05: Mafia

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After playing Twister and a bunch of other games, we all decided to play Mafia. Mark went to go get cards, and the rest of us sat in a circle, saying things like 'I bet I'm going to die first' and just making jokes. Through all of this, though, I was quiet. I just stared at my wristband and thought about the man sitting across from me. I have such strong feelings for Jack- I seriously almost explode with happiness every time he looks at me. I noticed that he is also kind of fidgety around me... I want to think that it is because he likes me, but I can't let the 'hopeless romantic' side of me catch hold of my emotions and send them in every known direction.

I felt a poke on my arm, but I didn't really pay attention. I was registering nothing around me... As usual, I was too busy thinking.

"... (Y/N)?... (Y/N). (Y/N)!" Molly finally got my attention.

"I'm sorry, Molly. What's up?" I turned to look at her.

"Geez, girl, you were zoned out! Um, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Of course!" I got up and followed Molly to the kitchen. I was immediately worried; did something happen between her and Wade? I asked her about that, and she said,

"Oh, no! Me and Wade are perfect. It's you I wanted to ask about. You seem kind of... I don't know. Jittery sometimes, super happy sometimes, and always around a certain person..." I sighed. Molly had already guessed that much. I told her everything I could in 3 minutes; my crush on Jack, how I feel about telling him, everything. She nodded, and listened intently, which I was thankful for. She was just about to ask another question when-

"(Y/N)! MOLLY!" I bet Wade missed Molly already. "ARE YOU GIRLS ALIVE IN THERE?"

Molly answered for both of us. "Yeah, Wade, we are! We'll be right there."

"Okay, because Mark already handed out cards and...."

Molly turned back to me and asked,

"Is it okay with you if I tell Marzia? I want you be able to talk to either of us whenever you need to."

"Molly, you are the greatest. Of course you can tell Marzia. But tell her not to tell Felix... I know he'll tell Wade, who will tell Mark..."

"Who will tell Jack. Felix would do that... And so would Wade and Mark." Molly said.

"I know. And they say guys don't gossip." I said as we walked out of the kitchen, laughing.

*Jack's POV*

(Y/N) and Molly return to the sitting room, giggling about something. (Y/N) is so beautiful; her eyes sparkle when she laughs. And she has such an amazing laugh: it's contagious. Molly, (Y/N), and Marzia all sat next to each other anyway, so they returned to their seats. Molly looks at (Y/N), and she nods. Molly then turns to Marzia and whispers about something. Marzia quickly glanced over at me, and then back at Molly and (Y/N). She gives (Y/N) a smile, and then looked back at me... Crap! She caught me staring at them. Molly, (Y/N) and Marzia all just looked at me with a smirk on their face. I quickly dropped my gaze to my wrists- lucky I always wear my wristbands. I started to play with those. After about a minute, I look up. (Y/N) is playing with a wristband, too. She has a small smile on her face. She looks around at our friends, talking in a circle. When her gaze crosses my path, though, her eyes rest on me.

*Your POV*

I am staring again. And I barely realized before Jack physically waved to me from across the circle. I smile again, and wave back. I realize that Mark, Felix, and Wade are staring at Jack. Molly and Marzia were staring at me, smiling knowingly. I could not stand this tension. We had a game to play, did we not?

"Are we going to play Mafia, or what?"

Mark seemed to suddenly come out of a trance. "Oh, yeah. Who wants to narrate?" I volunteered. The game started up, and everybody looked up at me to start. As narrator, I just had to relay what happened each night in the town. I start out by saying,

"You all are citizens in the town of... YouTuber Heights. There is Mafia on the loose. How many? That's your job to find out. Go to sleep." And the game continued from there. The first person to die (in game, of course) was Mark. As narrator, it's part of my job to say how each person dies. So I said,

"Last night, we lost a member of YouTuber Heights. Someone was walking the road at night, when the Mafia jumped him. They tied him up with rope and threw him off a cliff."

"That person was... Mark." Everyone looked at Mark, and then laughed.

"See?" He said. "I told you I would be first to die!"

"Mark," I said, "As a ghost, you need to come over here and stand by me. I can't have you talking to Wade over there." Of course, he put up a fight, but Mark eventually came and stood by me.

The game then continued from there, and the next to die was Jack. I announced his death and told him to come stand by me. He didn't even seem to mind. Before he came over to me and Mark, he said,

"Well, now that I'm a ghost, I can see who killed me!" Everybody laughed, of course, and Jack came to stand by me. He and Mark, being Jack and Mark, start a shoving match right away.

I continue my narration, and then tell everyone to close their eyes for nighttime. I am telling each group of people when to get up when I feel Jack run into me. Mark's eyes widen as I gasp in pain. My ankles had crossed when I was moving around, and Jack running into me made one of them twist a little too far to the left. Everyone's eyes open and look at me. I feel like I'm falling in slow motion.

I feel an arm under me. Jack caught me.... Somehow.

Oh my gosh. He has his arm around me. If he keeps his arm there for any longer, my heart will probably stop working. I'm in a good amount of pain, but I still have a little fan-girl in me. Jack wrapped one arm around my shoulder and helped me stand back up. Molly and Marzia hopped up from the floor and made me a little chair-and-ottoman setup so I could elevate my ankle. Mark had already gone to the freezer to get me an ice pack, and Felix, Wade, and Bob helped wherever they could.

My friends are the greatest, aren't they?

Jack was still helping me out, asking me questions and helping me stand.

I tried to walk a little bit, but you can guess how that ended up. My ankle flared up in pain again, my knee buckled.

And in one swift movement, Jack had one arm under my back, and one arm under my knees. He literally had just picked me up. Swept me off my feet. I think I may have just exploded from happiness... Even though my ankle still hurts like crazy. That sudden movement from me trying to walk just made my ankle hurt more. I cringed slightly in pain, and Jack sensed that. He slowed down, just so that he would walk with less bounce and he wouldn't jar my ankle. It took a substantial amount of self-control not to reach up and kiss him right then. Jack carried me over to the chairs Marzia and Molly had set up, and lowered me into the chair gently. Mark had returned with the ice pack, and that was now resting on my ankle.

I know I didn't twist my ankle, but I just needed to stay off of it for the swelling to go down. Everyone was hovering around me like worried mothers, asking if I was okay. I assured them that I was fine.

"My ankle is numb, anyway; I can't feel a thing!" That earned a laugh from everyone, and I said,

"We have a game to get to! Mafia to catch! We need to continue our game."

"Are you sure?" Bob asked. But I was not attending this pity party any longer. I eventually got them to stop worrying and play the game. Mark and Jack sat by my chair the whole time, acting as sentry soldiers. We did end up finishing the game (Molly and Marzia were Mafia) and we played, like, four rounds after that.

A minor accident intertwined with a major amount of fun. I would say that, accident and all, this is the most fun I've ever had playing Mafia.

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