10: Dream On

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*Your POV, Tuesday Night*

I wake up, and get dressed as usual. I head downstairs and make pancakes for my friends: as usual. The house is strangely quiet, but I don't even notice it. Jack is the first to walk into the kitchen, greeting me with a smile and grabbing pancakes for himself. We eat in silence for a few minutes before I begin to feel strange. I can feel someone's eyes on me. I look to my right and I see Jack just looking at me with a small smile on his face. Self-conscious all of a sudden, I ask him,

"What, do I have something on my face?"

"Yes," he replies, "A smile." A smile that I didn't even know I had on grew wider.

"(Y/N)...? Do you want to go out on a date with me?" I stared at Jack incredulously, not believing this was real. He just out and asked! Is he asking as a friend? Does this mean he's interested? Are we more than friends now? He's staring again.... What do I do? What if...

"(Y/N), do you have an answer?" I snap back into reality. "I mean, I'm not rushing you, or anything..."

"I need no extra time, believe me. Of course I will go out with you!" Jack's face flushed a light pink, and a smile lit up his face.

*Time Skip, 6-ish*

Jack and I leave the house with a picnic basket. I'm not sure where we are going, but it has to be a grassy area. We had been walking awhile though, and when Jack asked me to cover my eyes. I had an idea of where we were going...

When Jack told me I could open (even thought he had his hands over my eyes anyway), my eyes were greeted by the same scene from my walk with Mark!

"Jack, how'd you know? This is my favorite place in L.A.!" My face had broken out into a huge grin.

"Ah, a little Fisch told me you liked it here." Jack matched my smile, and we both laughed at his corny joke. I'll have to thank Mark later... It turns out that he was right. Jack and I sit on the hill's edge, and he opens the picnic basket we packed. We eat, laugh, and talk for what seems like only 2 minutes, but had to have been at least half an hour. Time flies when you're having fun, I suppose. I love him. For forever and ever, and then some more time after that. The sun is setting now. It seems to be slipping under the ripples in the river water. It truly doesn't get any more gorgeous than this.

"The view is so beautiful..." I sigh happily.

"Yeah, it is." Jack says, looking straight at me. "(Y/N), I love you so much. I would wait as long as I have to if it means I get to spend the rest of my days with you. Will you be my girlfriend?" My eyes widen and overflow with tears.

"Of course! Yes, yes, yes, I will be your girlfriend, Jack!" He wraps me in a hug, and as we pull away, we look into each other eyes. His ocean eyes seem to get even more beautiful as he leans toward me. When our lips meet, I melt into the kiss. A sweet, sunset kiss...


I shoot up out of bed, disgruntled and mildly upset. That dream had felt so real... My heart is going 100 miles an hour, my cheeks are on fire, and I am sweating more than usual. I lie back down and smack my face into my pillow. The pillowcase smells like... Strawberry? My Chap Stick flavor... Either I had been kissing my pillow, or my face was buried in it all night. I groan into the pillow, mortified with myself (even though it does smell good) and hope that no one is around. Jackaboy is soundly sleeping, thank heavens. I quietly pull back my blanket and get off my mattress. I walk towards the glass sliding door- which Mark is standing behind, smirking, arms crossed. He opens the door and lets me inside.

"So, you and ole' Leprechaun went stargazing after hours?" He says. I sigh and take a seat on a stool as we enter the kitchen.

"Mark, we were looking for constellations and talking. Just taking advantage of the fresh air, that's all." Mark just smiled at me and said,

"Oh, give it up! You can't even talk about Jack without smiling, all giddy like a three year old in a candy shop. You love him, don't you." He wasn't even asking anymore. I put my head down on the island and nod into the granite. Mark smiles knowingly and says,

"Now, do you know if his feelings are the same?" I lift my head from the table and shoot Mark a glare.

"Of course I don't know!"

"Well," Mark says, "Maybe you should find out." And with a knowing look in his eyes, he heads for the kitchen door. Before he can leave, I say,

"Hey, Fischbach." He turns around. "Thank you." He looks confused.

"For what?" He asks.

"For everything. Letting me stay here, introducing me to everyone, letting me talk to you about anything, being my close friend... Everything."

"You're welcome, (Y/N). You're welcome." I see a smile form on his face as he walks out of the kitchen.v

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