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Marinette woke up in a foreign room. She felt cold, so she brought her legs to her chin and hugged them. She saw a blanket on the bed, but she didn't want to touch anything that wasn't hers.

She sighed as she started shaking even more from cold. Why was it so cold in here?

"Oh, you are awake," a girl with brown hair popped her head in the room. "I'll bring you fresh clothes,"

She bitterly smiled at Marinette, before she left the room. She soon returned with new clothes and gave them to Marinette.

"Bathroom's in there if you want to shower," the girl showed on the door. "Also my name is Volpina, if you need anything,"

Marinette saw that she tried to be nice, but her words seemed harsh. Hate in her eyes was unavoidable. Especially when she looked at her neck.

"O-Okay, thank you," she tried to stand, but she sat down again, because she felt a bit dizzy. Volpina left her, not wanting to have anything with the girl.

Marinette sighed as she tried to get to bathroom again. She made sure the bathroom was locked, before she took off her clothes and stepped in the shower.

She felt warm water run down her back and relax her. Marinette still had no idea what was that girl's problem.

She didn't know how long she was in the shower, but she stepped out anyway and looked for a towel, before drying herself up and putting on fresh clothes. Volpina brought her a pair of black jeans, a tight green shirt and a black jacket.

She looked at the mirror and realized that Volpina was disgusted about. There was a hickey on her lower neck.

Marinette closed her eyes and wished this was all a dream, before opening them again, but nothing seemed to change.

Her messy hair was all over her face, still a little wet. She let her hair out of the pigtails, so a little of her hair covered the love bite.

She dried it a little more, before unlocking the door, stepping out.

Marinette was surprised when she saw Chat Noir sitting on an armchair in the corner, reading a book.

He lifted his head from the book and looked at her. His mouth nearly fell open, but he contained himself. "You look amazing,"

She blushed, even though she had no reason to. She wore a normal outfit. "Thanks, I guess,"

He looked at the page, he finished reading on, before standing up and grabbing her hand.

"How are you feeling?" he asked her and she shook her head.

"I'm okay," she said, even if she felt a little hungry. He noticed, she was lying. It wasn't hard to spot liars.

"Princess," he warned her. How did he know she was lying? But then again, he was the leader of criminal gang.

"Why do you wear a mask?" she asked, not knowing what to expect. She brought her hands up to his face, putting one on his cheek, so she was playing with the edge of the mask.

If she saw his face, she could tell the police how he looked like.

He put his hand over hers and smiled at her. "You will find soon enough,"

"Why not now?" she asked, lost in his eyes. Were his eyes always this green? She snapped out of the thought and moved away from him.

"It's not that I don't trust you, princess." he smiled at her. "It's that you don't trust me,"


"I means if you see my real face and police will be one step closer to me if you told them," he smirked. "Princess, I've seen a lot of plans, and this one doesn't take a genius to come up with,"

She pouted. He has read her again and she didn't feel proud.

"I'm truly sorry that I have to do this," he moved closer to her, but she put her hands in front of her and stepped away from him.

"What a-are you doing?" she asked. She hated how he could read her, but she had no idea what he was about to do.

Before she knew, he had her hands holding in one of his and put a blindfold on her with the other. "If you see where we are, we can be in serious trouble,"

She shivered as he spoke in her ear. "And we don't want trouble,"

"Y-You're criminals," she whispered.

"We are, yes," he smirked. "I see you still that mark I left on you,"

His finger touched the harmed spot, which stung her a little. She jumped slightly and didn't know what to do. This man was doing stuff to her that she has never felt before.

The worst thing was, she kind of liked it. Not that she would admit it.

"Let's go," he said as he held her hand, guiding her forwards. But as the first turn came, she tripped over her own feet.

Chat however caught her, but shook his head. "Clumsy as ever, princess,"

He grabbed her bridal style, before started carrying her around. She felt being placed on a car seat, but other that that she felt nothing.

"You will still keep your blindfold on, because I don't want to reveal my identity yet," he smirked as he kissed her cheek. It startled her and she nodded.

She saw how pissed he was yesterday. She didn't want to test his temper again.

But she knew he wouldn't harm her. Something was telling her to get as far away from him as possible, but everything else felt like she needed him.

She felt so sick, she just wanted a normal life.

She heard the car start and they started moving.

"Where's Felix?" she had to know, even if it made him pissed.

He groaned and gripped the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles turned white, but he kept calm. He knew how to control his anger and there was no way he would unleash it on the girl he loved.

"Home," he simply replied. "He was only knocked out for the time we took you. I honestly don't care what happens to him,"

Lies. Lies. Lies.

The truth was that something about Felix felt so familiar. He wanted to kill him, but heck he couldn't.

Why was it so damn hard?

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