13: Wish Upon A Shooting Star

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*Your POV, Friday Afternoon*

Something has been bugging me all day. Jack told Felix that he was waiting for the perfect setting to kiss me. Where would that be? Certainly not in the house. Whenever Jack and I are anywhere near each other, someone is bound to be around. I don't know where this setting is, but I'm excited to see it!

*Jack's POV*

Today is the day I have waited for since I first got to know (Y/N). I can finally look into her perfect (E/C) eyes and say those words, 'Will you be my girlfriend?' I am too busy thinking to notice that Mark had come and sat down next to me.

"Dude. Jack. Sean." I snap out of my daydream and my eyes focus on Mark.

"Sorry, Mark. What's up?" I apologized.

"You're asking me what's up? You asked me to help you pick out a restaurant." Mark looked at me quizzically.

"Oh, right!" I exclaimed. I had enlisted in Mark's help to plan out where to go for my date with (Y/N). I asked her this morning if she wanted to spend some time together, and I have everything planned out... Except the restaurant.

"Oh, Jack! How about....?"

"Mark? That's the best idea I've heard all day."

*Your POV, 5:30*

I was in my room, wrapping my last gift. My mind was alternating between focusing on wrapping the present correctly and trying not to freak out about my date with Jack. I heard a knock at the door, and I was only too happy for a distraction. I opened the door to my room and saw a black box on the floor. I picked it up, inspecting the box with a wary glance and reading the top of it. Kay Jewelers, huh?...

"Oh, it's gorgeous!" I say as I open the box. Inside it, sitting on a satin pillow, is the most beautiful pearl necklace I've ever seen. Jack then poked his head into the room and smiled.

"Can I assume that you like the necklace?" He asked, stepping into the room.

"I love it!" I say, throwing my arms around him.

"Great!" He exclaimed, smiling. "You want to get ready? I was hoping we could leave soon."

"Sure." I said. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," Jack said with a smile. "But for now, just get ready, okay?"

"I'll look my best!" I said with a smile.

Jack looked confused. "What do you mean? You always look your beautiful. Just dress fancy." And with that, he left to let me change. So for the next hour, I did everything in my power to look amazing. Showered with mint body wash- check. Brushed teeth- check. Face washed and glowing- check. Since Jack said that this was fancy, I put on one of my favorite dresses- It was a dark blue, satiny material. It fell to my knees and flared out a little bit. It was kind of close fitting, but I loved it. I paired the dress with my new pearl necklace and pure white heels. Foundation, perfume, lip gloss, and a touch of mascara later, I was ready. I grabbed a white clutch and was about to go downstairs when I heard another knock at the door.

"(Y/N)! You ready?" I heard my Irish romantic calling me.

"Yeah, can I come out now?"

"Of course!" He said. I opened the door to reveal only the most gorgeous man I have ever seen looking even better than per usual. Decked out in a black suit (and I mean full suit) and dark blue tie, he and I somehow matched perfectly. All I could do was gape.

*Jack's POV*

When (Y/N) opened that door, I don't think I was ready to see her look twice as beautiful as she usually does. Her hair was curled and fell in rings down her back. Her (E/C) eyes seemed even more beautiful than they did a few hours ago, and the necklace, purse, and shoes offset the dress perfectly and made her look amazing. She smelled like roses, and I told her so as I handed her a white rose.

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