07: L.A. Nights and City Lights

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Dinner was incredible! Everyone knows that I like to eat, but I'm kind of a picky eater, in a way. This food was fantastic. Mark, (Y/N), Felix, Marzia, Molly, Bob, Wade, and I were just joking and laughing over dinner. Every so often, one of the girls would get up and go to the kitchen, and return with another course. We all laughed, and talked, and our conversation switched between Wade telling jokes, the rest of us laughing, and then me asking (Y/N) if her ankle felt any better. Each course was more delicious than the next, and I loved it all. Once dinner was over, it was late, so everyone thanked (Y/N) and Molly profusely, then headed off to bed. Of course, I waited for (Y/N); there is no way I am letting her walk up the stairs by herself, ace bandage or not.

*Your POV*

"You ready?" Jack asked me. He insists on walking me up the stairs, and I am not complaining. I answer yes, and we begin the slow ascent to the third floor. Once we got there, Jack held the door open for me and I walked inside. Actually, I hobbled inside. Standing up for so long made my ankle hurt, so I just want to hurry up and shower so I can sit down.

"Hey, Jack, do you mind if I shower first? I want to get off my feet quickly."

"Of course!" Jack said. "Just let me know when you're done so I can shower after. And when you're done, don't forget to put on your ace bandage and prop your foot up, okay?" I quickly agreed. I went to my room to grab my pajamas, and then headed off to shower.

*Jack's POV*

I was waiting in the sitting room in front of the window when I heard the water go on. I sat and watched the city lights, vaguely remember hearing the water turn off, and then back on. I'm feeling a lot of emotions right now- worrying about (Y/N)'s ankle, guilt because I ran into her, anger at myself because I didn't see it coming.

I did my best to shake off what I'm feeling- I heard (Y/N) come into the sitting room, proclaiming,

"The shower is all yours, Jackaboy." I thanked her, getting up and turning around before I realized something.

"(Y/N), why is your bandage off? You could have hurt yourself again!"

"It's okay, Jack. I can't sleep with it on anyway." She spoke reassuringly, but I still want for her to sit down and rest. Before I walked out, I said,

"Just make sure you sit, okay? I want your ankle to feel better." (Y/N) nodded from the couch, and I went and grabbed my pj's from my room and went to go shower.

*Mini- Time Skip*

When I left the bathroom, I went to the sitting room and found (Y/N) sitting in the same spot that I had been in. Her foot was propped up on a pillow, and she was looking out at the lights. The ace bandage was nowhere to be seen, and she shifted, trying to get comfortable every so often. Again, I felt guilt tugging at my heart. I can still barely fathom the fact that I'm the one who hurt her...

"Looking at the city?" I asked.

"Yeah. Want to join me?"

*Your POV*

"Sure." Jack came and sat down next to me. For a while, we just looked out at the city. Every few minutes, I had to adjust my foot pillow to ensure that I stayed as comfortable as possible. I was now sitting directly next to Jack, practically shoulder to shoulder. I heard him take a quick breath, and I laughed internally and shifted my position slightly. However, my body moving meant that my foot moved with it, and I was not ready for that. My foot slipped off the pillow and hit the floor, I all I could say was,

"Ow." That single word didn't really convey how much that hurt. That one 'ow' was laced with pain and surprise. Once I got comfortable again, I was fine- in slight pain, but I was fine. Next to me, I felt Jack stiffen. I heard him inhale sharply. I looked over at him, and his beautiful blue eyes were glassy with tears. I quickly shifted so I was facing Jack on the couch. He was already looking at me- or, rather, my foot.

"Jack, what on earth is wrong?" I asked. He seemed fine just a second ago. His breath hitched once more and he sighed.

"What's wrong is what I did to you. (Y/N)..." He looked at me, and I promise you that I have never seen someone look so upset. "You are in pain because of me, and I hate that."

"But Jack-"

"If Mark and I hadn't been playing that stupid game, I wouldn't have run into you, and..."


"...Now your ankle is hurting... again..."


"What if you can't walk properly for a long time?..."

"JACK!" I had to whisper- yell, because I didn't want to wake anyone. Jack looked at me. His eyes were still laced with tears, but I wouldn't let him cry. Not because of me.

"Jack, look at me." He did. "None of this was your fault. Okay? No matter what you say, no matter how you say it, you cannot convince me that any of this was your fault, okay?" Jack hung his head, and said,

"But you still got hurt. I was the one who bumped into you." I put my hands on Jack's shoulders and made him face me.

"Jack. This is not your fault. Okay? It's not a big deal, either. This happened once when I was running track, and someone ran into me. By Wednesday, I should be just fine. Tuesday, even." He sighed, the tears gone.

"Okay." He said. To take his mind off of that, we talked about a ton of other things. I couldn't begin to name all of the topics, because we talked well into the night. I do know that we eventually trailed into our own thoughts, and just looked out at the lights. The last thing I remember is slumping over onto Jack's shoulder and the city lights slowly getting blurry and dim.

*Jack's POV*

(Y/N) and I were quiet for some time. I thought that she was just choosing not to speak, but her head began to slowly slide onto my shoulder. Her breathing had evened, and I gathered that she had fallen asleep. I felt safe with (Y/N)- And knowing she felt safe enough next to me to fall asleep on my shoulder was a feeling like no other. I noticed that her cheek was warm- I could only imagine what she was dreaming about. I let her settle into a deeper sleep before carefully picking her up and carrying her to her room. (Y/N) shifted in her sleep, and her head fell into my chest as I walked. My cheeks heated up and I'm sure they were glaring red. When I got to her room and reached her bed, I carefully put the sleeping girl down. She immediately shifted to a comfortable position, and I covered her up with the blankets on her bed. As I laid her down, I noticed she had a little stuffed animal on top of the covers- a little septic eye Sam! I blushed, remembering that she was a fan of mine just as much as I am a fan of hers. I put the little Sam next to her, and then returned to my own bed. I fell asleep facing the wall that separated our rooms, looking at the dim glow of the city lights from under (Y/N)'s door.

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