n i n e t e e n

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For those who don't know who Chien Marron/Carlos is ... He is my oc, used in my other stories Stuck and Reverse:)

She woke up in embrace of a really warm person. She was still sleepy, but she looked at him. His eyes were closed, his golden hair falling onto his face and his chest was slowly rising and falling.

"Did I trick you?" he asked all of the sudden, scaring her.

She held her heart, panting heavily. "What the hell, Chat?! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

He laughed a little as he opened his green eyes, who were sparkling again. "Princess,"

"How are you feeling?" he asked her and she shook her head.

"My arm still hurts, but I'll be fine," she assured him. He didn't want to go into too much psyhical contact with her. She felt uncomfortable and he respected that.

He knew she will be his someday. But this was going slowly and he didn't know how long he could contain himself.

He wanted to kiss her so badly, he wanted her to be his in every way possible.

But that would have to wait for a little while. "I got you some pills for the pain,"

"When did get them?" she asked, willingly taking a pill and a glass of water from his hands.

"I couldn't sleep at the night, so I walked around the building," he shrugged.

"Are you afraid of anything?" she quietly asked and he slowly nodded.

"I am afraid of one thing, yes," he admitted, standing up, walking away from her. "I'll be in the cafeteria. There are some clothes in the closet," he pointed at the closed.

She nodded and watched him leave. He was afraid of something? What was it?

Marinette got up, looking for some clothes in the closet. She decided on long black jeans and a blue shirt.

She changed in the bathroom and covered the hickey with her hair.

She walked out of the room, meeting some people on the way. Most of them wore masks.

She bumped into someone. "Hey watch it!"

Marinette recognized Volpina. "Oh hello,"

"Don't talk to me, you gross piece of shit," she huffed then left Marinette suprised. This girl did not like her at all.

"Ignore her, she's just jealous," a voice startled her.

She turned around and saw a blue-eyed boy with brown hair standing there.

He had dog ears sticking out of his hair and a brown mask over his face. "The name's Chien Marron. Nice to meet you,"

"O-Oh hello, why would she be jealous?" she asked.

Chien sighed. "She wants to be the one who Chat Noir loves. She hates you for it,"

"I wish," she sighed, looking down at the floor.

"You don't want to be with him?" he asked suprisedly and she shook her head.

"I mean n-not that he's not attractive or anything, I just wish I would have a normal life," she sighed.

"You know, he's been more happy since you're around,"

"Oh there you are," a voice startled both of them, when Chat smiled at them. "I thought you got lost and I just figured you caught up in a coversation with my buddy,"

"What happened to doggy butt, pussy boy?" Chien smirked.

Correction: only Nino and Chien weren't afraid of him.

Chat sighed. "Get lost, bag of fleas,"

"That's a new one...-" he smirked. "..-long whiskers,"

"I don't have whiskers!" he exclaimed. "Well your nose isn't the same as dog's either,"

He smirked as he saw how Chien rolled his eyes, then he turned to Marinette. "C'mon, you gotta be hungry,"

Marinette raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm not even going to question what just happened,"

"That would be a very good idea,"

He grabbed her by the hand, dragging her over to the cafeteria. Marinette's breath caught in her throat as she saw how big the place was.

Everyone gasped, when they stepped into the room, which made Marinette a little uncomfortable.

"Just walk," he whispered to her and she obeyed him. They didn't stop in the room, but they were walking through it.

They stopped at his car and got in. "I thought we were going to eat,"

"We're going. I thought we went out for a while," he sighed. "I mean, i-if you're comforable with that,"

She leaned over the seat, placing a kiss on his cheek, which suprised him a lot. "Thank you,"

She took off his mask along the way, looking at it and twirling it in her hands. "Can I try it?"

He laughed and nodded as he started the car. He took off his ears, before he started driving.

"How do I look?" she asked him, when she put on his mask. He laughed. "Cute as always,"

"So where do you want to go?" he asked and she thought for a second.

She did want to get revenge on him and her parents were constantly nagging about a boyfriend, so she had a perfect plan. "My parents' bakery,"

Adrien gulped as he looked at her in fear. "W-What?"

"You heard me, Adrien," she laughed as he took a deep breath.

"I wanted to ask you what you're afraid of, but it's clearly my parents," she laughed.

"I-It's not that, it's just ...-" "You're afraid. Admit it," she smirked.

Adrien sighed as he pulled up to the bakery. "You sure, you wouldn't rather go to McDonald's or something?"

"No, bakery will do," she smirked as she stepped out of the car. He followed her actions and soon they stood in front of the most famous bakery in Paris.

Marinette took a deep breath, before grabbing Adrien's hand, interwining their fingers. He looked suprised, but didn't have much time to think, since he was pulled in by the bluenette.

They saw a woman, a little shorter than Marinette standing at the counter, giving ordeded food.

They stepped in line which was kind of long, but they sucked it up and waited.

"What can I get for you today?" Sabine asked, but her eyes wided as she saw her daughter and a boy standing beside her.

"A few croissants? And maybe a big warm hug?" Marinette laughed as she hugged her mother.

"This is Adrien, my boyfriend," he didn't know what made him more nervous. The fact that he was meeting her parents or the fact that she just called him her boyfriend.

"Oh my!" Sabine didn't even wait, she just pulled him in a hug.

"Tom, Marinette finally got herself a boyfriend!"

Let's just say, Marinette ended up being more embarrassed than Adrien.


I'm sorry that I couldn't update yesterday. That thingy for wifi broke down my wifi stopped working😭😭😭

Anyway it's fixed so hope you enjoyed it:)

Anyone watches Seraph of the end?? I need someone to fangirl with me about mikayuu 😂😂

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