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"C-Chat, I-I killed him," Marinette sobbed into his chest.

He didn't care about his wound. It hurt like hell, but the fact that she was crying hurt him more.

"You saved me, princess," he caressed her hair.

"I-I wasn't thinking clearly," she cried. "I'm a murderer, Chat,"

He knew that whatever he would say wouldn't make her feel better.

He was the same after he killed his first victim.

The only difference was that he was 6 years old then.

"Listen to me, Marinette," he lifted her chin and wiped her tears with his thumb.

She bit her lip and closed her eyes. "I'm a killer,"

"Whatever you do, won't ease the pain," he said. "But time heals. And you should let it. There's no point im crying now. It gets better by time,"

"Do you feel anything when you kill someone?" she wiped her nose into the sleeve of her shirt.

He took a deep breath. "It's complicated,"

"Do you even care who you kill?!" she exclaimed as she pulled away from him. "Or do you kill ruthlessly, not even caring about human lifes?"

Chat lowered his head, letting his hair to fall onto his eyes. "I remember everyone's name, Marinette. Every single one of them,"

"Prove it," she huffed.

"Ivan Bruel, Sabrina Raincomprix, Mylene Haprele..-" he looked up at her with tears in his eyes. "..-Nathanael Kurtzberg,"

"I know every single name, princess. And if you think I'm some heartless person, yes you're right, I am. But I have feelings too," he sighed and stood up.

He made a face when pain shot through his stomach.

Marinette was so focused on herself that she forgot he was wounded. "Chat, you need help now!"

She let him support himself on her and they walked to the room Chat showed her.

There was a girl, who was cleaning up a few people. Nino was one of them.

"Oh god, you two okay?" Alix asked her helped Chat sit down on one of the chairs in the room. She took some things and started cleaning up his wound.

"How are you feeling, man?" Nino asked him. He had one of the arms seriously hurt and wrapped, but other than that he was okay.

"I'll survive," he smiled.

"You have Marinette to thank her for that," Nino smiled.

"Where's Alya?" Marinette asked Nino. He told her which room and she was on her way.

When she opened the door, Alya ran in her arms, hugging her tightly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Marinette wiped her cheek. "I-I just..-"

"I killed someone, Alya,"


When Chat was all patched up, he left the room and went looking for Marinette.

A hand on his shoulder stopped him and his first instinct was to grab the hand and throw the person into the wall, from self-defence, but he slowly turned around, finding himself from eye to eye with an unfamiliar person.

"I'm happy you won," the female spoke. Her hair was red and her blue eyes were piercing through him. "If he won, I doubt Paris would be spared,"

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Chat asked.

"I'm Tikki. I'm the one who was supposed to take Hawkmoth's place if he died," she replied. "But don't worry, I won't try anything,"

"Oh, in that case, it's nice to meet you," Chat shook her hand.

"Yes, indeed,"


Marinette waited silently in his room in the safe house. Her tears nearly dried, when he entered.

"Princess?" she looked up to him. "How are you feeling?"

"Well, Alya understood why I killed someone," she said emotionlessly. "She was still shocked, though,"

"Believe me, I still am," he sat down next to her.

Uncomfortable silence filled the room. Nobody knew what to say, so they just sat there for who knows how long.

"I-I told you I loved you," she whispered.

"Do you regret it?" he asked her, sincerely hoping she wouldn't.

"No. I still do. I'm not sure how I fell in love with my kidnapper, but I did," she snorted.

"What will you do?"

"No, Adrien," she cut him off. "The question is what will YOU do," she said. "Will you let me go or will you keep me here as your pet or what?"

"I-I..-" he didn't have an answer to that.

"Couldn't you just stop being gang leader and create yourself a life worth living?" she started crying. "I don't know, make a family, get married or something?"

"Would you take me back if I stopped being in the gang?" he raised one eyebrow.

Her eyes widened at the question. Would she?

"I-I...-" she took a deep breath. "I would,"

This time was his eyes that widened. "You would?"

"I love you, Adrien. No matter what you have done, all your mistakes and flaws, I love you," she burried her face in her hands.

He just stared at her with shock in his eyes.

"Then I would gladly do that,"



also only epilogue left 😓😓

Also I'm sorry I didn't update earlier. I had fitness training for the first time in the season and I'm barely standing. I really like the new coach, but he's like "we're starting slow," and then he makes us run two laps, one like 600m. I'm dead, so if I don't update, I probably burried myself somewhere where nobody can find me:)

Idk I didn't even went through the chapter, probably typos everywhere, idec rn. So plz don't give me a hard time

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