t w e n t y - t h r e e

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Warning! Some violence and some swearing! Also Chat is a prick in this. Tbh that's why I love this chapter:)

Marinette and Adrien fell asleep in each other's embrace, but Adrien sighed when he heard his alarm on the phone. It was six am and he had to be at safe house around seven.

Marinette moaned as she tiredly opened her eyes. "Where are you going?"

"I have to go to work," he kissed her forehead. "I'll be back later,"

She rolled on another side, sleeping on. He sighed and got dressed and drove there. Even before he walked into the cafeteria, the silence was present.

He looked at the most important people in the room, signaling them that they need to talk. They had a special room in the house only for that.

It was isolated, so nobody could listen to their conversations.

"Report mission," Chat Noir noticed one of the members were missing.

He was on the end, while Bubbler, Volpina, Queen Bee, Ladybug, Chien Marron, Cupid and Timebreaker sat around the table. He noticed Gamer was missing.

"Leonardo Abel is dead. Gamer gave his life to protect the gang," Kim said, sadly. Gamer was one of his best friends. Chat automatically understood what was happening, why the chair wasn't full.

"I'm sorry," Chat said.

They all nodded and started discussing other stuff. Volpina was quiet all the time. Chat was curiously watching her. He knew she had some sort of a plan. She's going to do something, he won't like.

"Dismissed," Chat said, standing up, like everyone else.

"How dare you?!"

Volpina was still sitting on her seat, angrily looking down at her hands. Chat looked at her. "Dare what?"

"How dare you just leave your friends and subjects to go on a mission, while you go fuck your girlfriend?!" Volpina screamed at him and he was trying to hard to keep a straight face.

She and Max have become quite good friends after a while and she missed him so much.

Chat couldn't help, but smirk. "Others aren't complaining," he laughed. They actually liked it when he didn't come with, since he was usually too bossy. "Or maybe you're just jealous,"

He turned to walk out of the room, when he heard a scream, more like a battle cry, so he smirked as he already felt something running towards him, he in a swift of a moment grabbed her left arm, twisting it back and up.

She groaned in pain as others watched in fear. Who knew what he could do to her?

"First mistake?" he leaned down to her ear.

She didn't want to answer, battling tears.

"I asked you something," he growled in her hear and twisted her arm a little more.

"Battle cry," tear rolled out of her eye. Pain in her arm was getting only worse.

"Second mistake?"

"I-I provoked you," she cried.

"Good. And finally the last mistake?"

"I-I..-" she cried even more when he twisted her arm even more. "I attacked the leader,"

"Good girl," he smirked, before he twisted her arm even more, so there was a snap.

She yelled out in pain and fell to the floor, holding her arm. Her humerus was broken for sure. Chat Noir turned around, facing everyone. "If anyone tells, I promise you, your case will be way worse than Volpina's,"

He angrily walked out of the room, leaving everyone speechless. This was the first time they saw him so pissed. Lila was lucky, she was even alive.

Ladybug ran to Chat as he tried to leave. There was nothing for him to discuss there.

"You okay?" she put a hand on Chat's shoulder and he nodded.

"Lila has always been eating my nerves," Chat groaned. "She can't get the hint that she's annoying,"

"Don't tell anybody, but I'm happy you put on her place, even if you broke her arm," Bridgette laughed.

"I guess," he shurgged. "Now if you excuse me, I need to go arrange something,"

"See you around, Chat Noir," Ladybug waved, before running in the other direction.

He sat in his car, taking down his mask and ears then drove somewhere. He hoped it would be okay for it.


Marinette took her time to wash her hair. She wrapped the tower around it and only in her underwear walked into the room. She was picking clothes to wear, when the door opened and Adrien stepped in. He didn't see her at first, but when he did, he couldn't stop staring at her.

"I-I'm sorry," his voice jumped on a higher tone.

"W-Would you be nice and stop staring?!" she asked and it finally accured to him that she wants him to turn around. He did as he was told, but he couldn't get the picture out of his mind.

She was so beautiful. He took a deep breath, before apologizing again.

"It's a-alright, I guess," it was around four pm, when he got back.

"I'm done," she said, when she was fully clothed. He turned around slowly.

"I am so sorry," he said as he walked towards her. She saw it in his eyes.

"No you're not, you stupid cat," he kissed her cheek and held her hand. "No, I really am not,"

"Go get ready. We're going somewhere," he said, pecking her lips, before he went to the bathroom.

Marinette didn't have time to ask where, so she just picked out shorts and a shirt, then waited for him.

He offered her a hand. "Shall we go, my lady?"

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