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Warning! Possesive Chat, which includes swearing and maybe some sin? Not sure what you consider as sin, so idk xD

Marinette woke up in a cold place again.

She started shivering all over and she felt cold. She was grateful for putting a jacket around her waist. But her shorts didn't help her get warm.

She felt scared again. This Chat Noir guy, whoever he was was making her feel so small.

"Princess, what did I say about you being a bad girl?" a voice startled her out of the dark.

She jumped at his voice, when she felt a pair arms pulling her on her feet. She started shaking from fear.

"W-Where is he?" she asked, trying to ignore his breath on her neck.

"He's fine," he shrugged.

"A-Alive?" she asked as she felt his lips being pressed onto her neck, slowly trailing kisses down to her shoulder.


For a moment there she felt relieved.

He stopped exploring her neck and sighed. He hugged her from behind and burried his head in her neck as he did a few hours before.

She still didn't know what was she supposed to do. Standing in embrace with one of the criminals, correction the leader of the criminals, wasn't something on her bucket list.

"Would you believe me if I said that we didn't take him?" he asked her, his hot breath tickling her.

"N-No," something about his presence felt comfortable. She couldn't quite put it, but it did.

"Thought so,"

Suddenly a sharp pain shot through her neck as he smirked. He slightly kissed the spot he has bitten, then turned her around.

They couldn't see each other, due to the darkness in the room, but she felt gloved hand ride her shirt up a bit.

"That's a gift for you to remember that you're mine," he smirked as he leaned down to her lips. He didn't kiss her though. He was waiting for her.

She was shaking with fear, still confused, not knowing that to do.

"I'm n-not y-yours!" she tried, but she knew it wouldn't help her.

"I knew you were a stubborn type, but princess you seriously need to loose more," he stated as he pressed his lips to her cheek, making her red in the face.

She had no idea why she blushed.

Marinette took a deep breath as she pushed him away, making him surprised.

"Help!" she yelled, before she started running somewhere, trying to find a way out. She found the door quicker than she expected then started running towards exit.

She only heard laughing behind her.

Marinette ran without knowing where to go, she cried along the way.

She heard footstops closing up on her, so she sped up, trying outrun the other person. But before she knew, someone jumped on her and pushed her to the floor. She didn't realize she was on the grass until now.

"Now listen to me, Marinette," his voice was serious. "You won't try and run ever again,"

"Why?! Why do you want me?!" she cried, trying to break free from his grip.

"If you ever run again, I won't let your friends live. So stop being uncontrolled and start behaving like a normal person!" he yelled at her.

"A normal person would try and run as far away from you as possible! You are a bloody psyhopath!" she cried. (A/N sherlock anyone?)

"Marinette, you will be mine. And I don't care what it takes to get you, because I will do anything," he said calmly. "Remember my words, princess, I don't care what I have to do,"

He roughly pushed his lips against hers, her struggling to get free, but he was too strong. She cried into the kiss, but he wasn't giving up.

She didn't want to return the kiss, but he was too forceful.

He broke off and watched her scared eyes. "When I let you go, don't run,"

She scaredly nodded and he stood up, offering her a hand to take, but she slapped it away, getting up herself. "You know, princess, you amaze me sometimes,"

"Just fucking leave me alone," she spat in his face.

He took her hand in his and she realized how perfect they fit. She swallowed hard as he came closer to her.

"One day, princess," he leaned down on her eye level and smirked. "One day, you will willingly surrender yourself to me,"

"You are sick," she tried to push him away, but failed.

"And I will be waiting for that day,"


Possesive Chat, hope you liked it 😂😂

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