15: Open The Floodgates

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I said yesterday that I was saving all of my tears for my departure with my friends.

Well, it's today. I'm at the airport with everyone, and I'm laughing and crying at the same time. We are all making a little too much noise (as usual) and remembering everything that has happened over the whole week.

"Do you remember when we all went out and stargazed?"

"Oh, and the swing dancing circle?"

"Right! Remember our board game day?"

"Remember when I go tackled?"

"And when the power went out?"

"Yeah! And we camped in the living room and made s'mores over the stove..."

"Embarassing (Y/N) and Jack..."

"Truth or Truth!"

"And when you and Molly made us Olive Garden?"

A lot has happened in only a week...

"Do you remember when I asked you to be my girlfriend?" Jack asked me.

"Of course I remember, you goof..." I gave Jack a peck on the cheek and a big hug.

"Remember when you gave me this?" Molly said, turning to me with the pillow that I made for her. "I'm using it for the plane ride home." I smiled, thinking of yesterday.

"I remember. So much has happened this week, you guys. And... and I don't want it to end. I'm gonna miss you guys a lot, okay? We are all going to collab, and talk often. I don't- don't ever want to forget this week..." Tear number one made its way onto my cheek. Jack saw it and wrapped me in a hug.

"It's okay, (Y/N). I know you don't want to leave... None of us do. But... I'm going to cry if you keep crying!" I laughed through my tears, and I turned to my friends. Marzia was already tearing up, her head resting on Felix's shoulder. She came over and joined in our hug. Of course, being cliche as we are, everyone joined the hug. And just as we all let go, Bob, Wade, and Molly's flight was called to board soon. So they had to head out.

"Bye, you three." I said, wiping away my tears and putting on a genuine smile. "I gave you all my Skype, we have to keep in touch and play games and stuff, okay?"

"I promise, and I'll keep these two in line, okay?" Molly said. I laughed, hugging her and the two men one last time before they waved and headed for their gate. As we continued to talk, Marzia and Felix's gate was soon called. We also had a tearful but happy goodbye, promising to text and call and all of that.

Then... Jack had to leave.

"Gate 11, boarding for Ireland in 10 minutes." Came a woman's voice over a loudspeaker. I then got playfully angry at her.

"How does she sound so calm? You're separating me and my friends!" I said. Mark and Jack burst out laughing, and when they calmed down, my tears came again. My eyes overflowed, looking like Niagara Falls, and I threw my arms around Jack and cried.

"Jack... She's really separating us! You're leaving... And then I'll have to leave to fly home... and... and Mark! We're leaving you, too!" Jack just hugged me, stroking my hair and letting me cry. Looking into Jack's eyes, I saw tears that he was fighting. I turned my head and even though his eyes were as glassy as mine and Jack's, Mark said,

"Don't worry... About ole Markimoo. I'll be okay." He sniffled, and then laughed. You know, it's funny. Felix has Marzia, Bob has Mandy, Wade has Molly, and now Jack has me. But Mark lives alone. I suddenly felt a pang of guilt, but I pushed it aside and pulled Mark into a hug.

"Mark... You better not cry. I'll cry even harder." I said, laughing.

"Yeah. She's already soaked my shirt." Jack said to Mark. I turned to Jack and saw that while my head was on his shoulder, my tears had indeed soaked into his shirt.

"Oh Lord, Jack, I'm sorry..." Jack looks at me like I'm crazy.

"(Y/N), it's okay! My shirt smells like roses now... But I have to go, sweetheart."

I put on a brave face. "Okay, Jackie. Call me as soon as you have WiFi, okay?"

"Okay." He promised, smiling at me. I watched him pick up his bags and wave to me and Markifart one more time before heading off to his gate. I watched him, and he turned waved and mouthed 'I love you' before checking in and disappearing into the hallway leading to the plane. 'I love you', I mouthed back. My tears riled up once more. Mark took one look at me and said,

"You need a hug." I don't know how Mark knew. But he's an amazing friend and I really did need a hug. I nodded silently and Mark wrapped his arms around me. He let me cry until I stopped, and he said,

"I know, (Y/N). Really, I do. But you'll see Jack again, I can guarantee it." I again felt guilty. I guess I couldn't hide the change in expression on my face because Mark said,

"What's wrong? Your mood changed."

"Mark... I'm- We're all leaving you alone! And-"

"(Y/N). We've only become closer after you all came this week. You've got Jackaboy now, and that is amazing! I have a bunch of best friends I can call and Skype any time I want, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you guys a lot, and you're all in my life, even if you're miles away. We'll all see each other again soon, I promise." Mark smiled, and he made me feel reassured. "Now-"

"Gate 17, boarding for (Your State/Country/Home Town) in 10 minutes."

"Impeccable timing." Mark laughed. "Just text me when you land, okay? No more tears for now." He smiled, and set me at ease for the first time since Jack left.

"No more tears. Thank you so much, Markimoo. For letting us come, for making this happen, for being such an amazing friend, and for everything."

"You're welcome for everything. Now, go before you miss your plane, you goober." Mark and I hug one last time before I grab my bag and head toward my gate. I check in, and I see Mark still watching me. Just before I leave and walk into the connecter hallway for the plane, I mouth to him,

"Goodbye, you Goofy Goober." I can hear his laughter from where I am as we both wave to each other, and I step into the hallway, cutting off my view from Mark.

*Ping!* My phone goes off and I get a text from Wade.

"Group chat!" That one included all eight of us.

And another text from Jack.

"I love you, (Y/N). I'll see you on Skype when you can get on, kay? Love you (Your Nickname)!" I laughed and texted my boyfriend back.

"I love you too, Jackaboy. See you soon!" My phone fell silent, neither of us could text from lack of WiFi. As I boarded the plane and found my seat, I got comfortable and leaned my head against the window. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see other planes taxying down the runway and lifting off into the air. Just as I was looking out, I saw Jack's plane lift off of the runway and speed off into the distance. Within a few seconds, it had disappeared into the clouds.

I love you, Sean McLoughlin. I love you more than you'll ever know.

This week might be over, but I know I still have many an adventure to have. I have a man in my life that I love, a bunch of new best friends, and countless memories to treasure forever.

P.S. It's not over yet, you can't get rid of me that easily! More to come, just wait. Don't forget to read in between the lines! :D


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