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I AM REALLY SORRY THE REVEAL CAME IN SO QUICKLY :) the original story was supposed to have only eleven chapters, but I made fluff into angst so it has more now. Hope you like it!


"You know that hurt," Chat held his nose, but had no idea, why Marinette was stoned on the spot.

Then he finally realized that he was not feeling a mask on his nose. 

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't m-mean to," she held her hands in front of her mouth, waiting for him to yell at her. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. 

But instead of any pain, he carefully grabbed her hands and smiled at her. 

"Mari, princess, look at me," he whispered and she did as he wanted. "It's okay. You were going to find out anyway, it just came sooner than expected,"

"A lot sooner," she sighed. 

He held her closer and wrapped his arms around her petit waist. 

Marinette didn't know how to react, but she hugged him back. 

"W-What's your name then?" she asked. 

He pulled back, looking in her eyes. No matter how many times, he's seen them, her eyes were something he could look at for eternity and not get bored. 

"You sure you want to know?"

She nodded as he sighed. Chloe was the only one who knew his name. Was Marinette ready to trust? Of course he trusted her. But she didn't trust him.

Oh well, then he just couldn't let her out of his sight.

"Adrien," he spoke quietly and Marinette if she wasn't listening, she wouldn't hear it.

Marinette's eyes widened as she remembered the name. Where has she heard it before? It felt familiar.

"You okay?" he asked as he picked her up, surprising her and placing her on the bed, lying beside her. She put her head on his chest and closed her eyes. 

She felt exhausted, even though she woke up a few hours ago. 

"Go to sleep, princess," he pressed a kiss to her forehead and she nodded. With that she fell asleep in a criminal's arms. 


"I know he's still alive. Even if my father doesn't think so. I know Adrien is still alive,"

Felix's words echoed in her head as she shot up from the bed, hitting the boy in her arms in the process. 

"Princess?" he asked. He fell asleep as well soon after his princess drifted off to sleep. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she apologized as she stood up. He was still sleepy, but got up as well.

"What's wrong?" Adrien asked. "It's like six o'clock in the morning,"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted a late night snack," she lied. Adrien was too tired to read her, so he just went along with it. Chloe locked the door for sure, he wasn't doubting that, so Marinette couldn't leave the place. "Or early breakfast, I don't even know,"

"You eat snacks at six o'clock in the morning?" he tiredly asked. 

"Well, you only live once!" she was panicking. What if it was true?

"Nobody says that anymore," he yawned. "There's probably food in the fridge exept if Chloe ate all,"

"Okay, thanks," she hurried down the stairs, nearly falling a few times and then got lost, but after a few minutes she successfully came to the kitchen. 

She sat on kitchen counter with a yogurt and a spoon and started thinking about all the information she had. 

Could Adrien be the Adrien? 

Is it possible that she's been kissing Gabriel Agreste's son?

But that didn't matter. Was there a possibility that the kidnapped son of one of the most known couples was right there? That he's been alive all this time, leading a gang? 

He was kidnapped, wasn't he? 

Marinette washed the spoon and put yogurt back on its spot.

She looked at the clock. It was half past seven in the morning. She was thinking for hour and a half straight.

And stress eating of course.

She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts and started preparing breakfast.

Marinette made pancakes. Everyone knew Marinette wasn't the best at cooking, but pancakes were something she could do amazingly.

"What's the smell?" It was around half past eight, when Adrien came downstairs.

"Oh, good morning sleepy head," she saw his hair was still wet, probably from shower. He was only dressed in sweatpants, but other he was shirtless.

"Oh for god's sake, put your shirt on," Marinette complained. 

"Princess, I know you like it," he smirked. 

She had to admit, he was hot. He had sixpack for god's sake. He caught her stare.

"Don't drool," he smirked at her. "I'm all yours," 

"I was drooling over my pancakes, you idiot!" she playfully poked him in the arm. "But seriously put a shirt on," 

"What are you afraid that you're gonna rape me?" Adrien teased. 

Marinette blushed, when she remembered what she said the day before. "Shut up,"

Adrien tried to sneak one of the pancakes, but she slapped his hand. "Hey!"

"I made pancakes for myself. You go make your own breakfast," Adrien looked like a lost puppy. She had to laugh at his face and offered him one. 

He gladly accepted it and laughed. 

"Mari, I know you are not prepared to tell me this back, but I love you," he became serious in a matter of seconds. 

She cupped his cheek. "I-I can't,..-"

"I know and I'm not going to force you into telling me," he pecked her lips. "But I love you anyway,"

She nodded. 

"Since we're talking about serious things," she said and looked at the floor. Was she able to tell him? What if it was just a coincidence? What if she was wrong?

"Go on...?" he felt weird.

"I might be wrong," she took a deep breath. "But I think I know who your parents are,"

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