02: Delay Times and Airports

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Thankfully, this Saturday weather is ideal for me to be flying. Here we go; my flight from (Your Location) to L.A. is officially underway. I have never been more excited for something in my life! I'm rarely in L.A in the first place, and I couldn't wait to finally meet everyone in person; Jack and Mark and Wade, Molly and Felix and Marzia... and Jack. This week was going to be a fun one; we were all staying in Mark's family vacation home. Apparently, it's gigantic! We'll just be able to get together as friends and YouTubers alike, and just... Have fun.

*Flashback, earlier today*

'Boop, boop, boop, boop!' There goes my Skype again. I picked up my phone, smiling. I knew it would be Jack. He texted me (first!) and told me he had something to tell me.

*Jack's POV*

I took a deep breath and called (Y/N) over Skype. I always got nervous before talking to her; I think she is really pretty and super sweet... and I kind of have a crush on her. My cheeks were warming up just thinking about seeing her face again. I truly don't know how I make it through our Skype calls without blushing profusely the whole time. I was talking to Mark earlier, and I found out that we were both supposed to get to the airport in L.A. at 4:30! Which means I could finally see those beautiful (E/C) eyes in person. I'm blushing again, and of course (Y/N) picks up the call now.

"Hey Jack! How are you?" (Y/N)'s voice is so charming to listen to; I can feel that my face hasn't gotten any less red.

"Uh, I'm pretty good, how about yourself?" (Y/N) and I continue the ritual small talk until...

"So, Jack, you had something to tell me?" She was looking at me intently, and I remembered why I had called (Y/N) in the first place.

"Oh, yeah! So, I found out that our flights are supposed to get in at the same time!"

"Sweet!" (Y/N) smiled even wider, flashing her beautiful white teeth through the screen. "That means I'll have someone to look out for when I get off my plane!"

She said she'll look for me! "Uh, yeah, definitely! I'll try to find you before I find Mark... He is supposed to pick us up, right?" I had to divert the conversation away from me; as if I could get any more red.

"Yeah, he said he'll hold up a sign so we know where he is." I talked with (Y/N) for a few more minutes, but we both had to end the call to get ready for our separate flights. I ended the call with,

"I'll see you at 4:30, (Y/N)!"

"Yeah... Hey, I have one more question." As if I wouldn't answer her!

"Shoot!" I used this opportunity to study her eyes, and her perfect (H/C) hair...

"Uh, Jack...?" (Y/N) was calling me.

"Yeah! Sorry. What did you ask?"

"Um, I was just wondering how you knew that my flight time was coming in at 4:30." I was hoping she wouldn't have asked that. My cheeks set on fire once more as I realized how that must seem to (Y/N). How would I know her flight times unless I had done some research? I somehow manage to mumble out an acceptable response, and she and I ended our call.

*End of Flashback, Your POV*

I have only been in the air for an hour, and I can't get my thoughts to drift away from Jack. How had he known my flight times? Not that I minded... But is that why he was blushing so hard, because he didn't want to tell me? I didn't know, but that's what I was thinking about when I finally drifted to sleep.

*Time Skip *

The first thing that hit me when I stepped off of the plane was hot, good- smelling air. If this is L.A. weather all the time, I won't have any trouble getting used to it. The next thing that hit me was a thought, 'Where's Jack?' That thought was soon put to rest, though. My phone buzzed, letting me know that I got a text. It was from Jack, saying that his flight had an hour long delay. Of course, just as I finished reading his text, the loudspeaker informed me that the flight would be delayed. The one time... It's okay. I'll see him later. In the meantime, I headed to baggage claim and grabbed my stuff. I made it my #1 task to find Mark, but it wasn't hard. All I had to do was look for a sign and a mop of red hair.

It took longer than I thought to find Mark. I was surprised that so many people had natural red hair that was so bright! What set Mark apart, though, was the sign he was holding up. He made it bright green and (Your Favorite Color), like he said he would, so as I approached him, I could make out what the sign said,

'JACK AND (Y/N), (S/N)'

Oh my Lord. Did Mark seriously put our ship name on a gigantic poster? Imagine if Jack was actually here... I would probably (definitely) die of embarrassment. I was about to approach Mark when I saw that he was talking to someone, a little girl who looked no older than 9 or 10. Mark was gesturing to the sign, and then pointed my way. The girl then smiled at Mark, and I could see her mouth, 'Thank you'. Mark smiled and nodded, and then said something to her. The girl ran up to me and said,

"Hi! My name is Melody. I just wanted to say that I love your videos so much! Thank you for throwing all of your energy and time into making videos for your fans to enjoy."

"Well, Melody, thank you so much for being on the other side of the screen, supporting me every day!" We talked for a little bit, and took a picture with her. She even asked me to sign her phone case, which I could see had already been signed by Mark. When I saw 'Mark E. Fischbach' written in small cursive, I just looked up and smiled at Mark. I did sign her phone case, and gave her a hug, too. When she had to leave, I made sure she got back to her mother safely, who had been watching from a distance. I waved one last time, and then continued toward Mark. When I reached him, I immediately took the sign away from him.

"WHAT is this?" I immediately fired questions at Mark. "What is wrong with you, putting (S/N) on here? What if he actually saw this if he was here? I would die, Mark. I would die."

Mark was laughing too hard to even answer me, so I just stared at him with my arms folded. I really wasn't upset...

"I... I... Oh, that was too funny. Where is Jack, anyway?"

"His flight got delayed by an hour. Seriously, what is wrong with you, Mark?"

"So, you admit it. You DO like him!" Wouldn't you know, my cheeks warmed up and betrayed my feelings once more.

"What?" I tried to be as chill as possible. "I never said that."

"Ah, but you meant it, didn't you. Otherwise, you wouldn't have freaked out about the (S/N) sign." Dang it, Mark....

"Okay, so I may or may not have a crush on Jack." By this time, Mark and I had reached the car, and all of my bags were in the trunk.

"I knew it! I knew I was right! That's so cute, (Y/N)." Mark fangirled a little, but I just rolled my eyes and got in the passenger's seat.

"Whatever, Mark. Just... Don't make a big deal out of it. And don't you dare tell him anything." I said

We started the 30 minute drive to Mark's vacation home. Of course, Mark wouldn't let my airport escapades go, so we talked about that for a while (against my will). Thankfully, conversation eventually drifted to other things.

*Time Skip*

Mark and I had finally reached the house. It was huge- Three above ground stories and a large basement. We had already worked out rooms, said hello's, and all that jazz. But somehow, the jet-lag was hitting me already. Hitting me hard.

With a yawn, I said, "Mark, do you mind if I take a quick nap? Time differences really mess with me."

"Sure, go right on ahead. Your bags are already up there, third floor and down the right hallway."

I thanked Mark and said good night (good afternoon?) to everybody. I reached my huge room and just took it all in for a second.. Mini kitchen, huge his and hers bathroom, small sitting area with a TV, two queen sized beds... Jeez. But I would explore later. For now, shower and sleep! I showered, changed into my pajamas, and the minute my body hit those thousand thread count sheets, I fell asleep.


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