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Marinette didn't know where he was driving her, to be honest she was a little scared.

It wasn't long after she heard traffic again, realizing they were in Paris once more.

They stopped soon and Marinette tried to take off the blindfold, but Adrien stopped her. "Not yet, princess,"

She couldn't exit a car, because she didn't find the handle. She heard the door unlocking, then strong hands lifted her. She felt a little uncomfortable, being so close to him again, but she tried not to show it.

But he saw. And he felt awful for it.

She felt that they started walking. It wasn't a long walk, she even felt the feeling when you're in an elevator, before he finally put her down, unfolding her.

Marinette blinked a few times, before she saw a blanket and a picnic basket in front of her. On the freaking Eiffel tower. "Wha..-What's this?"

"I wanted to make it up to you, so I prepared this," he sighed. "And I really hope you like it,"

She smiled at him, letting him take her hand and sitting down on the blanket. She looked at the view and it was amazing. She has never been this high up.

"Thank you, Adrien," she smiled at him and he returned the smile.

It was already night, so the lights were turned on and the city was all bright.

She noticed him staring at her, so she blushed. "What? Is there something on my face?"

He moved closer to her, but this time she didn't move away. "No, I'm just admiring your beauty,"

She blushed even more this time. She was already red in the face, so she looked down.
"Look, Mari, I didn't want to scare you that time," he started, feeling bad. "I just snapped, because talking about my parents is just not something I like to do,"

"I'm sorry too," she sighed. "I pushed you way too hard,"

"Princess, you are not to blame," he gently grabbed her chin, turning it towards him. "Please,"

Their noses were touching and she could feel his warm breath on her lips. But before they could touch, she pulled away, standing up. "I-I'm sorry, I-I can't,"

Adrien looked at her helplessly as she sighed. "I can't do it, Adrien, I'm sorry,"

He stood up too. "Why not, princess?"

"Because, we are totally different people! You are a criminal and I'm just a normal girl, who never got in trouble for anything. Okay, fine one time when I punched a girl's nose, who was eating my nerves! But that's it! I can't be with you or around you. I just want to have a normal life, to find a normal boyfriend and a family. I don't want to be kidnapped and forced into something I don't want! Please, if you love me, just let me go," she cried. There. She told him everything that's been bugging her from the beginning.

She saw Adrien's clenched fists, but she couldn't see his face, since it was facing the floor and his hair was covering it.

"And I promise I will never tell anyone about you or the gang, just please,..-" she sniffed.

"Go," he muttered. She looked weirdly at him. "Go, before I change my mind,"

With that, she ran towards the elevator, leaving her heart in Adrien's hands. She felt awful, but great at once that she stood up for her life.

She was suprised he let her go. "Why?" she sighed. "Why did he let me go?"

Marinette felt sad that he didn't pull her back. Did she want it? Did she want to be with him?

She cried as she ran towards home. The key of the apartment was still in her pocket of her white shorts, but she knew she hid another somewhere around the door.

She just didn't want him to know it.

"Doormat?" she looked under it. No, no key there. There were some plants next to the door, so she looked there. And when she found the key, burried in one of the plants, she felt relieved.

Marinette unlocked the door, getting in, then safely locking it again.

Why did it feel so wrong, when she knew she did the right thing?

She picked up her phone, which she left on the table in the kitchen and saw so many missed calls.

A few were from her parents, others were from Alya.

She dialed her number and pressed call.

"MARINETTE DUPAIN-CHENG. WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" Alya's voice was filled with worry.

"Hey, I'm really sorry, I was unpacking and I left my phone somewhere and it was on silent so I didn't hear it," she lied.

"Oh,..-Nino said you were with a boy and I didn't believe him. Your reason is way more believable, since I know you," Alya sighed in relief. Her best friend was okay.

"I need to call my parents too, so I'll talk to you later," she ended the call and dialed her mother's number.

"Hey, maman," she greeted.

"Sweetie, you finally called. We were a bit worried, since you didn't show up for your shift," Sabine said.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry! I was unpacking and I lost my phone between all that stuff," she used the same excuse as with Alya.

"Does that mean you already unpacked all? Tom and I will come visit tomorrow then," Sabine said as Marinette's eyes widened.

She didn't unpack anything!

"Yeah, that sounds great! I'll see you tomorrow then," she ended the call, then looked around the apartment and on the clock, panicking.

It was eight pm, which meant she had whole night to unpack everything. "I can do this. I can do this," she sighed as she started with all the boxes in the living room. "It will take my mind off Adrien. I can do this,"

It was six o'clock in the morning when she finally did it. She flopped on her finally dressed bed and closed her eyes.

She swore that it was just a minute after, someone knocked on her door. She tiredly looked at the clock, seeing it was ten in the morning. She had four hours of sleep. Good for her.

She dragged herself to the door and opened it.

"Happy birthday!"


I started watching Tokyo Ghoul. Watched the whole season in one day. Help me plz 😂😂😂

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