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"You guys should stay for lunch," Sabine smiled at the couple.

Marinette was red from blushing and Adrien was having a good time. "I mean if it isn't a burden to you,"

"Oh no, son, not at all," Tom smiled, hugging Adrien sideways.

"Mari, dear would you help me prepare?" Sabine asked and Marinette nodded, leaving Adrien and Tom alone. Adrien gulped, even though Tom was nice to him, who knows what could happen when they were alone.

"You know, Adrien, you're the first boy that she brought home," Tom smiled. "She must really love you,"

Something in Adrien's stomach started spinning. "You think so?"

"Indeed, I can see the way she looks at you," he smiled.

"I hope. I love her too," he crossed his arms on his chest and looked down. She wouldn't love him, would she?

"Don't break her heart," he wasn't even mean nor he was theatening. "She is my little girl after all,"

"I would never dream of it, sir," Adrien smiled. Which he meant seriously.

"Oh please, call me Tom," Tom laughed. "Good, now let's see what girls need," they walked into kitchen, where Marinette and Sabine were peeling the potatoes.

Marinette saw them first, which made her smirk. Before Adrien could do anything he felt a splash of cold water on his face.

"Marinette!" Sabine said as she saw Adrien's wet hair. "Now go get him a towel,"

"He deserved it!" she chuckled, but obeyed her mother and gave him a towel.

"Why? What did I do, Mari?" fake cried he dried his hair as much as he could.

Marinette shrugged and went back to peeling potatoes.

"Can I help with something?" Adrien offered, but Sabine shook her head.

"Thank you, Adrien, dear, but we can manage," she pulled Tom to the sink and gave Marinette towel to dry her hands. "Now go with your boyfriend,"

"Mom," Marinette sighed. Sabine gave her a look she knew too well and she nodded, dragging Adrien upstairs to her room.

All that was left from the room were some closets and a little material she had stored.

"Pink," Adrien groaned. "Too much pink,"

"Oh, get over it," Marinette pulled him closer. He had no idea what she was doing, but he didn't mind.

"What if I can't?" he asked, their lips really close together.

"Then there's nothing I can do," she wanted to close the gap between them, but he moved away.

"Princess, you said you want nothing to do with me. Why are you doing this then?" he asked. He knew that if he let her kiss him, there was no way he could control himself. But he hated himself even more that he moved away.

She felt her cheeks heat up, looking down at the floor. "I-I don't know,"

He gently grabbed her hands in one of his, then with the other hand lifted up her chin, so she would look into his eyes. "Maybe you should know the reason behind it first,"

She nodded, stepping away from him. "Why did you bring me to your parents?" he was curious. Really curious.

"I-I just wanted to get revenge by embarrassing y-you. And my parents have been trying to get me a boyfriend since I remember so I uhh.. Well I thought it would work out well," she blushed even more, which made Adrien chuckle.

"It was a good plan, though," he laughed as she nodded.

She sat down on her old chair, sighing.

"Princess?" she looked at him, when he walked over to her. He took off his ring he wore as long as she knew him. He kneeled down to her and smiled at her.

He took her small hand, placing the ring on her middle finger. It was big on her, so she watched him in confusion. "Adrien, this is your ring,"

"And I'm giving it to you. To have something to remind you of me," he said as he stood up. She looked at the ring, twirling it around her finger.

It was all silver and even though he had it on all the time, it was still cold. "Wait what do you mean by to remind me of you?"

"After this we'll part, right?" he sadly smiled at her as he stood up, only to be pulled by her hand. "You said you want to live a normal life with no complications along the way,"

He knew it was working. Trying to get away from her, but be pulled back by her. He saw how she hesitated, when he mentioned going separate ways.

Adrien knew he had her now.

When humans are about to lose something, even if they didn't like it, they will hold back. They won't want it to leave. It was human nature.

And Adrien understood it better than anyone.

"W-What about that speech you gave me 'you will be mine, no matter what I have to do'?" she asked, still holding his hand.

"Do you want me to?" he raised one eyebrow. This was going right according to plan. She avoided his eyes, it was so hard.

She wanted to be with him, now more than ever, but if there were any complications it would look awful. Besides, didn't she want a normal life?

They stood there in silence for at least half an hour, before he saw a slight nod. His eyes went wide as she finally looked at him. "Yes," it was like a whisper.

"Very well," he kneeled down to her again, lifting her chin up a bit, then closing the gap between them in a kiss.

She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. They pulled apart soon, though.

"Kids, lunch's ready!" Sabine called from downstairs.

Marinette pecked his lips once more, before running down for food.


Yaay finally together 😂😂

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