12: Truth or Truth

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For the amount of time my friends and I have been sitting here, we should have thought of a game by now. We've thrown out ideas here and there, but none get an actual response until I say,

"Oh, let's play Truth or Truth! " I suggest. Everyone says their own version of, 'What the heck is that?' I quickly explain the rules; it's pretty much Truth or Dare, without the Dare. The point of the game is to get to your friends to answer questions you usually wouldn't get to ask. So you ask a series of questions to different people, but you have to take turns asking. One person will start by asking someone a question. Whomever they ask that question to has to answer, and then that person gets to ask someone else. However, you have to ask different people for at least 2 more rounds before you can ask the same person a question again.

*Mark's POV*

This is PERFECT! (Y/N) suggested we play Truth or Truth. That is the perfect game to get her and Jack to admit they like each other; they have to answer any question we ask them. I exchanged looks with Felix and Marzia, who were sitting to my right and left respectively. They grinned at me knowingly. This is going to be amazing.

*Your POV*

Everyone seemed really eager to play, for some odd reason, so we all sat in a small circle in the sitting room, in the same place where we played Twister on Sunday. While everyone got situated, Mark decided that he would go first. Of course, he fired the first question at me:

"Do you have a crush on anybody?" I froze up.


Mark instantly said, "Oh, is that not a question I can ask?" I was quick to reassure him that you can ask pretty much anything in this game.

"So, you're stalling. Do you have a crush on somebody?" Mark is such an... I don't even know what. But he knows dang well that I like Jack; I told him in the airport on Saturday!

"Yeah, I do like somebody." I am glad I wore my favorite wristband today; I immediately took it off and began to play with it so I didn't make eye contact with anyone. I quickly asked Molly a question. She asked Bob something, and the circle continued. Somehow (not surprisingly), the last question landed on Felix before he asked me again:

"So, (Y/N). Is your crush a YouTuber?" I answered yes, and my hands found their way to my bracelet once more. I asked Mark something about a girl, and then he asked Jack:

"Jack. Do you have a crush on anybody?" He seemed to be playfully irritated with Mark, and quietly answered yes. There were a lot of questions asked, because this game is made up and it can go on for any amount of time. Here are the ones they asked me:

"Do you have a crush on anybody?" Yes.

"Is your crush a YouTuber?" Yes.

"Is your crush older than you?" Yeah, by a year and change.

"Does this crush have a name?" Um, yea! "What is it?" One question at a time, don't push your luck... I got a laugh out of everybody for that one.

Does your crush have dyed hair? A quiet Yes.

Is your crush sitting in this room?

I feel like I've just been punched in the stomach. I don't even notice when Wade gets up and leaves, and then comes back. My heart aches out of fear. If Jack finds out I like him, I won't be able to look him in the eyes for at least two years... Or ever again. If his emotions don't match mine, I don't know what I will do. There are a lot of 'if's'... Sigh.

I fight back a rouge tear threatening to fall from my eye. I'm genuinely so afraid for him to find out. I don't want to answer the question, because when I do, Jack will know.

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