16: Flashback And Fantasy

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Jack and I have been dating for two years. Of course, we've had our fights, our disagreements, and our own personal struggles, but we never let that break us up. Never once have we taken a break, never once did either of us see other people. We have an amazing relationship- I don't even talk to any other guys aside from Mark, Wade, Bob, Felix, and a few others I've had him meet. He's introduced me to his female friends- there are few of them, and I am happy about that. But this just goes to show that we have a strong relationship- bonds that cannot be broken by distrust or jealousy. I am his and he is mine and nothing will change that. Ever.

I still remember when I went to meet his family...


The door flew open, and there stood Mr. and Mrs. McLoughlin. I gave Jack's hand a squeeze, and then let go so he could hug his parents.

"Mom! Dad!" He yelled happily, like a three year old being picked up from daycare. He embraced them both, then let go, smiling.

"This is my girlfriend, (Y/F/N)." I smiled and stuck my hand out for one of them to shake. Mrs. McLoughlin surprised me by brushing my hand away and giving me a hug. Mr. McLoughlin did the same, saying,

"Anyone Jack loves, we love, Miss (Y/N). Come in and meet his brothers and sisters!" I didn't take more than four steps into the house before the door closed behind me and 5 people came at me with hugs from all sides. I laughed and hugged them all back, and they pulled away, introducing themselves.

"I'm Malcolm, and this is Jack." Said the first, playfully pointing to Jack, who had one arm around me.

"Yeah," He had said, turning to me and laughing. "I'm Jack, your boyfriend for the past 4 months... Duh." I giggled.

"I'm Alexander, but call me Alex, please!"

"I'm Keeva, the third child and the most normal." We all laughed at that one.

"My name is Jason. I like your smile!" I smiled even wider when he said that.

"I'm Harmony, and anyone who likes hugs, I approve!" I remember at that moment feeling completely comfortable with the whole family. We ate (because he invited me to dinner so I could get to know the family), laughed, talked, and learned a lot about each other. I really loved his family, and I remember leaving because Jack and I were going out before I had to go to the airport.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. McLoughlin, and Malcolm and Alex and Keeva and Jason and Harmony. You guys are such an awesome family!" I remember meaning every word of that.

"Thank YOU (Y/N), for making my older brother happy!" Alex yelled.

"Yeah, last time he was this happy was when he got his DS for his birthday and was sitting on the island with no shirt on playing it all day, giggling and screaming like he was 2 years old."

"Oh, did he get it for Christmas when he was younger?" I asked. Jack shook his head ferociously at Keeva, but she ignored him, saying,

"No, that was last year." I snickered, took one look at Jack, and I along with all of the McLoughlins screamed with laughter.

*Flashback End*

And when he came to meet my family...

*'Nother Flashback*

"Jack, you'll be fine. I promise my family will love you!" I turned to my boyfriend, who was paler than usual, making his hair look unusually green.

"(Y/N), do you promise your brothers won't beat me up?" He asked jokingly. We both laughed as the door was opened by my oldest brother. I gave Jack a kiss on the cheek, then ran to hug my brother.

"Ethan!" I yelled as I gave him a hug.

"Hey, little sister! It's been too long." He pulled away as I said excitedly,

"This is Jack, my boyfriend." Ethan motioned for us to come inside, saying,

"It's nice to finally meet you, Jack. We've heard so much about you in the last year and change. Soooo much..." I giggled and shoved Ethan lightly as we walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah," my sister spoke up. "You might as well live here with how much she calls us to talk about you. I'm Rose, by the way, and this is Michael." My second oldest brother turned around and waved to Jack before excusing himself to set the table.

"Seriously. (Y/N) calls so much. Jack this, and Jack did that... At least now we have a face for the name!" Jack laughed, and I sensed that he was more comfortable with my brothers. They're all a bunch of teddy bears, really.

"Jack, nice to finally meet you." A deep voice interrupted our conversation as my dad walked in, my mom following him.

"Nice to meet you as well, Mr. (L/N)! And you, Mrs. (L/N)." He said, shaking their hands. My parents and siblings spent the next hour getting to know the man I fell in love with for the next hour or so, eating lasagna for dinner and then playing Monopoly. I remember leaving for a second to silence my phone when it had gone off, and I heard quiet murmurs from the living room, and then Rose squealing. I quickly shoved my phone in my purse and ran back into the room.

"What? What? Rose, I heard you yelling." She just laughed and assured me that everything was fine. When it was time to leave, Jack was actually reluctant to go.

"(Y/N), thank you for inviting me to this. Thank you, (L/N) family, for accepting me into your home so readily."

"GROUP HUG!" I yelled as my family drew me and Jack into a hug on the front porch, then let us go. As we drove away, they all yelled,

"GOOD LUCK, YOU TWO!" as we drove away.

*Flashback End*

I realize that I have been standing in front of my suitcase for about 20 minutes, reminiscing about our relationship. I had pulled it off of the little conveyor belt thing that spits out luggage from the airplane. I began to walk away until I heard someone say,

"(Y/N)?" I don't know how I heard someone with all of the hustle and bustle around me, but I heard loud and clear. I turned around, and Jack stood a little ways away from me, huge smile donning his face.

"Jack!" I take my suitcase and dodge people and their bags and their children, running toward my boyfriend. I drop it when I reach him and he wraps me in a hug, picks me up, and spins me around. Tears of joy came to my eyes as I said,

"I'm finally here, Jack!" We pulled away and stared at each other, reveling in the moment. After so long, almost a year, I was seeing him in person again!

"Finally, you're back in Ireland. Welcome to your home away from home." He smiled as we laughed, and I said,

"Jack. Ireland or (Your Location), it doesn't matter. You are my home." He took my hand and grabbed my bag, and we headed to his house.


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