18: Welcome To the Septic Side

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Nothing seems quite the same after I've been with Jack for a while. I'm five weeks removed from our week together, and I'm holed up in my house, in a melancholy state of mind. Well, not really. I'm kind of exaggerating. But I've just been in a sad, kind of reflective mood today. I'm remembering every detail from our week down at Mark's, from beginning to end. All the dates that we've been on, ending up in laughter and smiles. The time we went ice skating, got ice cream and then talked and stayed at Moonlight Pond after. Live streaming and YouTubing, together and with other friends. Skyping in general. Truth is, I'm missing my Jackaboy. My one and only, my boyfriend. Of course, we Skype every day like we said we would, but Skype calls can only get so personal. Meaning, I'm not kissing my screen.


I have a quilt over my lap, the one Jack gave me as a gift from our nighttime outdoor sleepover under the stars. My hair is kind of just hanging out on my head in a loose ponytail, barely brushed and not taken care of in the slightest. I'm wearing a purple camisole, grey sweatpants, one green sock and one blue sock, and I'm sitting on my couch, staring at the ceiling and trying to envision his blue eyes...

His lovely cobalt eyes-

My newest train of though was interrupted by the doorbell. With I sigh, I got up to answer it. Flinging my door open, I didn't see anyone but was met by a small brown package on my doorstep. Who sent me a package? I pick it up, reading nothing but-


On the outside of the box. Upon opening it, there is another little box, a red one, along with a note. The note said-

'Take the box and open it. I hope you like what's inside! Whatever the thing is, you can put it on now or later. Also, go back inside, close the door, and wait 30 seconds before opening it again.'

Following instructions, I went inside and opened the box to find a little glass ring with a Septiceye in the middle! I squealed with joy, slipping it onto my left middle finger. I held out my hand, admiring it like it was a priceless jewel. Well, it is to me, at least. Even though I was enamored by the ring, I realized that it's been much longer than thirty seconds. I placed the box on the kitchen table, humming happily and admiring the ring on my finger as I went to go re-open the door.

I opened my door, and the humming stopped. I also stopped smiling, as my jaw seems to have fallen off. There, on my real life doorstep, is Sean William Jacksepticeye McLoughlin, decked out in a full suit like on our first date.

And he's on one knee, holding a little black box in his hands.

"(Y/F/N)... I don't even know where to begin." He pauses, actually thinking, then continues. "I could say so much, and yet not enough words exist to voice how much I love you. Your beautiful eyes that sparkle when you're excited, your soft smile that seems to be as infectious as your personality, your perfect laugh that carves through the air and sounds like a melody... But looks aren't even half. You're intelligent, brave, and caring. You know how to make me smile and you never fail to do so. When I met you for the first time in person, two years ago at Mark's house, I knew I loved you. And to this day I haven't had a single doubt about my love for you. I wouldn't want to spend a day where I couldn't see your beautiful eyes, or hear your musical laugh. I want you around, with me all the time. I want to be able to kiss you and hug you whenever I want to. So what's I'm asking is..." By now, I knew what was coming, but I'm still in shock. Tears of pure joy are streaming down my face, having to move around the hands that are covering my mouth. I am about to explode with happiness when I finally hear him ask me The Question.

"(Y/F/N). Will you make me the happiest person on the planet today and marry me?" My smile grew insanely wide as I cried,

"Yes! Yes, a million times yes I will marry you!" He removed a gorgeous diamond ring from the box and placed it on my left ring finger, right next to my little septic eye ring. The finality of the ring made me cry all over again. Jack stood up, smiling immensely and looking a little teary eyed himself. I threw my arms around him, and he laughed, stumbling back at the force but hugging me back tighter. We stood for a while, on my doorstep, just hugging. I smiled, feeling his steadfast heartbeat in sync with mine. After some time, Jack let go, smiling, and said,

"You know, I recorded that."

A/N- I know this is short,  but I felt like the chapter should be on its own. I'm sorry for not updating, I get back from vacation and went straight into school. So here it is,  hopefully I can update again this weekend sometime. Thank you for being so supportive!  :D


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