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"Adrien?" he hummed in reply. "Why did you even fall for me?"

"That's a really good question, princess," he smiled as he stood up, streching his hand out for her to grab. She smiled and took it, so he pulled her up.

"Then answer it," she said, making him think. He remembered the experience like it was yesterday.

"You were the first one to care," he smiled at her, making her a little confused.

"Have we met before?" she asked weirdly.

"I'm kind of wounded you don't remember," he smirked. Her eyes went wide. Have they really met before? "It was a few years back. At the playground in the center,"

Marinette tried remembering. "We crashed together. You were holding a basket, full of croissants,"

She narrowed her eyes. She did have some memories. "You were the first to not yell at me for being clumsy,"

"If I'm honest, I can't imagine you as clumsy," she laughed, but thought about it. It did felt somewhat familiar.

"I guess, but I was. I was shorter than you," he placed his hands on her waist. "You saw the bruises I had from training, so I had to lie that I fell,"

Then something in Marinette's head clicked. "Adrien,"


"No, his name was Adrien," she laughed. "I remember giving him a croissant. I also looked forward to play with him, but he never showed up again,"

"Well, let's just say my foster father wasn't the nicest person," he chuckled. "I'm kind of glad he's gone,"

"Adrien, that is not nice," she poked him in the arm with a serious expression.

"Believe me if you met him, you would say the same," he laughed.

"It still isn't nice," she crossed her arms on her chest.

"Fine, fine, I'm sorry," he said and pressed a kiss on top of her head.


Saying that Marinette was nervous wasn't even begin to explain it. But Adrien was even more nervous, even though he knew how to not show it. He was about to see his father!

"I still can't believe that I got a job as Gabriel Agreste's intern! What if they send the letter to wrong person? And maybe I'm not Marinette Dupain Cheng they were looking for. Maybe I have a evil twin who is secretly trying to steal my looks, my career, my life and she applied as me..-" she was cut off by a kiss, Adrien placed on her lips.

"Will you shut up?" he raised an eyebrow. "It's making me feel nervous,"

"You have nothing to feel nervous for, I do!" she exclaimed. "What if he doesn't like me? What if he'll replace me with someone better?"

They were walking towards the Agreste mansion. She insisted of going half of hour before the time they have to be there, because Marinette was known for her tardiness.

"Look, Mari, I know you will do great," they stopped for a moment. "He wouldn't hire you for some stupid reason or to make fun of you. He hired you because he liked your work and I know you will do great,"

She took a deep breath. "Thank you for going with me,"

"Hey it's my pleasure and besides it my job to help my girlfriend when she needs it," he kissed her nose and she giggled.

"Thank you, Adrien," hand in hand, they both countinued their way towards the mansion and with each step, Adrien became more and more nervous.

He didn't want to show it, but Marinette saw that something was bothering him. She squeezed his hand, making him took at her.

"What's wrong?" she asked and stopped. He looked at her with confusion.

"What do you mean?" he asked, trying to cover up his nervousness. (A/N DO NOT START SINING. I AM BEGGING YOU)

"You are more nervous than me. What's going on?" she asked, looking him directly in the eyes, making it impossible to lie to her.

"I-I have a job to get done there. And I'm afraid it won't go as planned," he took a deep breath.

"Please don't tell me you're going to kill someone," Marinette's eyes widened and Adrien laughed.

"No, princess, I'm not going to kill anyone," he cupped her face. "We should go, before we're late,"

"Now you're the one being all nervous," she giggled.

"Can we just go?" he sighed. "I want to get this over with,"

"I really want to know what makes you so nervous," actually she kind of suspected, what was going on, since she was still hoping that Adrien was in fact Gabriel's son.

Not because of being able to get privileges in his company, but because she wanted him to find his real family, who would love him in the way he deserves.

They stood in front of the big gate and Adrien nervously rang the doorbell.

Camera started working and a female's voice spoke up. "Are you here on appointment?"

They both nodded and before she could get their names, a man's voice spoke up. "Let them in,"

They entered and stood in front of the stairs, waiting for someone to give them orders.

Marinette's eyes widened, when she saw a tall man on top of the stairs, while Adrien's face remained emotionless.

Gabriel's expression softened and his eyes reflected shock. "A-Adrien?"

Adrien pursed his lips. "Hello father,"


Yeah I have no excuses why I didn't update:) I just didn't. Kinda stopped your suffering since there was no cliffhanger on the previous chapter:D

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