t h i r t y - s e v e n

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Alya slowly opened her eyes, seeing a familiar person cleaning her wounds.

"N-Nino?" she slowly asked, her eyes still not fully open.

She tried to get up, but the boy grabbed her shoulders, gently pushing her down.

"Slowly, you're still hurt," he said, wrapping her lower part of her arm into bandage.

"Wha..-What happened?"

"You tried running out of the window and got wounded by broken glass," Nino sighed and moved away from her.

Alya bit her lip. She looked at the man in front of her.

This was her Nino.

The boy she fell in love with.

But at the same time, this was a gang member, who has probably killed a lot of people.

And what was keeping him from killing her? He could just grabbed her by the neck and squeezed it.

He could just left her there to bleed out.

"Why are you d-doing this?" she asked, feeling hot tears slowly run down her cheeks. "What is keeping you from killing me?"

Nino's eyes slightly widened, then he softly smiled and leaned down so they were closer together. "Do you know why we firstly ended up together?"

She shook her head.

"You know that first date we went on?" he asked. "That was me trying to get you as far away as I could from Marinette,"

Nino's hand rested on Alya's cheek and he wiped her tears.

'How was I so stupid? He never loved me,'  she thought.

"Then, when I started spending time with you, I kind of fell in love," he sighed. Alya looked at him with shock in his eyes. "And it pained me so much, that I couldn't tell you who I was. Because I knew that if you found out, you would leave me without a second thought."

"N-Nino, ... I-I.." she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "H-How am I supposed to believe you?"

"I always knew you wouldn't believe me, I guess I just had a little bit of hope," Nino kissed her cheek and stood up.

All of the sudden a siren was heard out of no where.

Nino's eyes widened as he carefully, but quickly lifted Alya up and went to the corner of the room and placed a hand on the wall.

A secret passage opened and he put Alya in the room behind it. "Whatever happens, stay here and don't move!"

"But..-But what about Marinette?"

"Chat has it under control, don't worry," he assured her and kissed her forehead before closong the room.

"You better stay there,"


Marinette was terrefied when she was testing her new skills for real.

She was able to defeat two bad guys and she hid behind a pillar in the room. It was in the dark corner of the room, so nobody saw her. Some of the men were fighting and she could see Chat shruggling to keep pace of the bad guy, he was fighting.

Even for someone as trained as him was hard to keep up with him.

Other men weren't as trained as him, so Marinette assumed it was the leader.

"You won't win," Chat breathed out between fight. He was dodging attacks his opponent was sending his way and he had hard time doing it.

Adrien knew his opponent knew all of his moves.

"What's wrong, my dearest black cat? Out of breath?" he smirked.

Chat moved away from him. "I could do this all day," (a/n I'M SORRY I JUST HAD TO OK. FOR EVERYONE WHO KNOWS THE REFERENCE ILY)

"I know, but why would I let you?" he smirked, then in a swift of a moment grabbed Chat's hair and kicked him in the stomach, then pushed him on the floor.

Chst coughed blood and looked unimpressed. "That's all you got?"

"I have much more," he smirked, being ready for a fight. He was waiting for Chat to get up.

"Why did you come back?" Chat picked himself up, but before he had a chance to attack, his opponent had him in helpless position.

He had his arms below Chat's armpits, so his hands held Chat's head.

It was the same position Adrien had Nathanael trapped in.

Basically the best position to snap someone's neck.

"Because I'm here to teach you a lesson, son," he leaned down to his ear. "And I'm not leaving until you get it right,"

He pushed Chat to the floor with so much force, that he groaned in pain.

"Chat!" a suprised shriek came from the behind the pillar. Marinette quickly covered her mouth and hid again.

"And who might that be?" he smirked as he walked towards the pillar.

Chat picked himself up, still in pain. "I swear if you touch her..-"

He walked over to Marinette, who was totally paralyzed with fear.

He grabbed her hand and turned her around so her back was facing him.

She was pressed against the man's chest. Marinette felt how he took something from his pocket.

She felt cold metal being pressed to her neck.

"Please! I will do anything, just don't hurt her," Chat begged.

"Anything?" he raised one eyebrow.

"I will do anything," he said, holding himself at the part of his stomach. "Just don't hurt her, Hawkmoth."


Back again with the cliffhangers!

Anyone saw Batman: The killing joke?

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