" I hear Jack ask. He sounded so concerned that I snickered and burst into giggles. I lifted my head, sitting back in my chair and laughing harder than I have in a long time.

"(Y/N)... What?" Felix looks perplexed, and Marzia can't help but giggle at his expression. When Mark snickers, everyone just loses it. We are all laughing heartily, and we finish out the episode with a bang.

Just as Mark says his usual, 'Bye-bye!' the lights go off. Seriously, right after FNAF? What timing. One by one, we all grab our phones and use them as flashlights.

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